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Last active August 7, 2024 18:13
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ReShade 5 effect file
Author: Pascal Gilcher / Marty McFly
ReShade Motion Estimation Shader for dense 2D UV-space motion vectors
Based on ReShade Motion Estimation by Jakob Wapenhensch
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License
USAGE NOTES: Since it uses the same shared texture name as Jakob's
Shader, you may use either of the two. They are designed to supply motion
vectors for other shaders.
Preprocessor settings
#define UI_ME_LAYER_MIN 6
uniform int UI_ME_LAYER_MAX <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Full Resolution\0Half Resolution\0Quarter Resolution\0";
ui_min = 0;
ui_max = 2;
> = 1;
ui_type = "drag";
ui_label = "Filter Smoothness";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 6.0;
> = 4.0;
uniform bool SHOWME <
ui_label = "Debug Output";
> =false;
UI Uniforms
uniform float4 tempF1 <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -100.0;
ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);
uniform float4 tempF2 <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -100.0;
ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);
uniform float4 tempF3 <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -100.0;
ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);
Textures, Samplers, Globals, Structs
//do NOT change anything here. "hurr durr I changed this and now it works"
//you ARE breaking things down the line, if the shader does not work without changes
//here, it's by design.
texture ColorInputTex : COLOR;
texture DepthInputTex : DEPTH;
sampler ColorInput { Texture = ColorInputTex; };
sampler DepthInput { Texture = DepthInputTex; };
#include "qUINT\Global.fxh"
#include "qUINT\Depth.fxh"
//integer divide, rounding up
#define CEIL_DIV(num, denom) (((num - 1) / denom) + 1)
#define PI 3.14159265
uniform uint FRAME_COUNT < source = "framecount"; >;
#define M_PI 3.1415926535
#ifndef PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7
#define PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7 3 //[2 - 7]
#define BLOCK_SIZE (PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7) //4
//NEVER change these!!!
#define BLOCK_SIZE_HALF (BLOCK_SIZE * 0.5 - 0.5)//(int(BLOCK_SIZE / 2)) //2
//smpG samplers are .r = Grayscale, g = depth
//smgM samplers are .r = motion x, .g = motion y, .b = feature level, .a = loss;
texture FeatureCurr { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RG16F; MipLevels = 8; };
sampler sFeatureCurr { Texture = FeatureCurr; };
texture FeaturePrev { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RG16F; MipLevels = 8; };
sampler sFeaturePrev { Texture = FeaturePrev; };
texture texMotionVectors { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RG16F; };
sampler sMotionVectorTex { Texture = texMotionVectors; };
texture MotionTexCur7 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 7; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 7; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur7 { Texture = MotionTexCur7;};
texture MotionTexCur6 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 6; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 6; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur6 { Texture = MotionTexCur6;};
texture MotionTexCur5 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 5; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 5; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur5 { Texture = MotionTexCur5;};
texture MotionTexCur4 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 4; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 4; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur4 { Texture = MotionTexCur4;};
texture MotionTexCur3 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 3; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 3; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur3 { Texture = MotionTexCur3;};
texture MotionTexCur2 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 2; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 2; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur2 { Texture = MotionTexCur2;};
texture MotionTexCur1 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 1; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 1; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur1 { Texture = MotionTexCur1;};
texture MotionTexCur0 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 0; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 0; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler sMotionTexCur0 { Texture = MotionTexCur0;};
texture JitterTex < source = "bluenoise.png"; > { Width = 32; Height = 32; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler sJitterTex { Texture = JitterTex; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; };
