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Application upgrade file

The application upgrade file defines how an application is upgraded or downgraded in a running system.

This file is used by the functions in systools when generating a release upgrade file relup.

File Syntax

The application upgrade file is to be called Application.appup, where Application is the application name. The file is to be located in the ebin directory for the application.

The .appup file contains one single Erlang term, which defines the instructions used to upgrade or downgrade the application. The file has the following syntax:

  [{UpFromVsn, Instructions}, ...],
  [{DownToVsn, Instructions}, ...]}.
  • Vsn = string()
  • Current application version.
  • UpFromVsn = string() | binary()
  • An earlier application version to upgrade from. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a specific version number. If it is a binary, it is interpreted as a regular expression that can match multiple version numbers.
  • DownToVsn = string() | binary()
  • An earlier application version to downgrade to. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a specific version number. If it is a binary, it is interpreted as a regular expression that can match multiple version numbers.
  • Instructions
  • A list of release upgrade instructions, see [Release Upgrade Instructions](#Release Upgrade Instructions). It is recommended to use high-level instructions only. These are automatically translated to low-level instructions by systools when creating the relup file.

To avoid duplication of upgrade instructions, it is allowed to use regular expressions to specify UpFromVsn and DownToVsn. To be considered a regular expression, the version identifier must be specified as a binary. For example, the following match all versions 2.1.x, where x is any number:


Notice that the regular expression must match the complete version string, so this example works for, for example, 2.1.1, but not for

Release Upgrade Instructions

Release upgrade instructions are interpreted by the release handler when an upgrade or downgrade is made. For more information about release handling, see OTP Design Principles in System Documentation.

A process is said to use a module Mod if Mod is listed in the Modules part of the child specification used to start the process, see stdlib/supervisor. In the case of stdlib/gen_event, an event manager process is said to use Mod if Mod is an installed event handler.

High-Level Instructions

{update, Mod}
{update, Mod, supervisor}
{update, Mod, Change}
{update, Mod, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Change, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
{update, Mod, ModType, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  ModType = static | dynamic
  Timeout = int()>0 | default | infinity
  Change = soft | {advanced,Extra}
    Extra = term()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge
  DepMods = [Mod]

Synchronized code replacement of processes using module Mod.

All those processes are suspended using stdlib/sys#suspend/1, the new module version is loaded, and then the processes are resumed using stdlib/sys#resume/1.

  • Change
  • Defaults to soft and defines the type of code change. If it is set to {advanced,Extra}, implemented processes using stdlib/gen_server, stdlib/gen_fsm, stdlib/gen_statem, or stdlib/gen_event transform their internal state by calling the callback function code_change. Special processes call the callback function system_code_change/4. In both cases, the term Extra is passed as an argument to the callback function.
  • PrePurge
  • Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with processes executing old code before loading the new module version. If the value is brutal_purge, the processes are killed. If the value is soft_purge, release_handler#install_release/1 returns {error,{old_processes,Mod}}.
  • PostPurge
  • Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with processes that are executing old code when the new module version has been loaded. If the value is brutal_purge, the code is purged when the release is made permanent and the processes are killed. If the value is soft_purge, the release handler purges the old code when no remaining processes execute the code.
  • DepMods
  • Defaults to [] and defines other modules that Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions for suspending processes using Mod come before instructions for suspending processes using modules in DepMods when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading. In case of circular dependencies, the order of the instructions in the appup file is kept.
  • Timeout
  • Defines the time-out when suspending processes. If no value or default is specified, the default value for stdlib/sys#suspend/1 is used.
  • ModType
  • Defaults to dynamic. It specifies if the code is "dynamic", that is, if a process using the module spontaneously switches to new code, or if it is "static". When doing an advanced update and upgrade, the new version of a dynamic module is loaded before the process is asked to change code. When downgrading, the process is asked to change code before loading the new version. For static modules, the new version is loaded before the process is asked to change code, both in the case of upgrading and downgrading. Callback modules are dynamic.

update with argument supervisor is used when changing the start specification of a supervisor.

{load_module, Mod}
{load_module, Mod, DepMods}
{load_module, Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge
  DepMods = [Mod]

Simple code replacement of the module Mod.

For a description of PrePurge and PostPurge, see update above.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions for loading these modules come before the instruction for loading Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{add_module, Mod}
{add_module, Mod, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  DepMods = [Mod]

Loads a new module Mod.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions related to these modules come before the instruction for loading Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{delete_module, Mod}
{delete_module, Mod, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()

Deletes a module Mod using the low-level instructions remove and purge.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions related to these modules come before the instruction for removing Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{add_application, Application}
{add_application, Application, Type}
  Application = atom()
  Type = permanent | transient | temporary | load | none

Adding an application means that the modules defined by the modules key in the .app file are loaded using add_module.

Type defaults to permanent and specifies the start type of the application. If Type = permanent | transient | temporary, the application is loaded and started in the corresponding way, see kernel/application. If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded.

{remove_application, Application}
  Application = atom()

Removing an application means that the application is stopped, the modules are unloaded using delete_module, and then the application specification is unloaded from the application controller.

{restart_application, Application}
  Application = atom()

Restarting an application means that the application is stopped and then started again, similar to using the instructions remove_application and add_application in sequence. Note that, even if the application has been started before the release upgrade is performed, restart_application may only load it rather than start it, depending on the application's start type: If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded.

Low-Level Instructions

{load_object_code, {App, Vsn, [Mod]}}
  App = Mod = atom()
  Vsn = string()

Reads each Mod from directory App-Vsn/ebin as a binary. It does not load the modules. The instruction is to be placed first in the script to read all new code from the file to make the suspend-load-resume cycle less time-consuming.


If a crash occurs after this instruction, the system cannot recover and is restarted from the old release version. The instruction must only occur once in a script. It is to be placed after all load_object_code instructions.

{load, {Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge}}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge

Before this instruction occurs, Mod must have been loaded using load_object_code. This instruction loads the module. PrePurge is ignored. For a description of PostPurge, see the high-level instruction update earlier.

{remove, {Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge}}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge

Makes the current version of Mod old. PrePurge is ignored. For a description of PostPurge, see the high-level instruction update earlier.

{purge, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Purges each module Mod, that is, removes the old code. Notice that any process executing purged code is killed.

{suspend, [Mod | {Mod, Timeout}]}
  Mod = atom()
  Timeout = int()>0 | default | infinity

Tries to suspend all processes using a module Mod. If a process does not respond, it is ignored. This can cause the process to die, either because it crashes when it spontaneously switches to new code, or as a result of a purge operation. If no Timeout is specified or default is specified, the default value for stdlib/sys#suspend/1 is used.

{resume, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Resumes all suspended processes using a module Mod.

{code_change, [{Mod, Extra}]}
{code_change, Mode, [{Mod, Extra}]}
  Mod = atom()
  Mode = up | down
  Extra = term()

Mode defaults to up and specifies if it is an upgrade or downgrade. This instruction sends a code_change system message to all processes using a module Mod by calling function stdlib/sys#change_code/4, passing term Extra as argument.

{stop, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Stops all processes using a module Mod by calling stdlib/supervisor#terminate_child/2. This instruction is useful when the simplest way to change code is to stop and restart the processes that run the code.

{start, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Starts all stopped processes using a module Mod by calling stdlib/supervisor#restart_child/2.

{sync_nodes, Id, [Node]}
{sync_nodes, Id, {M, F, A}}
  Id = term()
  Node = node()
  M = F = atom()
  A = [term()]

apply(M, F, A) must return a list of nodes.

This instruction synchronizes the release installation with other nodes. Each Node must evaluate this command with the same Id. The local node waits for all other nodes to evaluate the instruction before execution continues. If a node goes down, it is considered to be an unrecoverable error, and the local node is restarted from the old release. There is no time-out for this instruction, which means that it can hang forever.

{apply, {M, F, A}}
  M = F = atom()
  A = [term()]

Evaluates apply(M, F, A).

If the instruction appears before instruction point_of_no_return, a failure is caught. release_handler#install_release/1 then returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}, unless {error,Error} is thrown or returned. Then it returns {error,Error}.

If the instruction appears after instruction point_of_no_return and the function call fails, the system is restarted.


This instruction is used when the application ERTS, Kernel, STDLIB, or SASL is upgraded. It shuts down the current emulator and starts a new one. All processes are terminated gracefully, and the new version of ERTS, Kernel, STDLIB, and SASL are used when the emulator restarts. Only one restart_new_emulator instruction is allowed in the relup file, and it must be placed first. systools#make_relup/3 ensures this when the relup file is generated. The rest of the instructions in the relup file is executed after the restart as a part of the boot script.

An info report is written when the upgrade is completed. To programmatically determine if the upgrade is complete, call release_handler#which_releases/0 and check if the expected release has status current.

The new release must still be made permanent after the upgrade is completed, otherwise the old emulator is started if there is an emulator restart.

