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Last active May 25, 2021 08:38
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The actual "application" code isn't that great, but the structure of the objects should be decent to work with and make it easy to expand the system with more shapes or calculating different things for shapes. For example, add a method on the Shape interface to get the circumference, then you're forced to implement that method on all the shapes.
Choose shape:
1: Rectangle
2: Isosceles Triangle
3: Circle
#> 3
Write the arguments for a Circle:
#Radius> 15
Given a Circle with the dimensions:
Radius = 15
The area is: 706.8583470577
Choose shape:
1: Rectangle
2: Isosceles Triangle
3: Circle
#> 2
Write the arguments for a Isosceles Triangle:
#Base> 15
#Height> 20
Given a Isosceles Triangle with the dimensions:
Base = 15
Height = 20
The area is: 150
Choose shape:
1: Rectangle
2: Isosceles Triangle
3: Circle
#> 1
Write the arguments for a Rectangle:
#Width> 15
#Height> 20
Given a Rectangle with the dimensions:
Width = 15
Height = 20
The area is: 300
* Objects
interface Shape
public static function name() : string;
public static function arguments() : array;
public function area() : float;
class Rectangle implements Shape
/** @var float */
private $width;
/** @var float */
private $height;
public function __construct(float $width, float $height)
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
public static function name() : string
return 'Rectangle';
public static function arguments() : array
return [
1 => 'Width',
2 => 'Height',
public function area() : float
return $this->width * $this->height;
class IsoscelesTriangle implements Shape
/** @var float */
private $base;
/** @var float */
private $height;
public function __construct(float $base, float $height)
$this->base = $base;
$this->height = $height;
public static function name() : string
return 'Isosceles Triangle';
public static function arguments() : array
return [
1 => 'Base',
2 => 'Height',
public function area() : float
return 0.5 * $this->base * $this->height;
class Circle implements Shape
/** @var float */
private $radius;
public function __construct(float $radius)
$this->radius = $radius;
public static function name() : string
return 'Circle';
public static function arguments() : array
return [
1 => 'Radius',
public function area() : float
return pi() * pow($this->radius, 2);
* Helper functions to help working in the terminal
function write(string $text) : void
fwrite(STDOUT, $text);
function line(string $text) : void
write($text . "\n");
function nl() : void
function heading(string $text, string $lineChar = '-') : void
line(str_repeat($lineChar, 80));
function input(string $text = '') : string
write("#{$text}> ");
return fgets(STDIN);
* Run the application
// The available shapes
$shapes = [
1 => Rectangle::class,
2 => IsoscelesTriangle::class,
3 => Circle::class,
// Ask to select an available shape
heading('Choose shape:');
/** @var Shape $class */
foreach ($shapes as $key => $class) {
line(" {$key}: " . $class::name());
// Get the selected shape class (Should have error handling)
$selection = (int) input();
$class = $shapes[$selection];
// Ask to write the needed values to construct the selected shape
heading("Write the arguments for a {$class::name()}:");
$arguments = [];
foreach ($class::arguments() as $key => $argument) {
$arguments[$key] = (float) input($argument);
// Construct the selected shape with given arguments
/** @var Shape $shape */
$shape = new $class(...$arguments);
// Print summary of selection
heading("Given a {$class::name()} with the dimensions: ", '=');
foreach ($class::arguments() as $key => $argument) {
line("{$argument} = {$arguments[$key]}");
// Print the result
line("The area is: {$shape->area()}");
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