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Created May 2, 2020 10:15
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Keras Pearson Correlation Loss
def l2_distance_matrix(x, exact=True):
Calculate an L2 distance matrix from embedding vectors)
x: embedding tensor size (batch_size, embedding_length)
exact: if False, skip the final sqrt
:return: l2 distance matrix tensor tensor size (batch_size, batch_size)
r = K.sum(x*x, 1)
r = K.reshape(r, [-1, 1]) # turn r into column vector
dm = r - 2*, K.transpose(x)) + K.transpose(r)
if exact:
dm = K.sqrt(dm)
return dm
def cosine_distance_matrix(x):
Calculate a Cosine distance matrix from embedding vectors)
x: embedding tensor size (batch_size, embedding_length)
:return: cosine distance matrix tensor tensor size (batch_size, batch_size)
return, K.transpose(x))
def pearson_correlation_of_embeddings(y_true, y_pred, distance_matrix_function, normalized=False):
Calculate pearson correlation loss
:param y_true: embedding tensor size (batch_size, embedding_length)
:param y_pred: embedding tensor size (batch_size, embedding_length)
:param distance_matrix_function: callable that calculates a distance matrix from an embedding
(batch_size, embedding_length) -> (batch_size, batch_size)
:param normalized: if True, Softmax is applied to the distance matrix
:return: loss tensor
dm_true = distance_matrix_function(y_true)
dm_pred = distance_matrix_function(y_pred)
return pearson_correlation_of_distance_matrix(dm_true, dm_pred, normalized)
def pearson_correlation_of_distance_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalized=False):
Calculate pearson correlation loss
:param y_true: distance matrix tensor tensor size (batch_size, batch_size)
:param y_pred: distance matrix tensor tensor size (batch_size, batch_size)
:param normalized: if True, Softmax is applied to the distance matrix
:return: loss tensor
if normalized:
y_true = K.softmax(y_true, axis=-1)
y_pred = K.softmax(y_pred, axis=-1)
sum_true = K.sum(y_true, axis=1)
sum2_true = K.sum(K.square(y_true), axis=1)
sum_pred = K.sum(y_pred, axis=1)
sum2_pred = K.sum(K.square(y_pred), axis=1)
prod = K.sum(y_true*y_pred, axis=1)
n = K.cast(K.shape(y_true)[0], K.floatx())
corr = n*prod - sum_true*sum_pred
corr /= K.sqrt(n * sum2_true - sum_true * sum_true + K.epsilon())
corr /= K.sqrt(n * sum2_pred - sum_pred * sum_pred + K.epsilon())
return -corr
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