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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Tool to download all your Moves data in JSON format, from a provided starting date until the current day.
Marius Watz, August 2014
Retrieves JSON data from Moves (,
from a provided start date until the current date. Days for
which a data file already exists are skipped.
Requires a Moves access token, which can be obtained using the
web interface set up by Nicholas Felton for his MovesMapper
project. See instructions below.
NOTE: Try to get the starting date as close as possible to a
valid date for which you have Moves data. The code will give
nasty-looking errors for any date that has no data.
API code based on MovesMapper by Nicholas Felton:
// Instructions from original code by Nicholas Felton. We'll
// get a valid Moves access token by using his web service interface.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Open Moves app and make sure that your activity is up to date.
// 2. In the settings, go to the Apps section and click the add a PIN button.
// 3. Visit to get the PIN and enter this in the app.
// 4. Once you've given the app permission to access your data, the web page will refresh and dislay your access token.
// 5. Set the accessToken string
// 6. Run the sketch.
import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
String accessToken = "YOUR_TOKEN";
int startYear=2014;
int startMonth=1; // January
int startDay=20; // First day of month == 1
void setup() {
if(accessToken.compareTo("YOUR_TOKEN")==0) {
println("Access token must be provided.");
println("Read the comments for instructions.");
else {
movesDownload(startYear, startMonth, startDay);
void draw() {
Iterate through days from provided start date until the
current date, fetching Moves JSON data for each day.
void movesDownload(int startY, int startM, int startD) {
Calendar today=Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, startY);
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, startM-(1-Calendar.JANUARY));
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, startD-(1-Calendar.MONDAY));
SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
while (cal.before (today)) {
String s=df.format(cal.getTime());
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
Checks if JSON file exists for provided date, executing a call to
the Moves API if none is found. The result is saved as a JSON file in
the "data" folder.
void movesQuery(String fetchDate) {
if (new File(dataPath(fetchDate + ".json")).exists()) {
println("Data exists: " + fetchDate);
println("Calling Moves API for date: " + fetchDate);
String apiCall = "" +
fetchDate + "?trackPoints=true&access_token=" + accessToken;
try {
JSONArray result = loadJSONArray( apiCall );
if (result != null) { // unsure if this call works
saveJSONArray(result, dataPath(fetchDate + ".json"));
catch(Exception e) {
println("Fail: "+fetchDate);
long t=System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis ()-t<1*1000) {
// do nothing - just wait a moment between API calls
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