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Shell Motorsport Bluetooth Remote Control

Shell Motorsport collection

Shell Oil Company in its gas station offers loyalty program under name Shell ClubSmart. Members collect points which can be later used to get rewards. In 2020 they have offered a collection of die-cast car models under name Shell Motorsport. All models of the colletion are equipped with electrical motor. One of the models - Nissan Formula E Gen 2 Car - contains a battery that can be used to control a model remotely over Bluetooth. In some markets a battery with a remote controller is available separately.

Shell Racing application

Shell offers an application for smart phones named Shell Racing on Google Play for Android and App Store for iPhone and iPad. It primarily offers a game to race with a cars. In Shell Racing Club section of the application ClubSmart members can add their membership card which will allow them race to get reward points. The same application can be used to remote control cars. The application is available by third party company BrandBase that provides very good explanation how Shell Motorsport Bluetooth Remote Control Collection is used as a campaign tool.

Shell Racing application requires internet connection for the first start: Shell Racing First Start

and even later for any subsequent start: Shell Racing Later Start

Motivation to take a control

The car cannot be controlled if internet connection is not available or game server is not reachable. The application collects information about use of remote control that is tied to device and could be connected to person who owns membership card.

I believe a player should be able to control models they own in a way they desire without being monitored.

Lastly it is interesting to look into the hardware that I have in the possesion.

Remote Control Battery


  • 28mm wide
  • 40mm height
  • 5mm width

Hong Kong regional Shell website provides following additional information:

Bluetooth® remote control distance: 8-10m

Battery charge time (full charge): approx. 30mins

Battery life: 20mins

Front side



Has Shell and Bluetooth logos.

Silkscreen text shows: WJBWM REV0111


Back side




  • two white LED
  • two pairs of connectors - each with + and - sign underneath


  • RST
  • ICEK
  • ICED
  • P1
  • P12
  • VCC
  • GND


Bluetooth Remote
Control Battery
3.7 Volt 86mAh
Follow instructions
Made in China


Bottom side



  • micro USB connector

USB Connection

USB port is used only for charging. Data lines are not connected.

Bluetooth LE Interface

Devices use MAC Addresses with OUI 00-3C-A0.

hcitool leinfo provides following information:

Handle: 3585 (0x0e01)
LMP Version: 4.0 (0x6) LMP Subversion: 0x709
Manufacturer: RivieraWaves S.A.S (96)
Features: 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

The most useful service and characteristics:

Handles Service > Characteristics Properties
0010 -> 001c fff0
0012     d44bc439-abfd-45a2-b575-925416129600 WRITE
001b     d44bc439-abfd-45a2-b575-925416129601 NOTIFY

For completeness other services and characteristic:

Handles Service > Characteristics Properties
0010 -> 001c fff0
0015     d44bc439-abfd-45a2-b575-92541612960a WRITE
0018     d44bc439-abfd-45a2-b575-92541612960b WRITE
001d -> 0022 fd00
001f     fd01 WRITE
0021     fd02 WRITE, NOTIFY

And standard Bluetooth LE services and characteristics for with data of hyphotetical device with address 00:3C:A0:AA:BB:CC.

Handles Service > Characteristics Properties Data
0001 -> 0009 Generic Access (1800)
0003     Device Name (2a00) READ, WRITE QCAR-AABBCC
0005     Appearance (2a01) READ, WRITE Unknown
0007     Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (2a04) READ Connection Interval: 300 -> 320
Slave Latency: 4
Connection Supervision Timeout Multiplier: 600
0009 2aa6 READ 00
000c -> 000f Generic Attribute (1801)
000e     Service Changed (2a05) READ, INDICATE 0100ÿÿ

Bluetooth LE Advertising packet format

After power on a device sends advertising packets.

Primary advertisement

There are two advertising packet types of type LE Meta (0x3e), LE Advertising Report (0x00) that differs in Event Type.

Payload format of Event type: Connectable Undirected Advertising (0x00):

Type Flags:

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
0 1 0x02 Length
1 1 0x01 Type
2 1 0x01 Single mode device, non-connectible, undirected

Device Name (shortened):

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
3 1 0x0c Length
4 1 0x08 Type
5 11 Device Name - string "QCAR-" followed by 6 upper case hex suffix of MAC address

Manufacturer Specific:

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
16 1 0x05 Length
17 1 0xff Type
18 2 0x5452 Manufacturer ID
20 2 0x003c Data

Scan response

Payload format of Event type: Scan Response (0x04):

Service Class UUIDs (incomplete)

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
0 1 0x02 Length
1 1 0x06 Type
2 16 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb UUID

Bluetooth LE Control protocol

Control packets are written by client to characteristic handle 0012. It needs to be sent every 10 miliseconds.

Each mesage is 16 bytes long. Before sending to a device it is encrypted (see Encryption section bellow). Structure of messages in clear text:

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
0 1 Unknown purpose
1 3 0x43544c (string "CTL")
4 1 1 to move forward, otherwise 0
5 1 1 to move backward, otherwise 1. Ignored if byte at offset 4 is non-zero.
6 1 1 to turn wheels left, otherwise 0
7 1 1 to turn wheels right, otherwise 1. Ignored if byte at offset 6 is non-zero.
8 1 0x50 for normal speed, 0x64 for fast
9 6 0 Padding

Typical message to keep device steady is: 0xe1055f54d880f49c2ce547267f930bf2

Bluetooth LE Battery notifications

If a client subcribes to characteristic handle 001b it will get notification with level of battery charge every 60 seconds.

Each mesage is 16 bytes long. After receive from a device it needs to be decrypted (see Encryption section bellow). Structure of messages in clear text:

Byte offset Length in bytes Value Description
0 1 Sequential number increased with each notification since power on, starts with 1
1 3 0x564254 (string "VBT")
4 1 Percentage level of a battery
5 11 0 Padding


Both commands messages and battery notifications are encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with key size 128 bits and ECB mode.

Encryption key: 0x34522a5b7a6e492c08090a9d8d2a23f8.

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