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Created May 14, 2019 11:51
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// ==========================================================
// CSS Grid Mixins (take one)
// ==========================================================
// global grid variables (☠ = don't touch)
$☠__ms-col-gap: null;
$☠__ms-row-gap: null;
$☠__ms-col-count: null;
$☠__ms-row-count: null;
// repeat function
@function repeat($repeat, $stuff: 1fr){
$list: ();
@for $i from 1 through $repeat { $list: append($list, $stuff, space); }
@return $list;
// grid-column mixin
@mixin grid-column($start: auto, $span: 1){
// grid-column-gap using left margin
@if $☠__ms-col-gap and not $☠__ms-col-count and $start != 1 {
margin-left: $☠__ms-col-gap;
@supports (grid-column-gap: 1px){ margin-left: 0; }
-ms-grid-column: if($☠__ms-col-count, $start + $start - 1, $start);
-ms-grid-column-span: if($☠__ms-col-count, $span + $span - 1, $span);
grid-column: #{$start}/#{$start + $span};
// grid-row mixin
@mixin grid-row($start: auto, $span: 1){
// grid-row-gap using top margin
@if $☠__ms-row-gap and not $☠__ms-row-count and $start != 1 {
margin-top: $☠__ms-row-gap;
@supports (grid-row-gap: 1px){ margin-top: 0; }
-ms-grid-row: if($☠__ms-row-count, $start + $start - 1, $start);
-ms-grid-row-span: if($☠__ms-row-count, $span + $span - 1, $span);
grid-row: #{$start}/#{$start + $span};
// grid-cell mixin
@mixin grid-cell($col-start: auto, $col-span: 1, $row-start: auto, $row-span: 1){
@include grid-column($col-start, $col-span);
@include grid-row($row-start, $row-span);
// grid-area mixin
@mixin grid-area($area){
$area: map-get($grid-areas, $area);
@include grid-column(nth($area, 1), nth($area, 2));
@include grid-row(nth($area, 3), nth($area, 4));
// grid mixin
@mixin grid($grid-map){
$cols: map-get($grid-map, cols);
$rows: map-get($grid-map, rows);
$gap: map-get($grid-map, gap);
$col-gap: map-get($grid-map, col-gap);
$col-gap: if($col-gap,$col-gap,$gap);
$row-gap: map-get($grid-map, row-gap);
$row-gap: if($row-gap,$row-gap,$gap);
// if cols or rows are numbers convert to fraction lists
@if $cols and length($cols) == 1 and unitless($cols) { $cols: repeat($cols); }
@if $rows and length($rows) == 1 and unitless($rows) { $rows: repeat($rows); }
// ie does not support grid gap - why we insert the gap space as a row or colum
// note! the first loop is to ensure cols/rows are not a multidimensional list
// (when generated by the repeat function)
$ms-cols: null;
$ms-rows: null;
@if $col-gap and $cols {
$ms-cols: ();
@each $col in $cols { $ms-cols: if( type-of($col) == list, join($ms-cols, $col), append($ms-cols, $col)); }
@for $i from 1 through length($ms-cols) - 1{ $ms-cols: set-nth($ms-cols, $i, nth($ms-cols,$i) $col-gap); }
// globalize ms col count (used by grid-column)
$☠__ms-col-count: length($ms-cols) !global;
@if $row-gap and $rows {
$ms-rows: ();
@each $row in $rows { $ms-rows: if( type-of($row) == list, join($ms-rows, $row), append($ms-rows, $row)); }
@for $i from 1 through length($ms-rows) - 1 { $ms-rows: set-nth($ms-rows, $i, nth($ms-rows,$i) $row-gap); }
// globalize ms row count (used by grid-row)
$☠__ms-row-count: length($ms-rows) !global;
$☠__ms-col-gap: $col-gap !global;
$☠__ms-row-gap: $row-gap !global;
display: -ms-grid;
display: grid;
-ms-grid-columns: $ms-cols or $cols;
-ms-grid-rows: $ms-rows or $rows;
grid-template-columns: $cols;
grid-template-rows: $rows;
grid-column-gap: $col-gap;
grid-row-gap: $row-gap;
// ==========================================================
// Use example
// ==========================================================
// grid map (cols, rows, gap, col-gap, row-gap)
$grid: (
cols: repeat(5, 1fr) 2fr,
row-gap: 8px,
col-gap: 16px
// Grid area map (col, col-span, row, row-span)
area-51: (1, 2, 1, 2)
.grid {
// create grid
@include grid($grid);
max-width: 800px;
margin-left : auto;
margin-right: auto;
// just a bit of color and padding
.grid { background-color: whitesmoke; border:1px solid #ccc; }
.cell { background-color: #ccc; padding: 5px; }
.cell-1 {
// grid area
@include grid-area(area-51);
background-color: magenta;
color: white;
.cell-2 {
// grid cell (grid-column + grid-row)
@include grid-cell(3, 1, 2, 1);
background-color: rebeccapurple;
color: white;
.cell-3 {
@include grid-column(3, 1);
@include grid-row(1, 1);
.cell-4 {
@include grid-column(4, 1);
@include grid-row(1, 1);
.cell-5 {
@include grid-column(4, 1);
@include grid-row(2, 1);
.cell-6 {
@include grid-column(1, 3);
@include grid-row(3, 1);
.cell-7 {
@include grid-column(4, 1);
@include grid-row(3, 1);
.cell-8 {
@include grid-column(5, 2);
@include grid-row(1, 3);
.cell-9 {
@include grid-column(1, 6);
@include grid-row(4,1);
// paddend break out
margin-left : calc(50% - 50vw);
margin-right: calc(50% - 50vw);
padding-left : calc(50vw - 50% + 5px);
padding-right: calc(50vw - 50% );
background-color: dodgerblue;
color: white;
.cell-10 {
@include grid-column(1, 2);
@include grid-row(5,1);
.cell-11 {
@include grid-column(4, 3);
@include grid-row(5,1);
.cell-12 {
@include grid-column(3, 1);
@include grid-row(5,1);
.cell-13 {
@include grid-column(2, 4);
@include grid-row(6,1);
padding: 0;
// nested grid (TODO multi grid gaps for ie)
@include grid((cols: repeat(4), col-gap: 16px, row-gap: 8px));
// small grid
@media (max-width: 480px){
@include grid-column(1, 6);
@include grid((cols: repeat(12), col-gap: 16px, row-gap: 8px));
.cell-13a {
@include grid-column(1,1);
@include grid-row(1,8);
background: #666;
color: white;
// small grid layout
@media (max-width: 480px){ @include grid-cell(1, 8, 1,1);
.cell-13b {
@include grid-column(2,1);
@include grid-row(1, 1);
background: #666;
color: white;
// small grid layout
@media (max-width: 480px){ @include grid-cell(9, 2, 1, 1); }
.cell-13c {
@include grid-column(3,2);
@include grid-row(1,8);
background: #666;
color: white;
// small grid layout
@media (max-width: 480px){ @include grid-cell(11, 2, 1, 1); }
.cell-14 {
@include grid-column(1,6);
@include grid-row(7,1);
background-color: white;
font: 10px monospace;
overflow: auto;
padding: 16px;
span { color: #999; }
// simple css reset
html { box-sizing: border-box; }
*,*::before,*::after { bax-sizing: inherit; }
body {margin: 0; font-family: sans-serif; }
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