As stated earlier, instruction restart_new_emulator causes the emulator to be restarted with new versions of ERTS>, Kernel, STDLIB, and SASL. However, all other applications do at startup run their old versions in this new emulator. This is usually no problem, but every now and then incompatible changes occur to the core applications, which can cause trouble in this setting. Such incompatible changes (when functions are removed) are normally preceded by a deprecation over two major releases. To ensure that your application is not crashed by an incompatible change, always remove any call to deprecated functions as soon as possible.


This instruction is similar to restart_new_emulator, except it must be placed at the end of the relup file. It is not related to an upgrade of the emulator or the core applications, but can be used by any application when a complete reboot of the system is required.

When generating the relup file, systools#make_relup/3 ensures that there is only one restart_emulator instruction and that it is the last instruction in the relup file.

See Also

release_handler, relup, stdlib/supervisor, systools


List processing functions.

This module contains functions for list processing.

Unless otherwise stated, all functions assume that position numbering starts at 1. That is, the first element of a list is at position 1.

Two terms T1 and T2 compare equal if T1 == T2 evaluates to true. They match if T1 =:= T2 evaluates to true.

Whenever an ordering function F is expected as argument, it is assumed that the following properties hold of F for all x, y, and z:

  • If x F y and y F x, then x = y (F is antisymmetric).
  • If x F y and y F z, then x F z (F is transitive).
  • x F y or y F x (F is total).

An example of a typical ordering function is less than or equal to: =</2.



Return true if all elements in a list satisfy Pred.

Returns true if Pred(Elem) returns true for all elements Elem in List, otherwise false.


Return true if any of the elements in a list satisfies Pred.

Returns true if Pred(Elem) returns true for at least one element Elem in List.


Append a list of lists.

Returns a list in which all the sublists of ListOfLists have been appended.


> lists:append([[1, 2, 3], [a, b], [4, 5, 6]]).


Append two lists.

Returns a new list List3, which is made from the elements of List1 followed by the elements of List2.


> lists:append("abc", "def").

lists:append(A, B) is equivalent to A ++ B.


Concatenate a list of atoms.

Concatenates the text representation of the elements of Things. The elements of Things can be atoms, integers, floats, or strings.


> lists:concat([doc, '/', file, '.', 3]).


Delete an element from a list.

Returns a copy of List1 where the first element matching Elem is deleted, if there is such an element.


Drop the last element of a list.

Drops the last element of a List. The list is to be non-empty, otherwise the function crashes with a function_clause.


Drop elements from a list while a predicate is true.

Drops elements Elem from List1 while Pred(Elem) returns true and returns the remaining list.


Make N copies of element.

Returns a list containing N copies of term Elem.


> lists:duplicate(5, xx).


Select elements that satisfy a predicate.

List2 is a list of all elements Elem in List1 for which Pred(Elem) returns true.


Filter and map elements that satisfy a function.

Calls Fun(Elem) on successive elements Elem of List1. Fun/1 must return either a Boolean or a tuple {true, Value}. The function returns the list of elements for which Fun returns a new value, where a value of true is synonymous with {true, Elem}.

That is, filtermap behaves as if it had been defined as follows:

filtermap(Fun, List1) ->
    lists:foldr(fun(Elem, Acc) ->
                       case Fun(Elem) of
                           false -> Acc;
                           true -> [Elem|Acc];
                           {true,Value} -> [Value|Acc]
                end, [], List1).


> lists:filtermap(fun(X) -> case X rem 2 of 0 -> {true, X div 2}; _ -> false end end, [1,2,3,4,5]).


Length of flattened deep list.

Equivalent to length(flatten(DeepList)), but more efficient.


Map and flatten in one pass.

Takes a function from As to lists of Bs, and a list of As (List1) and produces a list of Bs by applying the function to every element in List1 and appending the resulting lists.

That is, flatmap behaves as if it had been defined as follows:

flatmap(Fun, List1) ->
    append(map(Fun, List1)).


> lists:flatmap(fun(X)->[X,X] end, [a,b,c]).


Flatten a deep list.

Returns a flattened version of DeepList.


Flatten a deep list.

Returns a flattened version of DeepList with tail Tail appended.


Fold a function over a list.

Calls Fun(Elem, AccIn) on successive elements A of List, starting with AccIn == Acc0. Fun/2 must return a new accumulator, which is passed to the next call. The function returns the final value of the accumulator. Acc0 is returned if the list is empty.


> lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, [1,2,3,4,5]).
> lists:foldl(fun(X, Prod) -> X * Prod end, 1, [1,2,3,4,5]).


Fold a function over a list.

Like foldl/3, but the list is traversed from right to left.


> P = fun(A, AccIn) -> io:format("~p ", [A]), AccIn end.
> lists:foldl(P, void, [1,2,3]).
1 2 3 void
> lists:foldr(P, void, [1,2,3]).
3 2 1 void

foldl/3 is tail recursive and is usually preferred to foldr/3.


Insert an element between elements in a list

Inserts Sep between each element in List1. Has no effect on the empty list and on a singleton list. For example:

> lists:join(x, [a,b,c]).
> lists:join(x, [a]).
> lists:join(x, []).


Apply a function to each element of a list.

Calls Fun(Elem) for each element Elem in List. This function is used for its side effects and the evaluation order is defined to be the same as the order of the elements in the list.


Delete an element from a list of tuples.

Returns a copy of TupleList1 where the first occurrence of a tuple whose Nth element compares equal to Key is deleted, if there is such a tuple.


Search for an element in a list of tuples.

Searches the list of tuples TupleList for a tuple whose Nth element compares equal to Key. Returns Tuple if such a tuple is found, otherwise false.


Map a function over a list of tuples.

Returns a list of tuples where, for each tuple in TupleList1, the Nth element Term1 of the tuple has been replaced with the result of calling Fun(Term1).


> Fun = fun(Atom) -> atom_to_list(Atom) end.
2> lists:keymap(Fun, 2, [{name,jane,22},{name,lizzie,20},{name,lydia,15}]).


Test for membership of a list of tuples.

Returns true if there is a tuple in TupleList whose Nth element compares equal to Key, otherwise false.


Merge two key-sorted lists of tuples.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging TupleList1 and TupleList2. The merge is performed on the Nth element of each tuple. Both TupleList1 and TupleList2 must be key-sorted before evaluating this function. When two tuples compare equal, the tuple from TupleList1 is picked before the tuple from TupleList2.


Replace an element in a list of tuples.

Returns a copy of TupleList1 where the first occurrence of a T tuple whose Nth element compares equal to Key is replaced with NewTuple, if there is such a tuple T.


Search for an element in a list of tuples.

Searches the list of tuples TupleList for a tuple whose Nth element compares equal to Key. Returns {value, Tuple} if such a tuple is found, otherwise false.

This function is retained for backward compatibility. Function keyfind/3 is usually more convenient.


Sort a list of tuples.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of list TupleList1. Sorting is performed on the Nth element of the tuples. The sort is stable.


Store an element in a list of tuples.

Returns a copy of TupleList1 where the first occurrence of a tuple T whose Nth element compares equal to Key is replaced with NewTuple, if there is such a tuple T. If there is no such tuple T, a copy of TupleList1 where [NewTuple] has been appended to the end is returned.


Extract an element from a list of tuples.

Searches the list of tuples TupleList1 for a tuple whose Nth element compares equal to Key. Returns {value, Tuple, TupleList2} if such a tuple is found, otherwise false. TupleList2 is a copy of TupleList1 where the first occurrence of Tuple has been removed.


Return last element in a list.

Returns the last element in List.


Map a function over a list.

Takes a function from As to Bs, and a list of As and produces a list of Bs by applying the function to every element in the list. This function is used to obtain the return values. The evaluation order depends on the implementation.


Map and fold in one pass.

Combines the operations of map/2 and foldl/3 into one pass.


Summing the elements in a list and double them at the same time:

> lists:mapfoldl(fun(X, Sum) -> {2*X, X+Sum} end,
0, [1,2,3,4,5]).


Map and fold in one pass.

Combines the operations of map/2 and foldr/3 into one pass.


Return maximum element of a list.

Returns the first element of List that compares greater than or equal to all other elements of List.


Test for membership of a list.

Returns true if Elem matches some element of List, otherwise false.


Merge a list of sorted lists.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging all the sublists of ListOfLists. All sublists must be sorted before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from the sublist with the lowest position in ListOfLists is picked before the other element.


Merge two sorted lists.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1 and List2. Both List1 and List2 must be sorted before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1 is picked before the element from List2.


Merge two sorted list.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1 and List2. Both List1 and List2 must be sorted according to the ordering function Fun before evaluating this function. Fun(A, B) is to return true if A compares less than or equal to B in the ordering, otherwise false. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1 is picked before the element from List2.


Merge three sorted lists.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1, List2, and List3. All of List1, List2, and List3 must be sorted before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1, if there is such an element, is picked before the other element, otherwise the element from List2 is picked before the element from List3.


Return minimum element of a list.

Returns the first element of List that compares less than or equal to all other elements of List.


Return the Nth element of a list.

Returns the Nth element of List.


> lists:nth(3, [a, b, c, d, e]).


Return the Nth tail of a list.

Returns the Nth tail of List, that is, the sublist of List starting at N+1 and continuing up to the end of the list.


