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Created March 28, 2018 06:07
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react-redux.d.ts for redux@4.0.0-beta.2
// Type definitions for react-redux 5.0.8
// Project:
// Definitions by: Qubo <>,
// Thomas Hasner <>,
// Kenzie Togami <>,
// Curits Layne <>
// Frank Tan <>
// Nicholas Boll <>
// Dibyo Majumdar <>
// Prashant Deva <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.4
// Known Issue:
// There is a known issue in TypeScript, which doesn't allow decorators to change the signature of the classes
// they are decorating. Due to this, if you are using @connect() decorator in your code,
// you will see a bunch of errors from TypeScript. The current workaround is to use connect() as a function call on
// a separate line instead of as a decorator. Discussed in this github issue:
import * as React from 'react';
import * as Redux from 'redux';
type ComponentClass<P> = React.ComponentClass<P>;
type StatelessComponent<P> = React.StatelessComponent<P>;
type Component<P> = React.ComponentType<P>;
type ReactNode = React.ReactNode;
type Action<T = any> = Redux.Action<T>;
type Store<S = any, A extends Action = Redux.AnyAction> = Redux.Store<S, A>;
type Dispatch<A extends Action = Redux.AnyAction> = Redux.Dispatch<A>;
type ActionCreator<A> = Redux.ActionCreator<A>;
// Diff / Omit taken from
type Diff<T extends string, U extends string> = ({[P in T]: P } & {[P in U]: never } & { [x: string]: never })[T];
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Diff<keyof T, K>>;
export interface DispatchProp<A extends Action = Redux.AnyAction> {
dispatch?: Dispatch<A>;
interface AdvancedComponentDecorator<TProps, TOwnProps> {
(component: Component<TProps>): ComponentClass<TOwnProps>;
// Injects props and removes them from the prop requirements.
// Will not pass through the injected props if they are passed in during
// render. Also adds new prop requirements from TNeedsProps.
export interface InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TInjectedProps, TNeedsProps> {
<P extends TInjectedProps>(
component: Component<P>
): ComponentClass<Omit<P, keyof TInjectedProps> & TNeedsProps> & { WrappedComponent: Component<P> }
// Injects props and removes them from the prop requirements.
// Will not pass through the injected props if they are passed in during
// render.
export type InferableComponentEnhancer<TInjectedProps> =
InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TInjectedProps, {}>
* Connects a React component to a Redux store.
* - Without arguments, just wraps the component, without changing the behavior / props
* - If 2 params are passed (3rd param, mergeProps, is skipped), default behavior
* is to override ownProps (as stated in the docs), so what remains is everything that's
* not a state or dispatch prop
* - When 3rd param is passed, we don't know if ownProps propagate and whether they
* should be valid component props, because it depends on mergeProps implementation.
* As such, it is the user's responsibility to extend ownProps interface from state or
* dispatch props or both when applicable
* @param mapStateToProps
* @param mapDispatchToProps
* @param mergeProps
* @param options
export interface Connect {
(): InferableComponentEnhancer<DispatchProp<any>>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & DispatchProp<any>, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: MergeProps<TStateProps, undefined, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<undefined, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: MergeProps<undefined, undefined, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<TStateProps, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<DispatchProp<any> & TStateProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<{}, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<TStateProps, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
* The connect function. See {@type Connect} for details.
export declare const connect: Connect;
interface MapStateToProps<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State> {
(state: State, ownProps: TOwnProps): TStateProps;
interface MapStateToPropsFactory<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State> {
(initialState: State, ownProps: TOwnProps): MapStateToProps<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>;
type MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State> = MapStateToPropsFactory<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State> | MapStateToProps<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State> | null | undefined;
interface MapDispatchToPropsFunction<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> {
(dispatch: Dispatch<any>, ownProps: TOwnProps): TDispatchProps;
type MapDispatchToProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> =
MapDispatchToPropsFunction<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> | TDispatchProps;
interface MapDispatchToPropsFactory<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> {
(dispatch: Dispatch<any>, ownProps: TOwnProps): MapDispatchToProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
type MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> = MapDispatchToPropsFactory<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps> | MapDispatchToProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
interface MergeProps<TStateProps, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps> {
(stateProps: TStateProps, dispatchProps: TDispatchProps, ownProps: TOwnProps): TMergedProps;
interface Options<State = {}, TStateProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}> extends ConnectOptions {
* If true, implements shouldComponentUpdate and shallowly compares the result of mergeProps,
* preventing unnecessary updates, assuming that the component is a “pure” component
* and does not rely on any input or state other than its props and the selected Redux store’s state.
