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Created June 8, 2021 02:15
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Appends rows to a Google Sheet using the specified OAuth2 token and spreadsheet id.
* Appends the row matrix to the specified range in the identified sheet.
* @param {string} token an OAuth2 token scoped for write to the Google sheets APIs
* (scope must include "") and with access
* to the underlying Google Sheet. The Sheet should be shared with the service user's
* email address.
* @param {string} spreadsheetId the spreadsheet's identifier, which you can glean
* from the Google Sheets URL, extracted from the pattern:
* @param {string} range the range to append to, for the home row this is "A1:A1"
* @param {string[][]} rows the rows to append, must be an array of an array of strings
* @returns the Google API result object
async function appendRowsToSheet(token, spreadsheetId, range, rows) {
try {
return await fetch(
"method": "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
body: JSON.stringify({
"range": range,
"majorDimension": "rows",
"values": rows
} catch (err) {
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