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Last active August 8, 2024 08:10
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Solid.js-like signals on top of the TC39 Signals proposal
import { Signal as WebSignal } from 'signal-polyfill';
export type Accessor<T> = () => T;
export type Setter<in out T> = {
<U extends T>(...args: undefined extends T ? [] : [value: (prev: T) => U]): undefined extends T
? undefined
: U;
<U extends T>(value: (prev: T) => U): U;
<U extends T>(value: Exclude<U, Function>): U;
<U extends T>(value: Exclude<U, Function> | ((prev: T) => U)): U;
export type Signal<T> = [get: Accessor<T>, set: Setter<T>];
export interface SignalOptions<T> {
equals?: false | ((prev: T, next: T) => boolean);
export type EffectFunction<Prev, Next extends Prev = Prev> = (v: Prev) => Next;
export type RootFunction<T> = (dispose: () => void) => T;
export type ErrorHandler = (err: unknown) => void;
export interface Owner {
owner: null | Owner;
cleanups: null | (() => void)[];
catch: null | ErrorHandler;
context: null | Record<string | symbol, unknown>;
const __untrack = /* #__PURE__ */ WebSignal.subtle.untrack;
const __currentComputed = /* #__PURE__ */ WebSignal.subtle.currentComputed;
const __State = /* #__PURE__ */ WebSignal.State;
const __Computed = /* #__PURE__ */ WebSignal.Computed;
const __Watcher = /* #__PURE__ */ WebSignal.subtle.Watcher;
const __State_read = /* #__PURE__ */ __State.prototype.get;
const __Computed_read = /* #__PURE__ */ __Computed.prototype.get;
export const untrack: <T>(fn: Accessor<T>) => T = __untrack;
let currentOwner: null | Owner = null;
let batchedEffects: null | WebSignal.Computed<void>[] = null;
function alwaysInvalidate(): false {
return false;
export function batch<T>(fn: Accessor<T>): T {
return runComputation(fn) as T;
export function createSignal<T>(): Signal<T | undefined>;
export function createSignal<T>(value: T, options?: SignalOptions<T>): Signal<T>;
export function createSignal<T>(value?: T, options?: SignalOptions<T | undefined>): Signal<T | undefined> {
const equals = options?.equals;
const backing = new __State(value, {
equals: equals === false ? alwaysInvalidate : equals,
const setter = (next?: T) => {
if (typeof next === 'function') {
next = next(value);
runComputation(() => backing.set((value = next)));
return value;
// @ts-expect-error
return [__State_read.bind(backing), setter];
export function createMemo<Next extends Prev, Prev = Next>(
fn: EffectFunction<undefined | NoInfer<Prev>, Next>,
): Accessor<Next>;
export function createMemo<Next extends Prev, Init = Next, Prev = Next>(
fn: EffectFunction<Init | Prev, Next>,
value: Init,
options?: SignalOptions<Next>,
): Accessor<Next>;
export function createMemo<Next extends Prev, Init, Prev>(
fn: EffectFunction<Init | Prev, Next>,
value?: Init,
options?: SignalOptions<Next>,
): Accessor<Next> {
const equals = options?.equals;
// @ts-expect-error
const backing = new __Computed(() => (value = fn(value)), {
equals: equals === false ? alwaysInvalidate : equals,
return __Computed_read.bind(backing);
export function isListening(): boolean {
return __currentComputed() !== undefined;
export function getOwner(): Owner | null {
return currentOwner;
export function runWithOwner<T>(owner: typeof currentOwner, fn: Accessor<T>): T | undefined {
const previousOwner = currentOwner;
try {
currentOwner = owner;
return isListening() ? runComputation(() => untrack(fn)) : runComputation(fn);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
currentOwner = previousOwner;
function runComputation<T>(fn: Accessor<T>): T | undefined {
if (batchedEffects !== null) {
return fn();
try {
batchedEffects = [];
const result = fn();
return result;
} catch (err) {
batchedEffects = null;
function completeComputation() {
const effects = batchedEffects!;
batchedEffects = null;
if (effects.length > 0) {
// Solid.js seems to unwatch all subsequent effects if one of them throws
// an error without a catch handler, this doesn't seem ideal.
let hasError = false;
let error: unknown;
runComputation(() => {
for (let idx = 0, len = effects.length; idx < len; idx++) {
const compute = effects[idx];
// @ts-expect-error
if (compute.__destroyed) {
try {
} catch (e) {
hasError = true;
error = e;
// `runComputation` has the chance to throw an error here.
