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Last active August 13, 2024 16:33
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I am not a fan of Xcode. Here are ~160~ 200 problems, the first hundred or so issues were filed mostly in
July and August 2016 in a fit of rage. Mostly on weekends working (slowly) on side-projects. I have also
taken days of my employer's time filing others of these - so the company was not getting value for my time.
I believe a paid intern could have found many of these - just start a screen recorder, and when you see something,
stop and cut a quick movie. Many have been around for several major versions.
I'm volunteering chunks of my life (15-30 minutes per) to one of the most valuable companies in the world, which seems
kind of messed up. Things get worse the more complex the project and the longer Xcode been's running.
Apple folks - check out rdar://22524679
FB14784768 - lldb crash gives path to crash log that does not exist
FB13362225 - Xcode 15 - If an option-click in the simulator triggers a breakpoint, xcode opens an unnecessary pane.
FB13350139 - Xcode 15.0.1 - lldb console commands clear out output filter
FB13276023 - [Xcode 8-15] Landscape ipad simulator records movies 90° out of phase
FB13241298 - Xcode 15 - git change bars don't reflect actual local changed-state of file
FB12800892 - [Xcode 15 beta 5] iOS Simulator causing M2 max to overheat due to 250% CPU at idle.
FB12800725 - [Xcode 15 beta 5] Please give us control over lldb prompt jail background color - the contrast is hard to read.
(indirect) - Xcode 15 beta 2 - playground sidebar doesn't resize
(indirect) - Xcode 15 beta 2 - hidden playground text is selected upon open / changing pages
(indirect) - Xcode 15 beta 2 - complex playground does not show correct error indicator for fix-its
(indirect) - Xcode 15 beta 2 - option-click info popup in playground doesn't show complete documentation
FB12446986 - Xcode-15-beta-2 Vision OS installation required to get any work done for iOS
FB12277650 - [Xcode15-wwdc] GeneratedAssetSymbols stripping meaningful characters from asset names
FB12277495 - [Xcode 15-wwdc] Would like automatic building if trying to run when package loading is progress.
FB12239662 - [Xcode15 WWDC] Needing to download 7gig iOS payload twice due to missing instructions
FB12035642 - [Xcode 14] Please don't re-indent entire file when applying fix-it. Causes hundreds of unnecessary changes.
FB11982500 - [Xcode 14] Gaslighted by simulator launching even though there were syntax errors
FB10077499 - [Xcode 14 wwdc] Would like clicking on an error to show me the error
FB10077030 - [Xcode 14 WWDC Beta] Please let us start a build while package loading is in progress.
FB9954644 - [Xcode 13] Accented characters in Xcode project name breaks Swift UI previews
FB9847569 - [Xcode 13.0 / 13.1] SPOD when opening my launch screen storyboard
FB9695594 - [Xcode 13] Deactivated jumpbar unreadable in other programs
FB9649020 - (lldb console) Xcode 13: `c`ontinue in lldb console doesn't always actually resume exeuction
FB9606458 - [Xcode 12] Spindumps from Xcode SPODs
FB9120274 - [Xcode 12] Would like a "Build and Run even though you're loading packages"
FB9077791 - [Xcode 12] Would like anything in SPM Package additon window to be resizable
FB9077466 - [Xcode 12] SwiftUI Preview doesn't update when file is changed by external editor. Xcode editor does update.
