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Created January 23, 2018 22:48
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finds best and worst cryptocurrency performers according to
# finds best and worst cryptocurrency performers according to
# quick hacky bash script could use refactoring into Python or something...
now=$(date +%s)
# cache the top 100
curl -s "" | jq '.[]' > /tmp/coinz-$now.json
echo 'curl -s "" | grep $1' " # ($window)"
# find best and worst
best=$(egrep "percent_change_${window}\": ?\"[0-9]{1,3}" /tmp/coinz-$now.json \
| egrep -o '[0-9]{1,5}\.[0-9]{1,2}' | sort -rn | head -n1)
worst=$(egrep "percent_change_${window}\": ?\"-?[0-9]{1}" /tmp/coinz-$now.json \
| egrep -o '\-?[0-9]{1,5}\.[0-9]{1,2}' | sort -n | head -n1)
echo "best: $best and worst: $worst (percent) as of $now" | egrep "$best|$worst" --color
# record details on best and worst
# jq . -c /tmp/coinz-$now.json | egrep "\"$best\"|\"$worst\"" | jq .
jq . -c /tmp/coinz-$now.json | egrep "\"$best\"" | jq . > /tmp/coinz-$now-best
jq . -c /tmp/coinz-$now.json | egrep "\"$worst\"" | jq . > /tmp/coinz-$now-worst
best_id=$(jq .id --raw-output /tmp/coinz-$now-best)
worst_id=$(jq .id --raw-output /tmp/coinz-$now-worst)
best_name=$(jq .name /tmp/coinz-$now-best)
worst_name=$(jq .name /tmp/coinz-$now-worst)
best_symbol=$(jq .symbol /tmp/coinz-$now-best)
worst_symbol=$(jq .symbol /tmp/coinz-$now-worst)
# compare details on best and worst
diff -y /tmp/coinz-$now-best /tmp/coinz-$now-worst --width=80 \
| egrep "$best|$worst|$best_name|$worst_name|$best_symbol|$worst_symbol" -C8 --color=always \
| egrep '^ ' | sort | uniq
# clickable links
echo "$best_id/"
echo "$worst_id/"
# $ topGrowth=$(curl -s "" | egrep 'percent_change_[1-9]+[dh]": ?"[0-9]{3}' | egrep -o '[0-9]{3,5}\...' | sort -rn | head -n1) ; echo $topGrowth
# $ botGrowth=$(curl -s "" | egrep 'percent_change_[1-9]+[dh]": ?"-?[0-9]{1}' | egrep -o '\-?[0-9]{1,5}\...' | sort -n | head -n1) ; echo $botGrowth
# $ curl -s "" | jq '.[]' -c | egrep "$topGrowth|$botGrowth|RPX" | jq .
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