struct VSOUT
float4 vpos : SV_Position;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct CSIN
uint3 groupthreadid : SV_GroupThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside group
uint3 groupid : SV_GroupID; //XYZ idx of group inside dispatch
uint3 dispatchthreadid : SV_DispatchThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside dispatch
uint threadid : SV_GroupIndex; //flattened idx of thread inside group
float2 pixel_idx_to_uv(uint2 pos, float2 texture_size)
float2 inv_texture_size = rcp(texture_size);
return pos * inv_texture_size + 0.5 * inv_texture_size;
float4 CalcMotionLayer(VSOUT i, int mip_gcurr, float2 searchStart, sampler sFeatureCurr, sampler sFeaturePrev)
float2 texelsize = rcp(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE / exp2(mip_gcurr));
float2 localBlock[BLOCK_AREA];
float2 searchBlock[BLOCK_AREA];
float4 moments_local = 0;
float4 moments_search = 0;
float2 moment_covariate = 0;
i.uv -= texelsize * BLOCK_SIZE_HALF; //since we only use to sample the blocks now, offset by half a block so we can do it easier inline
for(uint k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
float2 tuv = i.uv + float2(k / BLOCK_SIZE, k % BLOCK_SIZE) * texelsize;
float2 t_local = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, tuv, mip_gcurr).xy;
float2 t_search = tex2Dlod(sFeaturePrev, tuv + searchStart, mip_gcurr).xy;
localBlock[k] = t_local;
searchBlock[k] = t_search;
moments_local += float4(t_local, t_local * t_local);
moments_search += float4(t_search, t_search * t_search);
moment_covariate += t_local * t_search;
moments_local /= BLOCK_AREA;
moments_search /= BLOCK_AREA;
moment_covariate /= BLOCK_AREA;
float2 cossim = moment_covariate * rsqrt( *;
float best_sim = saturate(min(cossim.x, cossim.y));
float local_features = abs(moments_local.x * moments_local.x - moments_local.z);
float best_features = abs(moments_search.x * moments_search.x - moments_search.z);
float2 bestMotion = 0;
float2 searchCenter = searchStart;
float randseed = tex2Dfetch(sJitterTex, uint2(i.vpos.xy) % 32u).x;
randseed = frac(randseed + (FRAME_COUNT % 16) * UI_ME_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION * UI_ME_MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL * 0.6180339887498);
float2 randdir; sincos(randseed * 6.283, randdir.x, randdir.y); //yo dawg, I heard you like golden ratios
float2 scale = texelsize;
for(int j = 0; j < UI_ME_MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL && best_sim < 0.999999; j++)
for (int s = 1; s < UI_ME_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION && best_sim < 0.999999; s++)
randdir = mul(randdir, float2x2(-0.7373688, 0.6754903, -0.6754903, -0.7373688));//rotate by larger golden angle
float2 pixelOffset = randdir * scale;
float2 samplePos = i.uv + searchCenter + pixelOffset;
float4 moments_candidate = 0;
moment_covariate = 0;
for(uint k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
float2 t = tex2Dlod(sFeaturePrev, samplePos + float2(k / BLOCK_SIZE, k % BLOCK_SIZE) * texelsize, mip_gcurr).xy;
moments_candidate += float4(t, t * t);
moment_covariate += t * localBlock[k];
moments_candidate /= BLOCK_AREA;
moment_covariate /= BLOCK_AREA;
cossim = moment_covariate * rsqrt( *;
float candidate_similarity = saturate(min(cossim.x, cossim.y));
if(candidate_similarity > best_sim)
best_sim = candidate_similarity;
bestMotion = pixelOffset;
best_features = abs(moments_candidate.x * moments_candidate.x - moments_candidate.z);
searchCenter += bestMotion;
bestMotion = 0;
scale *= 0.5;
return float4(searchCenter, sqrt(best_features), best_sim * best_sim * best_sim * best_sim); //delayed sqrt for variance -> stddev, cossim^4 for filter
float4 atrous_upscale(VSOUT i, int mip_gcurr, sampler sMotionLow, sampler sFeatureCurr)
float2 texelsize = rcp(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE / exp2(mip_gcurr + 1));
float rand = frac(mip_gcurr * 0.2114 + (FRAME_COUNT % 16) * 0.6180339887498) * 3.1415927*0.5;
float2x2 rotm = float2x2(cos(rand), -sin(rand), sin(rand), cos(rand)) * UI_ME_PYRAMID_UPSCALE_FILTER_RADIUS;
const float3 gauss = float3(1, 0.85, 0.65);
float center_z = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, i.uv, mip_gcurr).y;
float4 gbuffer_sum = 0;
float wsum = 1e-6;
for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
float2 offs = mul(float2(x, y), rotm) * texelsize;
float2 sample_uv = i.uv + offs;
float sample_z = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, sample_uv, mip_gcurr + 1).y;
float4 sample_gbuf = tex2Dlod(sMotionLow, sample_uv, 0);
float wz = abs(sample_z - center_z) * 4;
float ws = saturate(1 - sample_gbuf.w * 4);
float wf = saturate(1 - sample_gbuf.b * 128.0);
float wm = dot(sample_gbuf.xy, sample_gbuf.xy) * 4;