FB8865916 - [Xcode 12] Would like to be able to scroll horizontally with view debugger
FB8820295 - [Xcode 12] Getting errors from xib file that don't seem to make sense
FB8820260 - [Xcode 12] Would like clicking on a warning to take me to the item generating the warning
FB8820036 - [XCode 12] performing two fix-its mutilates code
FB8819889 - [Xcode 12] Memory graph debugger loses selected item / doesn't redraw, if move back to it after following function button
FB8815439 - [Xcode 12] Xcode in background is responding to mouse motion in front-most apps
FB8812912 - [Xcode 12] Please don't scroll IB view underneath outline view when resizing outline
FB8811294 - [Xcode 12] Would like progress bar to see app store upload progress (broken since Xcode _9_)
FB8795998 - [Xcode 12] Would like plist editor value column to use more empty space
FB8795694 - [Xcode 12] Would like breakpoint navigator to show breakpoint number for very long truncated breakpoint symbols
FB8792951 - [Xcode 12] 13.5 simulator downloading massive amounts of ... something, blocking launch
FB8790623 - [Xcode 12] Would like simulator download progress and estimated time
FB8790583 - [Xcode 12] Would like breakpoint navagator to default to expanding breakpoints
FB8762518 - [Xcode 12] Would like to be able to select stack traces in memory graph debugger
FB8745040 - [Xcode 12] Would like error indicators to take precedemce over warning indicators
FB8741530 - [Xcode 12] Would like errors to sort before warnings
FB8734540 - [Xcode 12] Would like fresh compiler errors in tests to be sorted above stale test errors in issue navigator
FB8114459 - [XCode 11] Would like test compile errors to list before old test failures in the Issue Inspector
FB7814331 - [Xcode 11] ibtool Crash compiling xib file
FB7743290 - [Xcode 11] Crash when dragging multiple scheme run arguments
FB7705083 - [Xcode] sometimes incorrect platform is selected when changing targets, causing errors when trying run
FB7697641 - [instruments] would like to see log string in os_log instrument in the detail panel
FB7697621 - [Instruments] Can't find warning with "There is a warning pertaining to the next recording" warning
FB7697594 - [Instruments] track contents can be empty even with useful data. Affected by scroll position
FB7689266 - Unable to use points of interest and signposts in the simulator
FB7677426 - [Xcode 11.4] 100% CPU consumption while idling
FB7633749 - [Xcode] would like target list to be ordered deterministically
FB7562905 - [Xcode 11] Would like a progress bar when uploading to the app store
FB7534954 - Xcode 11 simulators + Catalina == system wide lockups
FB7533681 - Xcode - please allow us to turn off yellow delimiter matching animation
FB7533658 - Xcode 11 - swift UI preview doesn't react to changes made with an external editor
FB7480831 - Xcode 11: color stripes in editor scroll bar trough don't seem to account for code soft-wrap
FB7480680 - Xcode 11: Reducing transparency causes some highlighted menu items to become unreadable
FB7425827 - Feedback app won't let me log in
FB7354121 - [Xcode 11.1GM] SwiftUI project in state where previews fail, inscrutible errors
FB7354023 - [Xcode 11.1GM] Syntax error in SwiftUI yields inscrutible icon
FB7353972 - [Xcode 11.1GM] SwiftUI preview inspector doesn't scroll
FB7353937 - [Xcode 11.1GM] SwiftUI preview doesn't update if source file edited outside of Xcode
48174984 - Crash in LLDB RPC server (per request in console)
45443190 - Xcode 10 - would like xib warning to take me to the problematic element
45380885 - Xcode 10: Filtering debugger console can corrupt results
45181772 - Xcode10: Jump bar flashes with every pause in typing
45180649 - Xcode10: simulator crash when starting up
45180046 - Xcode10: Would love to have template new project settings
45134298 - XCode10: running tests sometimes fail with dyld error loading libswiftcore
45094919 - Xcode 10: Would like "please don't show this" for "Lost Connection" alert sheet
35489687 - [Xcode9] Please add contextual menu "show in debug navigator" for view debugger
34668682 - Xcode9: enlarging font size in playground doesn't increase spacing for numbered lists
34613859 - Xcode9: Cannot drag-select last character of second-soft-wrapped line
34612546 - Xcode9: Please don't delete two delimiters with one backspace -- e.g. ()^H
34612474 - xcode9: please remove in-editor error/warning indicators when the code they highlight has been deleted
34612410 - Xcode9: Can't show in project navigator from RTF editor
34573751 - Xcode9: Off by six error in playground error messages
34552520 - Xcode9: cannot turn off the paren-kissing animation
33828904 - Xcode9b5: suggestd crashing every few seconds
33828792 - Xcode9b5: Crashes while in the background
33815421 - Xcode9b5: Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool nomming 130% CPU
33607955 - Xcode9b4 - entering comment goes exponential
33355624 - Xcode9b3: touchID not working in simulator
33393295 - Xcode9b3: Occasional crash when using emacs navigation plus manual indenting
33365440 - Xcode9b3 - rapid double click + typing selects extra text
33169619 - Xcode9b2 - Missing progress bar when uploading payload to app store
33158601 - Xcode9b2 - Storyboard gesture recognizer rearrangement shows indicator in odd place when dragging over GR buttons
33158395 - Xcode9b2 - can't demote a UISlider to a UIView
33061746 - xcode9b2 - would like control-I to skip over white space and position cursor before first-non-whitespace on the line
32968244 - Xcode9b2 - slow performance jumping to symbol definition in pathologically large objc file
32967949 - xcode9b2 - Search results navigator keeps showing "Find Navigator Results View" tooltip while I'm trying to use the results
32967802 - Xcode9b2 - would like "method declared here" warning to take me to where the method is declared.
