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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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The description of a Pulp Apache/WSGI service container
FROM markllama/pulp-base
MAINTAINER Mark Lamourine <>
# docker run -d --name pulp-apache \
# -v /dev/log:/dev/log --volumes-from pulp-content
# -p 443:443 \
# -e \
# -e SSL_TARBALL_URL=<url> markllama/pulp-apache
# SSL_TARBALL_URL must retrieve a TAR archive containing two files
# localhost.crt
# localhost.key
# These must be a key and signed certificate for the hostname indicated
VOLUME [ "/var/www", "/var/lib/pulp" ]
WORKDIR /usr/share/httpd
EXPOSE 80 443
CMD [ "/" ]
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