> lists:nthtail(3, [a, b, c, d, e]).
> tl(tl(tl([a, b, c, d, e]))).
> lists:nthtail(0, [a, b, c, d, e]).
> lists:nthtail(5, [a, b, c, d, e]).


Partition a list into two lists based on a predicate.

Partitions List into two lists, where the first list contains all elements for which Pred(Elem) returns true, and the second list contains all elements for which Pred(Elem) returns false.


> lists:partition(fun(A) -> A rem 2 == 1 end, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]).
> lists:partition(fun(A) -> is_atom(A) end, [a,b,1,c,d,2,3,4,e]).

For a different way to partition a list, see splitwith/2.


Test for list prefix.

Returns true if List1 is a prefix of List2, otherwise false.


Reverse a list.

Returns a list with the elements in List1 in reverse order.


Reverse a list appending a tail.

Returns a list with the elements in List1 in reverse order, with tail Tail appended.


> lists:reverse([1, 2, 3, 4], [a, b, c]).



Generate a sequence of integers.

Returns a sequence of integers that starts with From and contains the successive results of adding Incr to the previous element, until To is reached or passed (in the latter case, To is not an element of the sequence). Incr defaults to 1.


  • If To < From - Incr and Incr > 0.
  • If To > From - Incr and Incr < 0.
  • If Incr =:= 0 and From =/= To.

The following equalities hold for all sequences:

length(lists:seq(From, To)) =:= To - From + 1
length(lists:seq(From, To, Incr)) =:= (To - From + Incr) div Incr


> lists:seq(1, 10).
> lists:seq(1, 20, 3).
> lists:seq(1, 0, 1).
> lists:seq(10, 6, 4).
> lists:seq(1, 1, 0).


Sort a list.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of List1.


Sort a list.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of List1, according to the ordering function Fun. Fun(A, B) is to return true if A compares less than or equal to B in the ordering, otherwise false.


Split a list into two lists.

Splits List1 into List2 and List3. List2 contains the first N elements and List3 the remaining elements (the Nth tail).


Find the first element that satisfies a predicate.

If there is a Value in List such that Pred(Value) returns true, returns {value, Value} for the first such Value, otherwise returns false.


Split a list into two lists based on a predicate.

Partitions List into two lists according to Pred. splitwith/2 behaves as if it is defined as follows:

splitwith(Pred, List) ->
    {takewhile(Pred, List), dropwhile(Pred, List)}.


> lists:splitwith(fun(A) -> A rem 2 == 1 end, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]).
> lists:splitwith(fun(A) -> is_atom(A) end, [a,b,1,c,d,2,3,4,e]).

For a different way to partition a list, see partition/2.


Return a sublist of a certain length, starting at the first position.

Returns the sublist of List1 starting at position 1 and with (maximum) Len elements. It is not an error for Len to exceed the length of the list, in that case the whole list is returned.


Return a sublist starting at a specified position and with a specified number of elements.

Returns the sublist of List1 starting at Start and with (maximum) Len elements. It is not an error for Start+Len to exceed the length of the list.


> lists:sublist([1,2,3,4], 2, 2).
> lists:sublist([1,2,3,4], 2, 5).
> lists:sublist([1,2,3,4], 5, 2).


Subtract the element in one list from another list.

Returns a new list List3 that is a copy of List1, subjected to the following procedure: for each element in List2, its first occurrence in List1 is deleted.


> lists:subtract("123212", "212").

lists:subtract(A, B) is equivalent to A -- B.

The complexity of lists:subtract(A, B) is proportional to length(A)*length(B), meaning that it is very slow if both A and B are long lists. (If both lists are long, it is a much better choice to use ordered lists and ordsets#subtract/2.


Test for list suffix.

Returns true if List1 is a suffix of List2, otherwise false.


Return the sum of elements in a list.

Returns the sum of the elements in List.


Take elements from a list while a predicate is true.

Takes elements Elem from List1 while Pred(Elem) returns true, that is, the function returns the longest prefix of the list for which all elements satisfy the predicate.


Merge two key-sorted lists of tuples, removing duplicates.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging TupleList1 and TupleList2. The merge is performed on the Nth element of each tuple. Both TupleList1 and TupleList2 must be key-sorted without duplicates before evaluating this function. When two tuples compare equal, the tuple from TupleList1 is picked and the one from TupleList2 is deleted.


Sort a list of tuples, removing duplicates.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of list TupleList1 where all except the first tuple of the tuples comparing equal have been deleted. Sorting is performed on the Nth element of the tuples.


Merge a list of sorted lists, removing duplicates.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging all the sublists of ListOfLists. All sublists must be sorted and contain no duplicates before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from the sublist with the lowest position in ListOfLists is picked and the other is deleted.


Merge two sorted lists, removing duplicates.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1 and List2. Both List1 and List2 must be sorted and contain no duplicates before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1 is picked and the one from List2 is deleted.


Merge two sorted lists, removing duplicates.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1 and List2. Both List1 and List2 must be sorted according to the ordering function Fun and contain no duplicates before evaluating this function. Fun(A, B) is to return true if A compares less than or equal to B in the ordering, otherwise false. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1 is picked and the one from List2 is deleted.


Merge three sorted lists, removing duplicates.

Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1, List2, and List3. All of List1, List2, and List3 must be sorted and contain no duplicates before evaluating this function. When two elements compare equal, the element from List1 is picked if there is such an element, otherwise the element from List2 is picked, and the other is deleted.


Unzip a list of two-tuples into two lists.

"Unzips" a list of two-tuples into two lists, where the first list contains the first element of each tuple, and the second list contains the second element of each tuple.


Unzip a list of three-tuples into three lists.

"Unzips" a list of three-tuples into three lists, where the first list contains the first element of each tuple, the second list contains the second element of each tuple, and the third list contains the third element of each tuple.


Sort a list, removing duplicates.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of List1 where all except the first element of the elements comparing equal have been deleted.


Sort a list, removing duplicates.

Returns a list containing the sorted elements of List1 where all except the first element of the elements comparing equal according to the ordering function Fun have been deleted. Fun(A, B) is to return true if A compares less than or equal to B in the ordering, otherwise false.


Zip two lists into a list of two-tuples.

"Zips" two lists of equal length into one list of two-tuples, where the first element of each tuple is taken from the first list and the second element is taken from the corresponding element in the second list.


Zip three lists into a list of three-tuples.

"Zips" three lists of equal length into one list of three-tuples, where the first element of each tuple is taken from the first list, the second element is taken from the corresponding element in the second list, and the third element is taken from the corresponding element in the third list.


Zip two lists into one list according to a fun.

Combines the elements of two lists of equal length into one list. For each pair X, Y of list elements from the two lists, the element in the result list is Combine(X, Y).

zipwith(fun(X, Y) -> {X,Y} end, List1, List2) is equivalent to zip(List1, List2).


> lists:zipwith(fun(X, Y) -> X+Y end, [1,2,3], [4,5,6]).


Zip three lists into one list according to a fun.

Combines the elements of three lists of equal length into one list. For each triple X, Y, Z of list elements from the three lists, the element in the result list is Combine(X, Y, Z).

zipwith3(fun(X, Y, Z) -> {X,Y,Z} end, List1, List2, List3) is equivalent to zip3(List1, List2, List3).


> lists:zipwith3(fun(X, Y, Z) -> X+Y+Z end, [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]).
> lists:zipwith3(fun(X, Y, Z) -> [X,Y,Z] end, [a,b,c], [x,y,z], [1,2,3]).

System Architecture Support Libraries (SASL)

The System Architecture Support Libraries SASL application provides support for alarm handling, release handling, and related functions.


The SASL application provides support for:

  • Error logging
  • Alarm handling
  • Release handling
  • Report browsing

Section SASL Error Logging describes the error handler that produces the supervisor, progress, and crash reports, which can be written to screen or to a specified file. It also describes the Report Browser (RB).

The sections about release structure and release handling have been moved to section OTP Design Principles in System Documentation.


It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Erlang programming language.

The SASL error logging concept described in this section is deprecated since Erlang/OTP 21.0, when the new logging API was introduced.

The new default behaviour is that the SASL application no longer affects which log events that are logged. Supervisor reports and crash reports are logged via the default logger handler which is setup by Kernel. Progress reports are by default not logged, but can be enabled by setting the primary log level to info, for example by using the Kernel configuration parameter kernel/kernel_app#logger_level.

The old SASL error logging behaviour can be re-enabled by setting the Kernel configuration parameter kernel/kernel_app#logger_sasl_compatible to true.

The mechanism for multi-file error report logging as described in this section is also kept for backwards compatibility. However, the new logging API also introduces kernel/logger_disk_log_h, which is a logger handler that can print to multiple files using kernel/disk_log.

SASL reports

The SASL application introduces three types of reports:

  • Supervisor report
  • Progress report
  • Crash report

When the SASL application is started, it adds a Logger handler that formats and writes these reports, as specified in the configuration parameters for SASL.