float weight = exp2(-(wz + ws + wm + wf)) * gauss[abs(x)] * gauss[abs(y)];
gbuffer_sum += sample_gbuf * weight;
wsum += weight;
return gbuffer_sum / wsum;
Shader Entry Points
VSOUT VS_Main(in uint id : SV_VertexID)
VS_FullscreenTriangle(id, o.vpos, o.uv);
return o;
void PSWriteColorAndDepth(in VSOUT i, out float2 o : SV_Target0)
float depth = Depth::get_linear_depth(i.uv);
float luma = dot(tex2D(ColorInput, i.uv).rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
o = float2(luma, depth);
float4 motion_estimation(in VSOUT i, sampler sMotionLow, sampler sFeatureCurr, sampler sFeaturePrev, int mip_gcurr)
float4 upscaledLowerLayer = 0;
if(UI_ME_LAYER_MIN <= (mip_gcurr-1))
return 0;
if(mip_gcurr < UI_ME_LAYER_MIN)
upscaledLowerLayer = atrous_upscale(i, mip_gcurr, sMotionLow, sFeatureCurr);
if(mip_gcurr >= UI_ME_LAYER_MAX)
upscaledLowerLayer = CalcMotionLayer(i, mip_gcurr, upscaledLowerLayer.xy, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev);
return upscaledLowerLayer;
void PSMotion6(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur7, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 6);}
void PSMotion5(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur6, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 5);}
void PSMotion4(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur5, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 4);}
void PSMotion3(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur4, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 3);}
void PSMotion2(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur3, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 2);}
void PSMotion1(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur2, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 1);}
void PSMotion0(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur1, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 0);}
//Show motion vectors stuff
float3 HUEtoRGB(in float H)
float R = abs(H * 6.f - 3.f) - 1.f;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6.f - 2.f);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6.f - 4.f);
return saturate(float3(R,G,B));
float3 HSLtoRGB(in float3 HSL)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
float C = (1.f - abs(2.f * HSL.z - 1.f)) * HSL.y;
return (RGB - 0.5f) * C + HSL.z;
float4 motionToLgbtq(float2 motion)
float angle = degrees(atan2(motion.y, motion.x));
float dist = length(motion);
float3 rgb = HSLtoRGB(float3((angle / 360.f) + 0.5, saturate(dist * 100.0), 0.5));
return float4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 0);
void PSOut(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0)
if(!SHOWME) discard;
o = motionToLgbtq(tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).xy);
//o = tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).w*10-9;
void PSWriteVectors(in VSOUT i, out float2 o : SV_Target0)
o = tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).xy;
technique qUINT_MotionVectors
pass //update curr data RGB + depth
VertexShader = VS_Main;
PixelShader = PSWriteColorAndDepth;
RenderTarget = FeatureCurr;
//mipmaps are being created :)
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion6;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur6;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion5;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur5;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion4;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur4;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion3;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur3;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion2;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur2;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion1;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur1;}
pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion0;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur0;}
VertexShader = VS_Main;
PixelShader = PSWriteColorAndDepth;
RenderTarget0 = FeaturePrev;
VertexShader = VS_Main;
PixelShader = PSWriteVectors;
RenderTarget = texMotionVectors;
VertexShader = VS_Main;
PixelShader = PSOut;
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ghost commented Jul 31, 2022


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Arcitec commented Jan 20, 2023

If I understand correctly, the above is an optimize version of @JakobPCoder shader.

And is a further (even newer) rewrite and should be used instead of this gist.

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KoKlusz commented Jan 20, 2023

If I understand correctly, the above is an optimize version of @JakobPCoder shader.

And is a further (even newer) rewrite and should be used instead of this gist.

Thanks for the heads-up.

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