if (hasError) {
throw error;
export function createRoot<T>(fn: RootFunction<T>, parentOwner = currentOwner): T {
const previousOwner = currentOwner;
const owner: Owner = {
owner: parentOwner,
cleanups: null,
context: parentOwner ? parentOwner.context : null,
catch: parentOwner ? parentOwner.catch : null,
try {
currentOwner = owner;
// @ts-expect-error: We're just gonna pretend that this will always return
// even if there's a catch handler set up at the parent owner, for now.
return runComputation(() => {
return fn(() => {
return untrack(() => {
const cleanups = owner.cleanups;
if (cleanups !== null) {
owner.cleanups = null;
for (let i = 0, il = cleanups.length; i < il; i++) {
(0, cleanups[i])();
} finally {
currentOwner = previousOwner;
export function onCleanup(fn: () => void): void {
if (currentOwner) {
const cleanups = currentOwner.cleanups;
if (cleanups !== null) {
} else {
currentOwner.cleanups = [fn];
function createBackingEffect(fn: EffectFunction<any, any>, value: any, defer: boolean): void {
const owner: Owner = {
owner: currentOwner,
cleanups: null,
context: currentOwner ? currentOwner.context : null,
catch: currentOwner ? currentOwner.catch : null,
const cleanup = () => {
const cleanups = owner.cleanups;
if (cleanups !== null) {
owner.cleanups = null;
for (let idx = 0, len = cleanups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
(0, cleanups[idx])();
const compute = new __Computed(() => {
if (owner.cleanups !== null) {
const previousOwner = currentOwner;
try {
currentOwner = owner;
value = fn(value);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
currentOwner = previousOwner;
// Watchers don't tell us which computed are now marked dirty, it has to go
// through `.getPending()`, which gives us an array of computed signals, where
// it'll also include ones signals we've already queued anyway.
// Hence each computed signal having their own watcher.
const watcher = new __Watcher(() => {
// Watchers cannot directly read or write into signals. which is
// problematic, as we need synchronous reactions.
// This seems to only be the case for as long as they're *inside* this
// callback however, so thankfully it isn't much of a problem so long as
// we're dealing with our own signals.
// Our own signals are wrapped in `runComputation` which sets up a global
// variable for us to dump these dirty computed signals onto.
// We'll queue a microtask otherwise.
if (batchedEffects) {
} else {
queueMicrotask(() => {
// @ts-expect-error
if (compute.__destroyed) {
runComputation(() => compute.get());
// Make this watcher callable again. I believe it shouldn't fire so long as
// these computed signals are still marked as dirty (we haven't called
// `.get()` on the computed signal.);
onCleanup(() => {
// @ts-expect-error
compute.__destroyed = true;
// @ts-expect-error
compute.__destroyed = false;
if (defer && batchedEffects) {
} else {
export function createRenderEffect<Next>(fn: EffectFunction<undefined | NoInfer<Next>, Next>): void;
export function createRenderEffect<Next, Init = Next>(
fn: EffectFunction<Init | Next, Next>,
value: Init,
): void;
export function createRenderEffect<Next, Init>(fn: EffectFunction<Init | Next, Next>, value?: Init): void {
createBackingEffect(fn, value, true);
export function createEffect<Next>(fn: EffectFunction<undefined | NoInfer<Next>, Next>): void;
export function createEffect<Next, Init = Next>(fn: EffectFunction<Init | Next, Next>, value: Init): void;
export function createEffect<Next, Init>(fn: EffectFunction<Init | Next, Next>, value?: Init): void {
createBackingEffect(fn, value, true);
export function catchError<T>(fn: Accessor<T>, handler: (err: unknown) => void) {
const previousOwner = currentOwner;
try {
currentOwner = {
owner: currentOwner,
cleanups: null,
context: currentOwner ? currentOwner.context : null,
catch: handler,
return fn();
} catch (err) {
} finally {
currentOwner = previousOwner;
function handleError(err: unknown, owner = currentOwner) {
const handler = owner?.catch;
if (!handler) {
throw err;
runErrorHandler(err, handler, owner);
function runErrorHandler(err: unknown, handler: ErrorHandler, owner: Owner | null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, (owner && owner.owner) || null);
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