Supervisor Report

A supervisor report is issued when a supervised child terminates unexpectedly. A supervisor report contains the following items:

  • Supervisor
  • Name of the reporting supervisor.
  • Context
  • Indicates in which phase the child terminated from the supervisor's point of view. This can be start_error, child_terminated, or shutdown_error.
  • Reason
  • Termination reason.
  • Offender
  • Start specification for the child.

Progress Report

A progress report is issued when a supervisor starts or restarts a child. A progress report contains the following items:

  • Supervisor
  • Name of the reporting supervisor.
  • Started
  • Start specification for the successfully started child.

Crash Report

Processes started with functions stdlib/proc_lib#spawn/1 or stdlib/proc_lib#spawn_link/1 are wrapped within a catch. A crash report is issued when such a process terminates with an unexpected reason, which is any reason other than normal, shutdown, or {shutdown,Term}. Processes using behaviors stdlib/gen_server, stdlib/gen_fsm or stdlib/gen_statem are examples of such processes. A crash report contains the following items:

  • Crasher
  • Information about the crashing process, such as initial function call, exit reason, and message queue.
  • Neighbours
  • Information about processes that are linked to the crashing process and do not trap exits. These processes are the neighbours that terminate because of this process crash. The information gathered is the same as the information for Crasher, described in the previous item.


The following example shows the reports generated when a process crashes. The example process is a permanent process supervised by the test_sup supervisor. A division by zero is executed and the error is first reported by the faulty process. A crash report is generated, as the process was started using function stdlib/proc_lib#spawn/3. The supervisor generates a supervisor report showing the crashed process. A progress report is generated when the process is finally restarted.

        =ERROR REPORT==== 27-May-1996::13:38:56 ===
        <0.63.0>: Divide by zero !
        =CRASH REPORT==== 27-May-1996::13:38:56 ===
        pid: <0.63.0>
        registered_name: []
        error_info: {badarith,{test,s,[]}}
        initial_call: {test,s,[]}
        ancestors: [test_sup,<0.46.0>]
        messages: []
        links: [<0.47.0>]
        dictionary: []
        trap_exit: false
        status: running
        heap_size: 128
        stack_size: 128
        reductions: 348
        =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 27-May-1996::13:38:56 ===
        Supervisor: {local,test_sup}
        Context:    child_terminated
        Reason:     {badarith,{test,s,[]}}
        Offender:   [{pid,<0.63.0>},
        =PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-May-1996::13:38:56 ===
        Supervisor: {local,test_sup}
        Started:  [{pid,<0.64.0>},

Multi-File Error Report Logging

Multi-file error report logging is used to store error messages received by error_logger. The error messages are stored in several files and each file is smaller than a specified number of kilobytes. No more than a specified number of files exist at the same time. The logging is very fast, as each error message is written as a binary term.

For more details, see the sasl_app#deprecated_error_logger_config application in the Reference Manual.

Report Browser

The report browser is used to browse and format error reports written by the error logger handler stdlib/log_mf_h defined in STDLIB.

The log_mf_h handler writes all reports to a report logging directory, which is specified when configuring the SASL application.

If the report browser is used offline, the reports can be copied to another directory specified when starting the browser. If no such directory is specified, the browser reads reports from the SASL error_logger_mf_dir.

Starting Report Browser

Start the rb_server with function rb#start/1 as shown in the following example:

        5> rb:start([{max, 20}]).
        rb: reading report...done.
        rb: reading report...done.
        rb: reading report...done.
        rb: reading report...done.

Online Help

Enter command rb#help/0 to access the report browser online help system.

List Reports in Server

Use function rb#list/0 to list all loaded reports:

        4> rb:list().
        No                Type          Process       Date     Time
        ==                ====          =======       ====     ====
        20            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:14:54
        19            progress         <0.14.0> 1996-10-16 16:14:55
        18               error         <0.15.0> 1996-10-16 16:15:02
        17            progress         <0.14.0> 1996-10-16 16:15:06
        16            progress         <0.38.0> 1996-10-16 16:15:12
        15            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:14
        14            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:14
        13            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:14
        12            progress         <0.14.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:14
        11               error         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:21
        10               error         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:21
        9        crash_report  release_handler 1996-10-16 16:16:21
        8   supervisor_report         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:21
        7            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:21
        6            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:36
        5            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:36
        4            progress         <0.17.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:36
        3            progress         <0.14.0> 1996-10-16 16:16:36
        2               error         <0.15.0> 1996-10-16 16:17:04
        1            progress         <0.14.0> 1996-10-16 16:17:09

Show Reports

Use function rb#show/1 to show details of a specific report:

7> rb:show(4).
PROGRESS REPORT  <0.20.0>                                   1996-10-16 16:16:36
supervisor                                                     {local,sasl_sup}
8> rb:show(9).
CRASH REPORT  <0.24.0>                                      1996-10-16 16:16:21
Crashing process                                                               
pid                                                                 <0.24.0>
registered_name                                              release_handler
error_info                             {undef,{release_handler,mbj_func,[]}}
ancestors                                                [sasl_sup,<0.18.0>]
messages                                                                  []
links                                                    [<0.23.0>,<0.20.0>]
dictionary                                                                []
trap_exit                                                              false
status                                                               running
heap_size                                                                610
stack_size                                                               142
reductions                                                                54


Search Reports

All reports containing a common pattern can be shown. Suppose a process crashes because it tries to call a non-existing function release_handler:mbj_func/1. The reports can then be shown as follows:

12> rb:grep("mbj_func").
Found match in report number 11
ERROR REPORT  <0.24.0>                                      1996-10-16 16:16:21
** undefined function: release_handler:mbj_func[] **
Found match in report number 10

ERROR REPORT  <0.24.0>                                      1996-10-16 16:16:21
** Generic server release_handler terminating 
** Last message in was {unpack_release,hej}
** When Server state == {state,[],
"OTP  APN 181 01",
** Reason for termination == 
** {undef,{release_handler,mbj_func,[]}}
Found match in report number 9
CRASH REPORT  <0.24.0>                                      1996-10-16 16:16:21
Crashing process                                                               
pid                                                                 <0.24.0>
registered_name                                              release_handler
error_info                             {undef,{release_handler,mbj_func,[]}}
ancestors                                                [sasl_sup,<0.18.0>]
messages                                                                  []
links                                                    [<0.23.0>,<0.20.0>]
dictionary                                                                []
trap_exit                                                              false
status                                                               running
heap_size                                                                610
stack_size                                                               142
reductions                                                                54
Found match in report number 8
SUPERVISOR REPORT  <0.20.0>                                 1996-10-16 16:16:21
Reporting supervisor                                           {local,sasl_sup}
Child process                                                                  
errorContext                                                child_terminated
reason                                 {undef,{release_handler,mbj_func,[]}}
pid                                                                 <0.24.0>
name                                                         release_handler
start_function                               {release_handler,start_link,[]}
restart_type                                                       permanent
shutdown                                                                2000
child_type                                                            worker

Stop Server

Use function rb#stop/0 to stop the rb_server:

13> rb:stop().

The SASL application provides support for alarm handling, release handling, and related functions.


The SASL application

The SASL application provides the following services:

  • alarm_handler
  • release_handler
  • systools

The SASL application in OTP has nothing to do with "Simple Authentication and Security Layer" (RFC 4422).


The following configuration parameters are defined for the SASL application. For more information about configuration parameters, see kernel/app in Kernel.

All configuration parameters are optional.

  • start_prg = string()
  • Specifies the program to be used when restarting the system during release installation. Default is $OTP_ROOT/bin/start.
  • masters = [atom()]
  • Specifies the nodes used by this node to read/write release information. This parameter is ignored if parameter client_directory is not set.
  • client_directory = string()
  • This parameter specifies the client directory at the master nodes. For details, see Release Handling in OTP Design Principles. This parameter is ignored if parameter masters is not set.
  • static_emulator = true | false
  • Indicates if the Erlang emulator is statically installed. A node with a static emulator cannot switch dynamically to a new emulator, as the executable files are written into memory statically. This parameter is ignored if parameters masters and client_directory are not set.
  • releases_dir = string()
  • Indicates where the releases directory is located. The release handler writes all its files to this directory. If this parameter is not set, the OS environment parameter RELDIR is used. By default, this is $OTP_ROOT/releases.

Deprecated Error Logger Event Handlers and Configuration

In Erlang/OTP 21.0, a new API for logging was added. The old error_logger event manager, and event handlers running on this manager, still work, but they are not used by default.

The error logger event handlers sasl_report_tty_h and sasl_report_file_h, were earlier used for printing the so called SASL reports, i.e. supervisor reports, crash reports, and progress reports. These reports are now also printed by the default logger handler started by the Kernel application. Progress reports are by default stopped by the primary log level, but can be enabled by setting this level to info, for example by using the Kernel configuration parameter kernel/kernel_app#logger_level.

If the old error logger event handlers are still desired, they must be added by calling error_logger:add_report_handler/1,2.

  • sasl_report_tty_h
  • Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash reports, and progress reports to stdio. This error logger event handler uses kernel/kernel_app#deprecated-configuration-parameters in the Kernel application to limit how much detail is printed in crash and supervisor reports.
  • sasl_report_file_h
  • Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash report, and progress report to a single file. This error logger event handler uses kernel/kernel_app#deprecated-configuration-parameters in the Kernel application to limit the details printed in crash and supervisor reports.