* Defaults to true.
* @default true
pure?: boolean;
* When pure, compares incoming store state to its previous value.
* @default strictEqual
areStatesEqual?: (nextState: State, prevState: State) => boolean;
* When pure, compares incoming props to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areOwnPropsEqual?: (nextOwnProps: TOwnProps, prevOwnProps: TOwnProps) => boolean;
* When pure, compares the result of mapStateToProps to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areStatePropsEqual?: (nextStateProps: TStateProps, prevStateProps: TStateProps) => boolean;
* When pure, compares the result of mergeProps to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areMergedPropsEqual?: (nextMergedProps: TMergedProps, prevMergedProps: TMergedProps) => boolean;
* Connects a React component to a Redux store. It is the base for {@link connect} but is less opinionated about
* how to combine <code>state</code>, <code>props</code>, and <code>dispatch</code> into your final props. It makes no
* assumptions about defaults or memoization of results, leaving those responsibilities to the caller.It does not
* modify the component class passed to it; instead, it returns a new, connected component class for you to use.
* @param selectorFactory The selector factory. See {@type SelectorFactory} for details.
* @param connectOptions If specified, further customizes the behavior of the connector. Additionally, any extra
* options will be passed through to your <code>selectorFactory</code> in the <code>factoryOptions</code> argument.
export declare function connectAdvanced<A extends Action, TProps, TOwnProps, TFactoryOptions = {}>(
selectorFactory: SelectorFactory<A, TProps, TOwnProps, TFactoryOptions>,
connectOptions?: ConnectOptions & TFactoryOptions
): AdvancedComponentDecorator<TProps, TOwnProps>;
* Initializes a selector function (during each instance's constructor). That selector function is called any time the
* connector component needs to compute new props, as a result of a store state change or receiving new props. The
* result of <code>selector</code> is expected to be a plain object, which is passed as the props to the wrapped
* component. If a consecutive call to <code>selector</code> returns the same object (<code>===</code>) as its previous
* call, the component will not be re-rendered. It's the responsibility of <code>selector</code> to return that
* previous object when appropriate.
export interface SelectorFactory<A extends Action, TProps, TOwnProps, TFactoryOptions> {
(dispatch: Dispatch<A>, factoryOptions: TFactoryOptions): Selector<A, TProps, TOwnProps>
export interface Selector<S, TProps, TOwnProps> {
(state: S, ownProps: TOwnProps): TProps
export interface ConnectOptions {
* Computes the connector component's displayName property relative to that of the wrapped component. Usually
* overridden by wrapper functions.
* @default name => 'ConnectAdvanced('+name+')'
* @param componentName
getDisplayName?: (componentName: string) => string
* Shown in error messages. Usually overridden by wrapper functions.
* @default 'connectAdvanced'
methodName?: string
* If defined, a property named this value will be added to the props passed to the wrapped component. Its value
* will be the number of times the component has been rendered, which can be useful for tracking down unnecessary
* re-renders.
* @default undefined
renderCountProp?: string
* Controls whether the connector component subscribes to redux store state changes. If set to false, it will only
* re-render on <code>componentWillReceiveProps</code>.
* @default true
shouldHandleStateChanges?: boolean
* The key of props/context to get the store. You probably only need this if you are in the inadvisable position of
* having multiple stores.
* @default 'store'
storeKey?: string
* If true, stores a ref to the wrapped component instance and makes it available via getWrappedInstance() method.
* @default false
withRef?: boolean
export interface ProviderProps<S, A extends Action> {
* The single Redux store in your application.
store?: Store<S, A>;
children?: ReactNode;
* Makes the Redux store available to the connect() calls in the component hierarchy below.
export class Provider<S = any, A extends Action = Action> extends React.Component<ProviderProps<S, A>, {}> { }
* Creates a new <Provider> which will set the Redux Store on the passed key of the context. You probably only need this
* if you are in the inadvisable position of having multiple stores. You will also need to pass the same storeKey to the
* options argument of connect.
* @param storeKey The key of the context on which to set the store.
export declare function createProvider(storeKey: string): typeof Provider;
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