32967400 - Xcode9b2 - text cursor is often wrong shape
32840266 - Xcode9b1 - Would like command-mouse highlighting of objective C structures
32840149 - Xcode9b1 - command-click menu text disappears when highlighted
32834386 - Xcode9b1 - Indenting objective-C code moves it to column zero
32834285 - Xcode9b1 - function menu flashes when typing
32833870 - Xcode9b1 - Spurious [UIFocus] Focus system displayed when running in simulator (turns out xib file loading triggering UISegmented control)
32833450 - Xcode9beta1 - Using address sanitizer makes `po` of some objects not work in lldb console.
32833056 - Xcode9b1 - The Simulator's new "mickey mouse hand" cursor makes it more difficult for me to use the simulator
32798692 - Xcode9b1 - Unfiltered on-demand completion yields unscrollable window of options
32792822 - Radarweb - Initial loading of web page takes 20+ seconds
32792678 - Radarweb - Drafts often fail to save
32792521 - Radarweb - would like autolinkification for URLs mentioned in the text
32792453 - radarweb - would like better use of screen real-estate
32791621 - Xcode9b1 Resizing debugger pane causes editor to scroll randomly
32789745 - Xcode9beta1 - Typing in editor flashes the Quick Help inspector on every keystroke _(manual dupe of 27248509)_
32718717 - Xcode9b1 - Would like to hide in-editor error messages
32695994 - [RadarWeb] Visiting Radar on a small device leads to Zalgo Text
32608464 - Xcode9b1 - IBOutlet indicators obscure line numbers
32608296 - Xcode9b1 - IBOutlet indicators lie until xib file is visited
32605804 - Xcode9b1 - Crash when reparenting the directory containing an open project
32590691 - [Xcode9b1] NSData quicklook has non-useful byte stride
32589475 - [Xcode9b1] Please restore 'yank' in new editor
32581603 - [Xcode9b1] Consumes 3-500% CPU sitting idle at "Welcome to Xcode" window - would have liked to know what it was doing
31627661 - Documentation in Safari breaks search
30949101 - Xcode - playgrounds - turning a block comment into a rendered block leaves in comment terminator
30948200 - Xcode - Lost my custom menu keybindings
30948018 - Xcode - creating a new playground gives "unable to create device" error
30936163 - Xcode - would like a non-invisible resize bar in log panel
30764481 - Xcode: cannot open C header file in swift-only project
30564771 - DateFormatter documentation example shows obsolete API
30561030 - Xcode: option-clicking disclosure triangles in variables view doesn't expand all the things
30560302 - Xcode: would like quicklook for swift Data type
30559756 - Xcode: split screen on same file. Backspacing causes other side to scroll 1 pixel / 1 line
30544149 - Xcode: Please close parenthetical version number in the simulator about box
30481014 - Xcode: IB doesn't update view's class name when class changes
30480908 - Xcode: Spurious Metal warning
30365574 - instruments - leak instrument keeps adding new Root leak on each leak check
30365203 - xcode: would like storyboard warnings to take me to the thing that caused it
30365059 - xcode:storyboard dirty state is inconsistent and confusing
30364703 - radarweb: large file uploads (where > 10 mb) unreliable [Still happening 6/15/2017 :-( ]
30364686 - xcode - derived data path occludes "take me to the derived data" folder.
30364640 - xcode - ibtool vomited on itself, asked to file a bug.