A similar behaviour, but still using the new logger API, can be obtained by setting the Kernel application environment variable kernel/kernel_app#logger_sasl_compatible to true. This adds a second instance of the standard Logger handler, named sasl, which only prints the SASL reports. No SASL reports are then printed by the Kernel logger handler.

The sasl handler is configured according to the values of the following SASL application environment variables.

  • sasl_error_logger = Value
  • Value is one of the following: * tty * Installs sasl_report_tty_h in the error logger. This is the default option. * {file,FileName} * Installs sasl_report_file_h in the error logger. All reports go to file FileName, which is a string. The file is opened in write mode with encoding utf8. * {file,FileName,Modes} * Same as {file,FileName}, except that Modes allows you to specify the modes used for opening the FileName given to the file:open/2 call. By default, the file is opened in write mode with encoding utf8. Use [append] to have the FileName open in append mode. A different encoding can also be specified. FileName is a string. * false * No SASL error logger handler is installed.
  • errlog_type = error | progress | all
  • Restricts the error logging performed by the specified sasl_error_logger to error reports or progress reports, or both. Default is all.
  • utc_log = true | false
  • If set to true, all dates in textual log outputs are displayed in Universal Coordinated Time with the string UTC appended.

The error logger event handler log_mf_h can also still be used. This event handler writes all events sent to the error logger to disk. Multiple files and log rotation are used. For efficiency reasons, each event is written as a binary. For more information about this handler, see the STDLIB Reference Manual.

To activate this event handler, three SASL configuration parameters must be set:

  • error_logger_mf_dir = string() | false
  • Specifies in which directory log_mf_h is to store its files. If this parameter is undefined or false, the log_mf_h handler is not installed.
  • error_logger_mf_maxbytes = integer()
  • Specifies the maximum size of each individual file written by log_mf_h. If this parameter is undefined, the log_mf_h handler is not installed.
  • error_logger_mf_maxfiles = 0<integer()<256
  • Specifies the number of files used by log_mf_h. If this parameter is undefined, the log_mf_h handler is not installed.

The new kernel/logger_disk_log_h might be an alternative to log_mf_h if log rotation is desired. This does, however, write the log events in clear text and not as binaries.

See Also

alarm_handler, kernel/error_logger, kernel/logger, stdlib/log_mf_h, rb, release_handler, systools


An Alarm Handling Process

The alarm handler process is a stdlib/gen_event event manager process that receives alarms in the system. This process is not intended to be a complete alarm handler. It defines a place to which alarms can be sent. One simple event handler is installed in the alarm handler at startup, but users are encouraged to write and install their own handlers.

The simple event handler sends all alarms as info reports to the error logger, and saves all in a list. This list can be passed to a user-defined event handler, which can be installed later. The list can grow large if many alarms are generated. This is a good reason to install a better user-defined handler.

Functions are provided to set and clear alarms. The alarm format is defined by the user. For example, an event handler for SNMP can be defined, together with an alarm Management Information Base (MIB).

The alarm handler is part of the SASL application.

When writing new event handlers for the alarm handler, the following events must be handled:

  • {set_alarm, {AlarmId, AlarmDescr}}
  • This event is generated by alarm_handler:set_alarm({AlarmId, AlarmDecsr}).
  • {clear_alarm, AlarmId}
  • This event is generated by alarm_handler:clear_alarm(AlarmId).

The default simple handler is called alarm_handler and it can be exchanged by calling stdlib/gen_event#swap_handler/3 as gen_event:swap_handler(alarm_handler, {alarm_handler, swap}, {NewHandler, Args}). NewHandler:init({Args, {alarm_handler, Alarms}}) is called. For more details, see stdlib/gen_event in STDLIB.


clear_alarm(AlarmId) -> void()

Clears the specified alarms.

  • AlarmId = term()

Sends event clear_alarm to all event handlers.

When receiving this event, the default simple handler clears the latest received alarm with id AlarmId.

get_alarms() -> [alarm()]

Gets all active alarms.

Returns a list of all active alarms. This function can only be used when the simple handler is installed.


Sets an alarm with an id.

  • alarm() = {AlarmId, AlarmDescription}
  • AlarmId = term()
  • AlarmDescription = term()

Sends event set_alarm to all event handlers.

When receiving this event, the default simple handler stores the alarm. AlarmId identifies the alarm and is used when the alarm is cleared.

See Also

kernel/error_logger, stdlib/gen_event


The Report Browser Tool

The Report Browser (RB) tool is used to browse and format error reports written by the error logger handler stdlib/log_mf_h in STDLIB.



filter(Filters, Dates)

Filters reports and displays them on the screen.

  • Filters = [filter()]
  • filter() = {Key, Value} | {Key, Value, no} | {Key, RegExp, re} | {Key, RegExp, re, no}
  • Key = term()
  • Value = term()
  • RegExp = string() | {string(), Options} | re:mp() | {re:mp(), Options}
  • Dates = {DateFrom, DateTo} | {DateFrom, from} | {DateTo, to}
  • DateFrom = DateTo = calendar:datetime()

Displays the reports that match the provided filters.

When a filter includes the no atom, it excludes the reports that match that filter.

The reports are matched using the stdlib/proplists module in STDLIB. The report must be a proplist to be matched against any of the filters.

If the filter has the form {Key, RegExp, re}, the report must contain an element with key equal to Key and the value must match the regular expression RegExp.

If parameter Dates is specified, the reports are filtered according to the date when they occurred. If Dates has the form {DateFrom, from}, reports that occurred after DateFrom are displayed.

If Dates has the form {DateTo, to}, reports that occurred before DateTo are displayed.

If two Dates are specified, reports that occurred between those dates are returned.

To filter only by dates, specify the empty list as the Filters parameter.

For details about parameter RegExp, see rb:grep/1.

For details about data type mp(), see stdlib/re#type-mp.

For details about data type datetime(), see stdlib/calendar#type-datetime.


Searches the reports for a regular expression.

  • RegExp = string() | {string(), Options} | re:mp() | {re:mp(), Options}

All reports matching the regular expression RegExp are displayed. RegExp can be any of the following:

  • A string containing the regular expression
  • A tuple with the string and the options for compilation
  • A compiled regular expression
  • A compiled regular expression and the options for running it

For a definition of valid regular expressions and options, see the stdlib/re module in STDLIB and in particular function re:run/3.

For details about data type mp(), see stdlib/re#type-mp.



Displays help information.

Displays online help information.



Lists all reports.

  • Type = type()
  • type() = error | error_report | info_msg | info_report | warning_msg | warning_report | crash_report | supervisor_report | progress

Lists all reports loaded in rb_server. Each report is given a unique number that can be used as a reference to the report in function show/1.

If no Type is specified, all reports are listed.



Logs report lists.

  • Type = type()
  • type() = error | error_report | info_msg | info_report | warning_msg | warning_report | crash_report | supervisor_report | progress

Same as functions list/0 or list/1, but the result is printed to a log file, if set; otherwise to standard_io.

If no Type is specified, all reports are listed.



Rescans the report directory.

  • Options = [opt()]

Rescans the report directory. Options is the same as for function start/1.



Displays reports.

  • Report = integer() | type()

If argument type is specified, all loaded reports of this type are displayed. If an integer argument is specified, the report with this reference number is displayed. If no argument is specified, all reports are displayed.



Starts the rb_server.

  • Options = [opt()]
  • opt() = {start_log, FileName} | {max, MaxNoOfReports} | {report_dir, DirString} | {type, ReportType} | {abort_on_error, Bool}
  • FileName = string() | atom() | pid()
  • MaxNoOfReports = integer() | all
  • DirString = string()
  • ReportType = type() | [type()] | all
  • Bool = boolean()

Function start/1 starts rb_server with the specified options, whereas function start/0 starts with default options. rb_server must be started before reports can be browsed. When rb_server is started, the files in the specified directory are scanned. The other functions assume that the server has started.


  • {start_log, FileName}
  • Starts logging to file, registered name, or io_device. All reports are printed to the specified destination. Default is standard_io. Option {start_log, standard_error} is not allowed and will be replaced by default standard_io.
  • {max, MaxNoOfReports}
  • Controls how many reports rb_server is to read at startup. This option is useful, as the directory can contain a large amount of reports. If this option is specified, the MaxNoOfReports latest reports are read. Default is all.
  • {report_dir, DirString}
  • Defines the directory where the error log files are located. Default is the directory specified by application environment variable error_logger_mf_dir, see sasl(6).
  • {type, ReportType}
  • Controls what kind of reports rb_server is to read at startup. ReportType is a supported type, all, or a list of supported types. Default is all.
  • {abort_on_error, Bool}
  • Specifies if logging is to be ended if rb encounters an unprintable report. (You can get a report with an incorrect form if function error_logger, error_msg, or info_msg has been called with an invalid format string) * If Bool is true, rb stops logging (and prints an error message to stdout) if it encounters a badly formatted report. If logging to file is enabled, an error message is appended to the log file as well. * If Bool is false (the default value), rb prints an error message to stdout for every bad report it encounters, but the logging process is never ended. All printable reports are written. If logging to file is enabled, rb prints *** UNPRINTABLE REPORT *** in the log file at the location of an unprintable report.


