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msmuenchen /
Last active August 6, 2024 00:00
Flying a drone in Germany

This article intends to provide a quick refresher and reference guide for aspiring drone pilots in German territory, particularly those from outside the EU.

Disclaimer: The author is not a law professional and assumes no liability, but strives to keep this guide up-to-date and factually correct. Please check the laws yourself before conducting a flight. No commission, referrals or similar awards have been provided to the author. The guide only applies to actual EU member states and Germany specifically, unless noted otherwise. The author has no knowledge about the edge cases Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the UK - they may or may not have adopted the EU regulations. Please file a comment if you have corrections, questions, new edge cases or links to state-specific information.

Basic EU-wide rules

German drone law follows the basic EU harmonized rules:

Drone classes

  • Drones are classified by weight and capabilities by the manufacturer:
  • C0 drones weigh below 250g (e.g. the DJ
zhuowei / Ensemble.plist
Last active September 18, 2023 06:26
Put this file as /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain/Ensemble.plist and reboot to (hopefully) turn on Universal Control on macOS 12
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- not sure which one it is, so set both -->
iamandrewluca / bookmarks-to-notion.js
Last active May 30, 2024 16:34
Export bookmarks to Notion as a Database
(function bookmarksExportToCsv() {
* 1. Export bookmarks from browser (supported any Chromium based browsers and Safari) (chrome://bookmarks)
* 2. Open exported html file again in the browser
* 3. Copy paste this entire file in console, and execute it (hit enter)
* 4. You will be prompted to save a CSV file. Save it.
* 5. Open Notion. Click Import -> CSV
* 6. Select saved CSV file. Wait for import
* 7. You have a new database with all your bookmarks
bbqtd /
Last active August 7, 2024 14:39
Installing tmux-256color for macOS

Installing tmux-256color for macOS

  • macOS 10.15.5
  • tmux 3.1b

macOS has ncurses version 5.7 which does not ship the terminfo description for tmux. There're two ways that can help you to solve this problem.

The Fast Blazing Solution

Instead of tmux-256color, use screen-256color which comes with system. Place this command into ~/.tmux.conf or ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf(for version 3.1 and later):

dvf /
Last active September 21, 2024 14:08
Enable High Quality mode on your headphones (Updated for macOS Catalina)

If you're using a high-end bluetooth headset on your Macbook Pro it's likely your mac is using an audio codec which favors battery efficiency over high quality. This results in a drastic degradation of sound, the SBC codec is the likely culprit, read more about it here.

Find out what codec you're using

  1. Play a song on your headphones
  2. Option (⌥) click the Bluetooth button at the top of your screen Inspect the Bluetooth Coded
  3. If you're using AAC or aptX, you can stop here—those are the highest quality codecs.

Change your codec to AAC or aptX

mag911 /
Last active September 6, 2024 06:10
Parallel Tools fix for Ubuntu 20.04, 19.04, 19.10, 18.04

Update 25 April 2020:

Many thanks to @KZL1992 @tomslominski @ptrofi @n-thumann for recent comments on their experiences with 20.04 and Parallels 13/14/15, especially the subsitution of the latest prl-tools-lin.iso for older Parallels to get it going.

First off, credit goes to for leading the way here.

trmaphi / changeJDK.bash
Last active April 5, 2024 04:06
[Change system wide java version on Mac OS] Inspire by a stackoverflow answer #bash #mac
#!/usr/bin/env bash
JDKS=( $(ls ${JDKS_DIR}) )
# Map state of JDK
for (( i = 0; i < ${#JDKS[@]}; i++ )); do
if [[ -f "${JDKS_DIR}/${JDKS[$i]}/Contents/Info.plist" ]]; then
munificent / generate.c
Last active September 15, 2024 03:16
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u
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shoogle /
Last active August 13, 2024 09:48
Qt without XCode - how to use Qt Creator for macOS software development without installing XCode

Qt without Xcode

How to use Qt Creator for software development on macOS without having to install Xcode


Qt refuses to install on macOS unless Apple's Xcode is installed beforehand. This is unfortunate because: