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Tiling extensions for Gnome

Goal: find a Linux alternative to FancyZones for Windows

Name Recommended Type Supports main colum Supports layouts Multiple windows in same tile Notes
gSnap 👍 Gnome extension yes yes yes Can be configured almost just like FancyZones; in the settings:
  • disable Show tabs
  • enable Hold CTRL to snap windows
gTile Gnome extension no?
Tiling Assistant 🤷 Gnome extension yes yes yes Layout support is "experimental" and the UX is a bit unintuitive; after enabling layouts, you have to click the star icon beside a layout to mark it as a favourite before you can then hold Alt while dragging to snap to a tile
Forge 👎 Gnome extension yes
  • no predefined layouts
  • overlapping windows are stacked or tabbed
  • no ability not to tile a window
Tactile Gnome extension keyboard only?
ShellTile 👎 Gnome extension no no ⚠ no longer actively developed
WinTile 👎 Gnome extension no not really yes The only real additional feature seems to be snapping to corners
Pop Shell Replacement shell ⚠ no no? Comes with a different launcher since it's a replacement shell?
snappyzones CLI utility
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