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Created January 11, 2012 11:58
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Enables debugging for a specified executable. This causes a debugger [vsjitdebugger.exe] to be launched each time the program starts.
@echo off
REM Config section, change if required
set REG=C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe
set DEBUGGER=vsjitdebugger.exe
REM Config section end
set method=enable
set debugExe=
set args=
set verbose=0
set ARG=%~1
if "%~1" == "" goto :optEnd
if /i "%1" == "/enable" (
set method=enable
goto :nextOpt
if /i "%1" == "/disable" (
set method=disable
goto :nextOpt
if /i "%ARG:~0,5%" == "/exe:" (
set debugExe=%ARG:~5%
goto :nextOpt
if /i "%1" == "/?" (
goto :help
if /i "%1" == "/v" (
set verbose=1
goto :nextOpt
if /i "%ARG:~,1%" == "/" (
echo %~n0: Unknown option %ARG% 1>&2
exit /b 1
set args=%args% "%~1"
shift /1
goto :optStart
if "%debugExe%" == "" goto :help
if "" == "%args%" set args=.
call :%method% %args% && ( exit /b 0 ) || ( exit /b 1 )
exit /b 0
if "1" == "%verbose%" echo on
%REG% ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\%debugExe%" /v debugger /t REG_SZ /d %DEBUGGER% /f && exit /b 0
@echo off
exit /b 1
if "1" == "%verbose%" echo on
%REG% DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\%debugExe%" /f && exit /b 0
@echo off
exit /b 1
echo Enables debugging for a specified executable. This causes a debugger [%DEBUGGER%] to be launched each time the program starts.
echo USAGE: %~n0 /enable /exe:executable [/v]
echo %~n0 /diable /exe:executable [/v]
echo /enable Enables debugging for the specified executable
echo /disable Disables debugging for the specified executable
echo /v "Verbose" output
echo EXAMPLE: %~n0 /enable /exe:cmd.exe
exit /b 1
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