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Azure resource naming abbreviations, rules and restrictions

Microsoft documents recommended abbreviations for Azure resource types as well as resource type specific naming rules and restrictions. Microsoft also publishes the Azure Naming Tool which happens to contain a structured repository of Azure resource type abbreviations and naming rules.

You can get a quick searchable grid of this data using PowerShell. If you prefer you can replace the Windows-only Out-GridView with the cross platform Out-ConsoleGridView.

(irm `
|select resource,property,shortname,scope,lengthmin,lengthmax,validtext,invalidtext,invalidcharacters,regx `
|ogv -t 'Azure resource naming abbreviations, rules and restrictions'


Alternatively you can transform the source into a Json object indexed by resource type:

(irm `
|%{$x=[pscustomobject]::new()}{$x|add-member -notepropertyname "$($_.resource)$($" ($($":'')" -notepropertyvalue $_.shortname}{$x} `
|convertto-json|out-file resourcetypes.json

Which you can consume in your Bicep files: image


Doing this increases your final compiled template size somewhat.

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