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Created July 28, 2016 20:36
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super dirty dynamic routing + static routes + oauth + fetch
import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import { Link, Router, RouterContext, browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import superagent from 'superagent'
import superagentOauth from '@zalando/superagent-oauth2-client'
import deepFreeze from 'deep-freeze-strict'
import config from './config'
let OAuth = require('@zalando/oauth2-client-js')
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
sites: {}
componentDidMount() {
.get(config.API.ENDPOINT + '/site')
.oauth(provider, oauthConfig)
.then((response) => {
console.log('got response', response)
sites: response.body
render() {
let sites = this.state.sites;
let childs = this.props.childs;
return (
<Link to="/testitout/here/view?siteId=adklfjasdf">click me</Link>
Object.keys(sites).map(function(k) {
let site = sites[k]
return <li key={}>{site.url}</li>;
react app lets go
class AnyChild extends React.Component {
render() {
log('render anychild here')
return <div>any child is here: {this.props.children}</div>
AnyChild.propTypes = {}
const componentsRegistred = {
any: AnyChild,
here: AnyChild,
view: AnyChild,
testitout: AnyChild
const staticRoutes = [
path: '/success',
onEnter: function() {
const routes = {
path: '/',
component: mainComponent,
getChildRoutes: function(partialNextState, callback) {
// need to check the path against static routes like /login /logout /success, etc. than just return the route
// all after goes to dynamic routing
let staticRoute = self.staticRoutes.find(function(obj) {
return obj.path == partialNextState.location.pathname
console.log('self try to route', self, partialNextState)
if(staticRoute) {
console.log('static route found')
return callback(null, [staticRoute]);
console.log('looking registry', self)
console.log('getting child routes here....', partialNextState);
let parts = partialNextState.location.pathname.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '').split('/')
console.log('parts?', parts)
let route = parts.reduceRight(function(prev, curr) {
console.log('???reduc', parts)
console.log('right reduce', prev, typeof prev)
let currComponent = self.routeComponents[curr]
if(!currComponent) throw new Error(`no component found for key: ${curr}`)
if(typeof prev == 'string') {
console.log('leave', prev)
let prevComponent = self.routeComponents[prev]
if(!prevComponent) throw new Error(`no component found for key: ${prev}`)
prev = {
path: prev,
component: prevComponent
return {
path: curr,
component: currComponent,
childRoutes: [prev]
if(parts.length == 1) {
route = {
path: route,
component: self.routeComponents[route]
if(!route) throw new Error(`no component found for key: ${route}`)
callback(null, [route])
console.log('route', route)
function myCreateElement(Component, props) {
// copy it
let propsCopy = Object.assign({}, props)
let routerPropTypes = Router.propTypes
delete routerPropTypes['children']
let routerContextPropTypes = RouterContext.propTypes
Object.keys(routerPropTypes).forEach(propType => delete propsCopy[propType])
Object.keys(routerContextPropTypes).forEach(propType => delete propsCopy[propType])
// quite useful may be we should keep them in enables /site/:id/live/:otherid - queryParams are also missing - which can be done here too
delete propsCopy['route']
delete propsCopy['routeParams']
// @d4 - freeze it so its read only - poormans immutable :D lol
return <Component {...propsCopy} />
const appElem = document.querySelector('#app')
render(<Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} createElement={myCreateElement}/>, appElem)
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