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# Examples:
# Reprocess all versions of User#avatar
# rake carrierwave:reprocess class=User mounted_uploader=avatar
# Reprocess the versions: thumb, small, medium for User#avatar
# rake carrierwave:reprocess class=User mounted_uploader=avatar versions='thumb, small, medium'
namespace :carrierwave do
# Only tested with Amazon S3 Storage
# Needs some minor modifications if you want to use this for File System Store, Cloud Files and GridFS probably.
# This should work without Ruby on Rails as well, just set a different TMP_PATH.
desc "Reprocesses Carrier Wave file versions of a given model."
task :reprocess => :environment do
# Load in the OPEN URI library to be able
# to pull down and store the original file in a temp directory
require 'open-uri'
# Default constants
TMP_PATH = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/carrierwave"
# Set environment constants
CLASS = ENV['class'].capitalize
MOUNTED_UPLOADER = ENV['mounted_uploader'].to_sym
VERSIONS = ENV['versions'].nil? ? : ENV['versions'].split(',').map {|version| version.strip.to_sym}
# Find the Model
MODEL = Kernel.const_get(CLASS)
# Create the temp directory
%x(mkdir -p "#{TMP_PATH}")
# Find all records for the provided Model
records = MODEL.all
# Output to console
puts "\nCarrier Wave Version Reprocessing!"
puts "======================================="
puts "Model: #{CLASS}"
puts "Mounted Uploader: #{MOUNTED_UPLOADER}"
puts "Versions: #{VERSIONS.empty? ? "all" : VERSIONS.join(', ')}\n\n"
# Run through all records
records.each do |record|
# Set the mounted uploader object
mounted_object = record.send(MOUNTED_UPLOADER)
# Retrieve Filename
filename = mounted_object.path.split('/').last
# Output to console
puts "Reprocessing: #{filename}"
# Read out the original file from the remote location
# and write it out to the temp directory (TMP_PATH)
# This file will be used as the base file to reprocess
# the versions. Once all versions have been processed,
# this temp file will be directly removed.
open(mounted_object.url) do |original_object|, filename), 'w') do |temp_file|
# By default it will add all available versions to the versions variable
# which means that all available versions will be reprocessed.
# If the "versions" argument has been provided, then only the specified
# version(s) will be set to the versions variable, and thus, only these
# will be reprocessed.
versions = {|version| version[0]}
versions = VERSIONS unless VERSIONS.empty?
# Reprocesses the versions
versions.each do |version|
mounted_object.send(version).cache!(, filename)))
# Removes the temp file
%x(rm "#{TMP_PATH}/#{filename}")
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