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Last active October 11, 2015 02:57
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core.logic graph blog
(ns cl-graph
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic))
;; Directed Acyclic Graphs
(defrel edge a b)
;; a
;; |
;; b
;; / | \
;; c d e
;; \ /
;; f
(fact edge :a :b)
(fact edge :b :c)
(fact edge :b :d)
(fact edge :b :e)
(fact edge :c :f)
(fact edge :e :f)
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defne ancestorso
"y is all ancestors of x"
[x y]
([x y]
(edge y x))
([x y]
(fresh [z]
(edge z x)
(ancestorso z y))))
(run* [q] (ancestorso :d q))
;; (:b :a)
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defne descendantso
"y is all descendants of x"
[x y]
([x y]
(edge x y))
([x y]
(fresh [z]
(edge x z)
(descendantso z y))))
(run* [q] (descendantso :a q))
;; (:b :c :d :e :f :f)
;; Note that :f is counted twice since there are two valid paths to :f
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defn siblingso
"y is all siblings (common parent) of x"
[x y]
(fresh [z]
(edge z x)
(edge z y)
(!= x y)))
(run* [q] (siblingso :c q))
;; (:d :e)
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defn common-ancestoro
"r is all common acenstors of x and y"
[x y r]
(ancestorso x r)
(ancestorso y r))
(run* [q] (common-ancestoro :f :d q))
;; (:b :a)
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defne subseto
"is s1 is a subset of s2?"
[s1 s2]
([() _])
([[x . xs] _]
(membero x s2)
(subseto xs s2)))
(defne any-membero
"any member of s1 is a member of s2?"
[s1 s2]
([[x . xs] _]
(membero x s2))
([[x . xs] _]
(any-membero xs s2)))
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defne travel [a b visted path]
([a b visited [b . visited]]
(edge a b))
([a b visited path]
(fresh [c new-vis]
(edge a c)
(!= c b)
(conso c visited new-vis)
(travel c b new-vis path))))
(defne reverseo
"w is reverse of l"
[l z w]
([() x x])
([[x . y] z w]
(fresh [nz]
(conso x z nz)
(reverseo y nz w))))
(defn path
"p is all paths between a and b"
[a b p]
(fresh [z]
(travel a b [a] z)
(reverseo z [] p)))
(run* [q] (path :a :f q))
;; ((:a :b :c :f) (:a :b :e :f))
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