Redirects all output to FileName.

  • FileName = string() | atom() | pid()

Redirects all report output from the RB tool to the specified file, registered name, or io_device.


Stops the rb_server.

Stops rb_server.


Stops logging to file.

Closes the log file. The output from the RB tool is directed to standard_io.


Unpacking and Installation of Release Packages

The release handler process belongs to the SASL application, which is responsible for release handling, that is, unpacking, installation, and removal of release packages.

An introduction to release handling and an example is provided in OTP Design Principles in System Documentation.

A release package is a compressed tar file containing code for a certain version of a release, created by calling systools#make_tar/1. The release package is to be located in the $ROOT/releases directory of the previous version of the release, where $ROOT is the installation root directory, kernel/code#root_dir/0. Another releases directory can be specified using the SASL configuration parameter releases_dir or the OS environment variable RELDIR. The release handler must have write access to this directory to install the new release. The persistent state of the release handler is stored there in a file called RELEASES.

A release package is always to contain:

  • A release resource file, Name.rel
  • A boot script, Name.boot

The .rel file contains information about the release: its name, version, and which ERTS and application versions it uses.

A release package can also contain:

  • A release upgrade file, relup
  • A system configuration file, sys.config
  • A system configuration source file, sys.config.src

The relup file contains instructions for how to upgrade to, or downgrade from, this version of the release.

The release package can be unpacked, which extracts the files. An unpacked release can be installed. The currently used version of the release is then upgraded or downgraded to the specified version by evaluating the instructions in the relup file. An installed release can be made permanent. Only one permanent release can exist in the system, and this release is used if the system is restarted. An installed release, except the permanent one, can be removed. When a release is removed, all files belonging to that release only are deleted.

Each release version has a status, which can be unpacked, current, permanent, or old. There is always one latest release, which either has status permanent (normal case) or current (installed, but not yet made permanent). The meaning of the status values are illustrated in the following table:

        Status     Action                NextStatus
        -          unpack                unpacked
        unpacked   install               current
                   remove                -
        current    make_permanent        permanent
                   install other         old
                   remove                -
        permanent  make other permanent  old
                   install               permanent
        old        reboot_old            permanent
                   install               current
                   remove                -

The release handler process is a locally registered process on each node. When a release is installed in a distributed system, the release handler on each node must be called. The release installation can be synchronized between nodes. From an operator view, it can be unsatisfactory to specify each node. The aim is to install one release package in the system, no matter how many nodes there are. It is recommended that software management functions are written that take care of this problem. Such a function can have knowledge of the system architecture, so it can contact each individual release handler to install the package.

For release handling to work properly, the runtime system must know which release it is running. It must also be able to change (in runtime) which boot script and system configuration file are to be used if the system is restarted. This is taken care of automatically if Erlang is started as an embedded system. Read about this in Embedded System in System Documentation. In this case, the system configuration file sys.config is mandatory.

The installation of a new release can restart the system. Which program to use is specified by the SASL configuration parameter start_prg, which defaults to $ROOT/bin/start.

The emulator restart on Windows NT expects that the system is started using the erlsrv program (as a service). Furthermore, the release handler expects that the service is named NodeName_Release, where NodeName is the first part of the Erlang node name (up to, but not including the "@") and Release is the current release version. The release handler furthermore expects that a program like start_erl.exe is specified as "machine" to erlsrv. During upgrading with restart, a new service is registered and started. The new service is set to automatic and the old service is removed when the new release is made permanent.

The release handler at a node running on a diskless machine, or with a read-only file system, must be configured accordingly using the following SASL configuration parameters (for details, see sasl(6)):

  • masters
  • This node uses some master nodes to store and fetch release information. All master nodes must be operational whenever release information is written by this node.
  • client_directory
  • The client_directory in the directory structure of the master nodes must be specified.
  • static_emulator
  • This parameter specifies if the Erlang emulator is statically installed at the client node. A node with a static emulator cannot dynamically switch to a new emulator, as the executable files are statically written into memory.

The release handler can also be used to unpack and install release packages when not running Erlang as an embedded system. However, in this case the user must somehow ensure that correct boot scripts and configuration files are used if the system must be restarted.

Functions are provided for using another file structure than the structure defined in OTP. These functions can be used to test a release upgrade locally.


check_install_release(Vsn) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}

check_install_release(Vsn,Opts) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}

Checks installation of a release in the system.

  • Vsn = OtherVsn = string()
  • Opts = [Opt]
  • Opt = purge
  • Descr = term()
  • Reason = term()

Checks if the specified version Vsn of the release can be installed. The release must not have status current. Issues warnings if relup file or sys.config is not present. If relup file is present, its contents are checked and {error,Reason} is returned if an error is found. Also checks that all required applications are present and that all new code can be loaded; {error,Reason} is returned if an error is found.

Evaluates all instructions that occur before the point_of_no_return instruction in the release upgrade script.

Returns the same as install_release/1. Descr defaults to "" if no relup file is found.

If option purge is specified, all old code that can be soft-purged is purged after all other checks are successfully completed. This can be useful to reduce the time needed by install_release/1.

create_RELEASES(Root, RelDir, RelFile, AppDirs) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Creates an initial RELEASES file.

  • Root = RelDir = RelFile = string()
  • AppDirs = [{App, Vsn, Dir}]
  •  App = atom()
  •  Vsn = Dir = string()
  • Reason = term()

Creates an initial RELEASES file to be used by the release handler. This file must exist to install new releases.

Root is the root of the installation ($ROOT) as described earlier. RelDir is the directory where the RELEASES file is to be created (normally $ROOT/releases). RelFile is the name of the .rel file that describes the initial release, including the extension .rel.

AppDirs can be used to specify from where the modules for the specified applications are to be loaded. App is the name of an application, Vsn is the version, and Dir is the name of the directory where App-Vsn is located. The corresponding modules are to be located under Dir/App-Vsn/ebin. The directories for applications not specified in AppDirs are assumed to be located in $ROOT/lib.

install_file(Vsn, File) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Installs a release file in the release structure.

  • Vsn = File = string()
  • Reason = term()

Installs a release-dependent file in the release structure. The release-dependent file must be in the release structure when a new release is installed: start.boot, relup, and sys.config.

The function can be called, for example, when these files are generated at the target. The function is to be called after set_unpacked/2 has been called.

install_release(Vsn) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}

install_release(Vsn, [Opt]) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {continue_after_restart, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}

Installs a release in the system.

  • Vsn = OtherVsn = string()
  • Opt = {error_action, Action} | {code_change_timeout, Timeout}
  •    | {suspend_timeout, Timeout} | {update_paths, Bool}
  •  Action = restart | reboot
  •  Timeout = default | infinity | pos_integer()
  •  Bool = boolean()
  • Descr = term()
  • Reason = {illegal_option, Opt} | {already_installed, Vsn} | {change_appl_data, term()} | {missing_base_app, OtherVsn, App} | {could_not_create_hybrid_boot, term()} | term()
  • App = atom()

Installs the specified version Vsn of the release. Looks first for a relup file for Vsn and a script {UpFromVsn,Descr1,Instructions1} in this file for upgrading from the current version. If not found, the function looks for a relup file for the current version and a script {Vsn,Descr2,Instructions2} in this file for downgrading to Vsn.

If a script is found, the first thing that happens is that the application specifications are updated according to the .app files and sys.config belonging to the release version Vsn.

After the application specifications have been updated, the instructions in the script are evaluated and the function returns {ok,OtherVsn,Descr} if successful. OtherVsn and Descr are the version (UpFromVsn or Vsn) and description (Descr1 or Descr2) as specified in the script.

If {continue_after_restart,OtherVsn,Descr} is returned, the emulator is restarted before the upgrade instructions are executed. This occurs if the emulator or any of the applications Kernel, STDLIB, or SASL are updated. The new emulator version and these core applications execute after the restart. For all other applications the old versions are started and the upgrade is performed as normal by executing the upgrade instructions.

If a recoverable error occurs, the function returns {error,Reason} and the original application specifications are restored. If a non-recoverable error occurs, the system is restarted.


  • error_action
  • Defines if the node is to be restarted (erts/init#restart/0) or rebooted (erts/init#reboot/0) if there is an error during the installation. Default is restart.
  • code_change_timeout
  • Defines the time-out for all calls to stdlib/sys#change_code/4. If no value is specified or default is specified, the default value defined in sys is used.
  • suspend_timeout
  • Defines the time-out for all calls to stdlib/sys#suspend/1. If no value is specified, the values defined by the Timeout parameter of the upgrade or suspend instructions are used. If default is specified, the default value defined in sys is used.
  • {update_paths,Bool}
  • Indicates if all application code paths are to be updated (Bool==true) or if only code paths for modified applications are to be updated (Bool==false, default). This option has only effect for other application directories than the default $ROOT/lib/App-Vsn, that is, application directories specified in argument AppDirs in a call to create_RELEASES/4 or set_unpacked/2. Example: In the current version CurVsn of a release, the application directory of myapp is $ROOT/lib/myapp-1.0. A new version NewVsn is unpacked outside the release handler and the release handler is informed about this with a call as follows: release_handler:set_unpacked(RelFile, [{myapp,"1.0","/home/user"},...]). => {ok,NewVsn} If NewVsn is installed with option {update_paths,true}, then kernel/code#lib_dir/1 returns /home/user/myapp-1.0.