30364545 - xcode - simulator often won't run - request denied by service delegate
30339274 - Xcode playgrounds - got a ' "" Report a bug' message in a non-running playground
30339015 - xcode playgrounds: copying and pasting markup destroys Code Block indentation
30338471 - Xcode playgrounds - would like new page added after explicit selection.
30335490 - Xcode playgrounds: entering rendered markup mode scrolls to inconvenient location
30334060 - Xcode playgrounds: project is stuck in Failed to launch process - report a bug
30333391 - Xcode playgrounds - code markup has "example" when rendered
30330700 - Xcode playgrounds: scaled video is clipped when initially rendered
30329541 - Xcode playgrounds - please remember cursor position if it's inside of markup, when going to render mode
30329233 - xcode playgrounds: remote image loading isn't
30329010 - Xcode Playgrounds: Example example doesn't look right
30190883 - Xcode 8.3b1 - Time profiler is broken _(This one I got a "check to see if it happens in b2". And sure enough, still broken. I don't think they read the bugs.)
30043998 - Xcode: type info popup has links to project types, but they lead nowhere.
30028579 - Xcode: Please add a "don't show this alert again" to "Clean Build Folder"
30014545 - Xcode: would like a way to disambiguate similar projects
29884107 - Xcode needs a "collect all pertinent information" button to ease bug reporting when Xcode vomits on itself
29761110 - Xcode: Swift [enum:CGRect] collection shows wrong values in lldb
29754229 - Visual design [of xcode doc viewer] makes poor use of available screen real estate
29503993 - Xcode8 - launch time breakpoint leads to never-ending 230% CPU consumption
29461977 - Xcode: Automatic provisioning failed _(only took 11 attempts to upload the supporting files)_
29439227 - Xcode 8 - Would be nice to have common UI affordances in memory graph
28655095 - Xcode8: Nonsensical suggestion for a tableview datasource warning fix
28352830 - Xcode8 - Instruments is unusable on second run
28352677 - Xcode8 - please let us embiggen the font in Instruments
28265400 - Xcode8 - failure during Swift migration process erroneously sets "hey I converted to Swift 3" state
27871441 - Xcode8 - crash emptying build folder
27870541 - Xcode8: find/replace button titles shift around when moused over
27841135 - xcode8: Crash with P3 color spaces
27841411 - Xcode8b5: Crash while editing / saving
27855173 - Xcode8 - warning region indicator still visible with live issues _OFF_ and Show All Issues is Off
27778378 - Xcode8: NSData quicklook shows prime number of bytes per row
27776934 - Xcode8 - won't complete Swift3 NSImage convenience initializer
27771279 - Xcode8b5: Swift 3 migrator misses some stuff
27758069 - Xcode 8: an internal error occurred. Source editor functionality is limited
27776466 - Xcode8: Swift indentation gets weird when comments are involved
27667500 - Xcode8 - Resizing console/debug splitter even one pixel causes code to scroll to unwanted position
27689184 - Xcode8 : swift 3 migration breaks index, no help or inference until success build
27631931 - Xcode8 - saved xib three times quickly, Xcode locked up with 100% CPU / revving fans
27666734 - Xcode8: Visual cacophony when browsing errors
27631844 - Xcode8 - indentation keystroke loses its mind, destroys my code
27631615 - Xcode8 - git updating an open project causes it to collapse all open folders in file navigator
27631771 - Xcode8 - warning region indicator still visible with live issues but Show All Issues is Off
27546905 - Xcode8 - new template chooser icon reflowing is jarring and amateurish-looking
27572839 - Xcode8: Cross cursor to indicate panel resizing sometimes lies, leading to clicks/drags in editing area
27573110 - Xcode8 - Xcode still spews non-useful stuff to debug console
27573549 - Xcode8 - Help inspector displays text in wrong place, then moves to correct place, causing visual flicker
27613592 - Xcode8: devices window log splitter is very narrow, and invisible
27630351 - Xcode8 - successful build falsely reports errors, then immediately removes them
27630423 - Xcode8 - suggests nonsensical completions
27630530 - Xcode8 - storyboard in ipad-only project should initially open with iPad formfactor
27630585 - Xcode8 - simulator refuses to run due to "invalid device state"
27630700 - Xcode8b3 - xib files marked as dirty when just looking at them
27631296 - Xcode8 - xcode shows duplicate identical projects in recents lists
27631410 - Xcode8 - Got a flurry of bizarre errors, reveal in log broken
27477891 - Xcode8b3: Swift 3 migrator seems to work, but has errors in issue navigator
27478634 - Xcode8: option-click provides no useful info after swift-3 migration
27479238 - Xcode8: plays hide and seek with in-editor errors
27480844 - Xcode8: quick-open broken for ProjectName-Swift.h
27482011 - Xcode8: Doesn't reliably on-demand complete inside of a Swift print statement interpolation.
