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Last active February 7, 2017 03:52
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cross-compile golang on Windows host
$hostOS = Invoke-Expression "go env GOOS"
$hostARCH = Invoke-Expression "go env GOARCH"
$buildInfoDate = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh:mm")
# NOTE: don't use "arm64", since raspbian is 32-bit only, feb-2017
$env:GOOS = "linux"
$env:GOARCH = "arm"
$env:GOARM = "7"
Invoke-Expression "go build -v -ldflags '-X main.BuildInfoDate=$buildInfoDate' cmd/ex1/ex1.go"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Remove-Item Env:\GOOS
Remove-Item Env:\GOARCH
Remove-Item Env:\GOARM
Write-Host "Uploading binary ..."
$uploadTime = Measure-Command {
Invoke-Expression "scp ex1 breakout1:."
Write-Host "Upload took" $uploadTime.TotalSeconds "sec"
Invoke-Expression "ssh breakout1 chmod +x ./ex1"
# Invoke-Expression "ssh breakout1 ./ex1"
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