Installing a new release can be time consuming if there are many processes in the system. The reason is that each process must be checked for references to old code before a module can be purged. This check can lead to garbage collections and copying of data.

To speed up the execution of install_release/1, first call check_install_release/1, using option purge. This does the same check for old code. Then purges all modules that can be soft-purged. The purged modules do then no longer have any old code, and install_release/1 does not need to do the checks.

This does not reduce the overall time for the upgrade, but it allows checks and purge to be executed in the background before the real upgrade is started.

When upgrading the emulator from a version older than OTP R15, an attempt is made to load new application beam code into the old emulator. Sometimes the new beam format cannot be read by the old emulator, so the code loading fails and the complete upgrade is terminated. To overcome this problem, the new application code is to be compiled with the old emulator. For more information about emulator upgrade from pre OTP R15 versions, see Design Principles in System Documentation.

make_permanent(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Makes the specified release version permanent.

  • Vsn = string()
  • Reason = {bad_status, Status} | term()

Makes the specified release version Vsn permanent.

remove_release(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Removes a release from the system.

  • Vsn = string()
  • Reason = {permanent, Vsn} | client_node | term()

Removes a release and its files from the system. The release must not be the permanent release. Removes only the files and directories not in use by another release.

reboot_old_release(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Reboots the system from an old release.

  • Vsn = string()
  • Reason = {bad_status, Status} | term()

Reboots the system by making the old release permanent, and calls erts/init#reboot/0 directly. The release must have status old.

set_removed(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Marks a release as removed.

  • Vsn = string()
  • Reason = {permanent, Vsn} | term()

Makes it possible to handle removal of releases outside the release handler. Tells the release handler that the release is removed from the system. This function does not delete any files.

set_unpacked(RelFile, AppDirs) -> {ok, Vsn} | {error, Reason}

Marks a release as unpacked.

  • RelFile = string()
  • AppDirs = [{App, Vsn, Dir}]
  •  App = atom()
  •  Vsn = Dir = string()
  • Reason = term()

Makes it possible to handle unpacking of releases outside the release handler. Tells the release handler that the release is unpacked. Vsn is extracted from the release resource file RelFile.

AppDirs can be used to specify from where the modules for the specified applications are to be loaded. App is the name of an application, Vsn is the version, and Dir is the name of the directory where App-Vsn is located. The corresponding modules are to be located under Dir/App-Vsn/ebin. The directories for applications not specified in AppDirs are assumed to be located in $ROOT/lib.

unpack_release(Name) -> {ok, Vsn} | {error, Reason}

Unpacks a release package.

  • Name = Vsn = string()
  • Reason = client_node | term()

Unpacks a release package Name.tar.gz located in the releases directory.

Performs some checks on the package, for example, checks that all mandatory files are present, and extracts its contents.

which_releases() -> [{Name, Vsn, Apps, Status}]

Returns all known releases.

  • Name = Vsn = string()
  • Apps = ["App-Vsn"]
  • Status = unpacked | current | permanent | old

Returns all releases known to the release handler.

which_releases(Status) -> [{Name, Vsn, Apps, Status}]

Returns all known releases of a specific status.

  • Name = Vsn = string()
  • Apps = ["App-Vsn"]
  • Status = unpacked | current | permanent | old

Returns all releases, known to the release handler, of a specific status.

Application Upgrade/Downgrade

The following functions can be used to test upgrade and downgrade of single applications (instead of upgrading/downgrading an entire release). A script corresponding to the instructions in the relup file is created on-the-fly, based on the .appup file for the application, and evaluated exactly in the same way as release_handler does.

These functions are primarily intended for simplified testing of .appup files. They are not run within the context of the release_handler process. They must therefore not be used together with calls to install_release/1, as this causes the release_handler to end up in an inconsistent state.

No persistent information is updated, so these functions can be used on any Erlang node, embedded or not. Also, using these functions does not affect which code is loaded if there is a reboot.

If the upgrade or downgrade fails, the application can end up in an inconsistent state.


upgrade_app(App, Dir) -> {ok, Unpurged} | restart_emulator | {error, Reason}

Upgrades to a new application version.

  • App = atom()
  • Dir = string()
  • Unpurged = [Module]
  •  Module = atom()
  • Reason = term()

Upgrades an application App from the current version to a new version located in Dir according to the .appup file.

App is the name of the application, which must be started. Dir is the new library directory of App. The corresponding modules as well as the .app and .appup files are to be located under Dir/ebin.

The function looks in the .appup file and tries to find an upgrade script from the current version of the application using upgrade_script/2. This script is evaluated using eval_appup_script/4, exactly in the same way as install_release/1 does.

Returns one of the following:

  • {ok, Unpurged} if evaluating the script is successful, where Unpurged is a list of unpurged modules
  • restart_emulator if this instruction is encountered in the script
  • {error, Reason} if an error occurred when finding or evaluating the script

If the restart_new_emulator instruction is found in the script, upgrade_app/2 returns {error,restart_new_emulator}. This because restart_new_emulator requires a new version of the emulator to be started before the rest of the upgrade instructions can be executed, and this can only be done by install_release/1.

downgrade_app(App, Dir) ->

downgrade_app(App, OldVsn, Dir) -> {ok, Unpurged} | restart_emulator | {error, Reason}

Downgrades to a previous application version.

  • App = atom()
  • Dir = OldVsn = string()
  • Unpurged = [Module]
  •  Module = atom()
  • Reason = term()

Downgrades an application App from the current version to a previous version OldVsn located in Dir according to the .appup file.

App is the name of the application, which must be started. OldVsn is the previous application version and can be omitted if Dir is of the format "App-OldVsn". Dir is the library directory of the previous version of App. The corresponding modules and the old .app file are to be located under Dir/ebin. The .appup file is to be located in the ebin directory of the current library directory of the application (kernel/code#lib_dir/1).

The function looks in the .appup file and tries to find a downgrade script to the previous version of the application using downgrade_script/3. This script is evaluated using eval_appup_script/4, exactly in the same way as install_release/1 does.

Returns one of the following:

  • {ok, Unpurged} if evaluating the script is successful, where Unpurged is a list of unpurged modules
  • restart_emulator if this instruction is encountered in the script
  • {error, Reason} if an error occurred when finding or evaluating the script

upgrade_script(App, Dir) -> {ok, NewVsn, Script}

Finds an application upgrade script.

  • App = atom()
  • Dir = string()
  • NewVsn = string()
  • Script = Instructions

Tries to find an application upgrade script for App from the current version to a new version located in Dir.

The upgrade script can then be evaluated using eval_appup_script/4. It is recommended to use upgrade_app/2 instead, but this function (upgrade_script) is useful to inspect the contents of the script.

App is the name of the application, which must be started. Dir is the new library directory of App. The corresponding modules as well as the .app and .appup files are to be located under Dir/ebin.

The function looks in the .appup file and tries to find an upgrade script from the current application version. High-level instructions are translated to low-level instructions. The instructions are sorted in the same manner as when generating a relup file.

Returns {ok, NewVsn, Script} if successful, where NewVsn is the new application version. For details about Script, see appup.

Failure: If a script cannot be found, the function fails with an appropriate error reason.

downgrade_script(App, OldVsn, Dir) -> {ok, Script}

Finds an application downgrade script.

  • App = atom()
  • OldVsn = Dir = string()
  • Script = Instructions

Tries to find an application downgrade script for App from the current version to a previous version OldVsn located in Dir.

The downgrade script can then be evaluated using eval_appup_script/4. It is recommended to use downgrade_app/2 instead, but this function (downgrade_script) is useful to inspect the contents of the script.

App is the name of the application, which must be started. Dir is the previous library directory of App. The corresponding modules and the old .app file are to be located under Dir/ebin. The .appup file is to be located in the ebin directory of the current library directory of the application ().

The function looks in the .appup file and tries to find a downgrade script from the current application version. High-level instructions are translated to low-level instructions. The instructions are sorted in the same manner as when generating a relup file.

Returns {ok, Script} if successful. For details about Script, see appup.

Failure: If a script cannot be found, the function fails with an appropriate error reason.

eval_appup_script(App, ToVsn, ToDir, Script) -> {ok, Unpurged} | restart_emulator | {error, Reason}

Evaluates an application upgrade or downgrade script.

Evaluates an application upgrade or downgrade script Script, the result from calling upgrade_script/2 or downgrade_script/3, exactly in the same way as install_release/1 does.

App is the name of the application, which must be started. ToVsn is the version to be upgraded/downgraded to, and ToDir is the library directory of this version. The corresponding modules as well as the .app and .appup files are to be located under Dir/ebin.