27291286 - Xcode8: Click-to-select-text in Quick Help inspector is offset by a line
27324445 - Xcode8 - Xcode often lies about connection state of IBActions and outlets
27349531 - Xcode8: SIGKILL from the simulator running a new app occasionally bubbles up and causes confusion
27350485 - xcode8: git status changes from terminal can take several minutes to be reflected in xcode
27375970 - xcode8: Hang/SPOD showing invisibles
27383572 - Xcode8: dragging a connection wire sometimes in a state where I can't actually make a connection
27384118 - Xcode8: changing code indentation makes error sigil flicker, then disappear, yielding incorrect correctness appearance of code
27385498 - Xcode 8: Dragging a UIButton sometimes makes it scurry back home rather than dropping the button
27195434 - Xcode8 : Some header files hang when generating interface
27236415 - Xcode8: Incredible amount of spew to debug console
27236716 - Xcode8: Xcode didn't show any valid simulators until quit and restart
27237493 - Xcode8: transfer of app to instruments via CPU gauges leads to unresponsive app.
27248509 - Xcode8: Quick Help Inspector flashes like a strobe light while typing
27263098 - Xcode8: can't get a copyable stack trace from a hard error in playgrounds
27267291 - Xcode 7/8- Step-Over actually steps-into fast enumeration collections
27268329 - [Xcode8] Dragging NSTableView draws cell placeholders upside down if table headings is off
27268385 - Xcode8 - IB jump bar dirty flag doesn't match file navigator state
27268734 - Xcode8: race condition between saving and building causing "file modified during compiling" error
27268928 - Xcode8: Turning Show All Issues off moves where cursor is blinking, but not actual insertion point
27163150 - Xcode8 - can't open header files from bridge header
27163184 - Xcode8 - building after a purge-build-folder yields bizarre errors
27163268 - Xcode8: Same bytes have different line selection behavior
27163286 - Xcode8: Please let us turn off all audible feedback
- herp derp turn off all alert noises system wide. :-(
27163394 - Xcode8: reparenting a project's directory leaves error bubble in Recents menu
27140557 - Xcode8 - defaults to wrong architecture when making a new file
27141386 - Xcode8 - warning box occludes typing when trying to fix a warning
27141968 - Xcode8 - Error highlighting still applies even after offending text has been deleted
27142383 - Xcode8 : error in array extension not being displayed correctly
27142991 - Xcode8 - application crashes in insane spot. Magically works after clearing build folder
27143385 - Xcode8: Documentation quick-look and viewer sometimes broken
27144042 - Xcode8 - ambiguous subscript error candidate broken in issue navigator
27148447 - Xcode8 - crash in IBTool during static analyzer run
27148506 - Xcode8 - Xcode 8 - even after four years, xcode still piddles on xib files.
27148568 - Xcode8 - if simulator reboots in landscape mode, the program is off by π/2 radians
27148769 - Xcode8 - Simulator locks up and can't be stopped from within xcode
27149543 - Xcode8 - MainMenu.xib file permanently dirty, even after saving repeatedly
27162167 - Xcode8 - playgrounds don't show any errors unless Live Issues is on
27162192 - Xcode8 - Crash on quit (actually xcode 7)
27162355 - Xcode8 - Swift 3 migrator leaves spurious build errors in issue navigator
27162973 - Xcode8: playground tenaciously held on to error, wouldn't let go
27148695 - Xcode8 static analyzer - possible false positive with malloc'd block array
22844154 - [Xcode] Open file gauge doesn't show my useful path names.
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