Returns one of the following:

  • {ok, Unpurged} if evaluating the script is successful, where Unpurged is a list of unpurged modules
  • restart_emulator if this instruction is encountered in the script
  • {error, Reason} if an error occurred when finding or evaluating the script

If the restart_new_emulator instruction is found in the script, eval_appup_script/4 returns {error,restart_new_emulator}. This because restart_new_emulator requires a new version of the emulator to be started before the rest of the upgrade instructions can be executed, and this can only be done by install_release/1.

Typical Error Reasons

  • {bad_masters, Masters}
  • The master nodes Masters are not alive.
  • {bad_rel_file, File}
  • Specified .rel file File cannot be read or does not contain a single term.
  • {bad_rel_data, Data}
  • Specified .rel file does not contain a recognized release specification, but another term Data.
  • {bad_relup_file, File}
  • Specified relup file Relup contains bad data.
  • {cannot_extract_file, Name, Reason}
  • Problems when extracting from a tar file, stdlib/erl_tar#extract/2 returned {error, {Name, Reason}}.
  • {existing_release, Vsn}
  • Specified release version Vsn is already in use.
  • {Master, Reason, When}
  • Some operation, indicated by the term When, failed on the master node Master with the specified error reason Reason.
  • {no_matching_relup, Vsn, CurrentVsn}
  • Cannot find a script for upgrading/downgrading between CurrentVsn and Vsn.
  • {no_such_directory, Path}
  • The directory Pathdoes not exist.
  • {no_such_file, Path}
  • The path Path (file or directory) does not exist.
  • {no_such_file, {Master, Path}}
  • The path Path (file or directory) does not exist at the master node Master.
  • {no_such_release, Vsn}
  • The specified release version Vsn does not exist.
  • {not_a_directory, Path}
  • Path exists but is not a directory.
  • {Posix, File}
  • Some file operation failed for File. Posix is an atom named from the Posix error codes, such as enoent, eacces, or eisdir. See kernel/file in Kernel.
  • Posix
  • Some file operation failed, as for the previous item in the list.

See Also

OTP Design Principles, kernel/config, rel, relup, script, stdlib/sys, systools


A Set of Release Handling Tools

This module contains functions to generate boot scripts (.boot, .script), a release upgrade file (relup), and release packages.


make_relup(Name, UpFrom, DownTo) -> Result

make_relup(Name, UpFrom, DownTo, [Opt]) -> Result

Generates a release upgrade file relup.

  • Name = string()
  • UpFrom = DownTo = [Name | {Name,Descr}]
  •  Descr = term()
  • Opt = {path,[Dir]} | restart_emulator | silent | noexec | {outdir,Dir} | warnings_as_errors
  •  Dir = string()
  • Result = ok | error | {ok,Relup,Module,Warnings} | {error,Module,Error}
  •  Relup, see relup(4)
  •  Module = atom()
  •  Warnings = Error = term()

Generates a release upgrade file relup containing instructions for upgrading from or downgrading to one or more previous releases. The instructions are used by release_handler when installing a new version of a release in runtime.

By default, relup file is located in the current working directory. If option {outdir,Dir} is specified, the relup file is located in Dir instead.

The release resource file Name.rel is compared with all release resource files Name2.rel, specified in UpFrom and DownTo. For each such pair, the following is deducted:

  • Which applications to be deleted, that is, applications listed in Name.rel but not in Name2.rel
  • Which applications to be added, that is, applications listed in Name2.rel but not in Name.rel
  • Which applications to be upgraded/downgraded, that is, applications listed in both Name.rel and Name2.rel but with different versions
  • If the emulator needs to be restarted after upgrading or downgrading, that is, if the ERTS version differs between Name.rel and Name2.rel

Instructions for this are added to the relup file in the above order. Instructions for upgrading or downgrading between application versions are fetched from the relevant application upgrade files App.appup, sorted in the same order as when generating a boot script, see make_script/1. High-level instructions are translated into low-level instructions and the result is printed to the relup file.

The optional Descr parameter is included "as is" in the relup file, see relup. Defaults to the empty list.

All the files are searched for in the code path. It is assumed that the .app and .appup files for an application are located in the same directory.

If option {path,[Dir]} is specified, this path is appended to the current path. Wildcard ***** is expanded to all matching directories, for example, lib/*/ebin.

If option restart_emulator is specified, a low-level instruction to restart the emulator is appended to the relup file. This ensures that a complete reboot of the system is done when the system is upgraded or downgraded.

If an upgrade includes a change from an emulator earlier than OTP R15 to OTP R15 or later, the warning pre_R15_emulator_upgrade is issued. For more information about this, see Design Principles in System Documentation.

By default, errors and warnings are printed to tty and the function returns ok or error. If option silent is specified, the function instead either returns {ok,Relup,Module,Warnings}, where Relup is the release upgrade file, or {error,Module,Error}. Warnings and errors can be converted to strings by calling Module:format_warning(Warnings) or Module:format_error(Error).

If option noexec is specified, the function returns the same values as for silent but no relup file is created.

If option warnings_as_errors is specified, warnings are treated as errors.

make_script(Name) -> Result

make_script(Name, [Opt]) -> Result

Generates a boot script .script/.boot.

  • Name = string()
  • Opt = src_tests | {path,[Dir]} | local | {variables,[Var]} | exref | {exref,[App]}] | silent | {outdir,Dir} | no_dot_erlang | no_warn_sasl | warnings_as_errors
  •  Dir = string()
  •  Var = {VarName,Prefix}
  •   VarName = Prefix = string()
  •  App = atom()
  • Result = ok | error | {ok,Module,Warnings} | {error,Module,Error}
  •  Module = atom()
  •  Warnings = Error = term()

Generates a boot script Name.script and its binary version, the boot file Name.boot. The boot file specifies which code to be loaded and which applications to be started when the Erlang runtime system is started. See script.

The release resource file Name.rel is read to determine which applications are included in the release. Then the relevant application resource files are read to determine which modules to be loaded, and if and how the applications are to be started. (Keys modules and mod, see kernel/app.

By default, the boot script and boot file are located in the same directory as Name.rel. That is, in the current working directory unless Name contains a path. If option {outdir,Dir} is specified, they are located in Dir instead.

The correctness of each application is checked as follows:

  • The version of an application specified in the .rel file is to be the same as the version specified in the .app file.
  • There are to be no undefined applications, that is, dependencies to applications that are not included in the release. (Key applications in the .app file).
  • There are to be no circular dependencies among the applications.
  • There are to be no duplicated modules, that is, modules with the same name but belonging to different applications.
  • If option src_tests is specified, a warning is issued if the source code for a module is missing or is newer than the object code.

The applications are sorted according to the dependencies between the applications. Where there are no dependencies, the order in the .rel file is kept.

The function fails if the mandatory applications Kernel and STDLIB are not included in the .rel file and have start type permanent (which is default).

If SASL is not included as an application in the .rel file, a warning is issued because such a release cannot be used in an upgrade. To turn off this warning, add option no_warn_sasl.

All files are searched for in the current path. It is assumed that the .app and .beam files for an application are located in the same directory. The .erl files are also assumed to be located in this directory, unless it is an ebin directory in which case they can be located in the corresponding src directory.

If option {path,[Dir]} is specified, this path is appended to the current path. A directory in the path can be specified with a wildcard *****, this is expanded to all matching directories. Example: "lib/*/ebin".

In the generated boot script all application directories are structured as App-Vsn/ebin. They are assumed to be located in $ROOT/lib, where $ROOT is the root directory of the installed release. If option local is specified, the actual directories where the applications were found are used instead. This is a useful way to test a generated boot script locally.

Option variables can be used to specify an installation directory other than $ROOT/lib for some of the applications. If a variable {VarName,Prefix} is specified and an application is found in a directory Prefix/Rest/App[-Vsn]/ebin, this application gets the path VarName/Rest/App-Vsn/ebin in the boot script. If an application is found in a directory Prefix/Rest, the path is VarName/Rest/App-Vsn/ebin. When starting Erlang, all variables VarName are given values using command-line flag boot_var.

Example: If option {variables,[{"TEST","lib"}]} is specified and is found in lib/myapp/ebin, the path to this application in the boot script is "$TEST/myapp-1/ebin". If is found in lib/test, the path is $TEST/test/myapp-1/ebin.

The checks performed before the boot script is generated can be extended with some cross reference checks by specifying option exref. These checks are performed with the Xref tool. All applications, or the applications specified with {exref,[App]}, are checked by Xref and warnings are issued for calls to undefined functions.

By default, errors and warnings are printed to tty and the function returns ok or error. If option silent is specified, the function instead returns {ok,Module,Warnings} or {error,Module,Error}. Warnings and errors can be converted to strings by calling Module:format_warning(Warnings) or Module:format_error(Error).

If option warnings_as_errors is specified, warnings are treated as errors.

If option no_dot_erlang is specified, the instruction to load the .erlang file during boot is not included.

make_tar(Name) -> Result

make_tar(Name, [Opt]) -> Result

Creates a release package.

  • Name = string()
  • Opt = {dirs,[IncDir]} | {path,[Dir]} | {variables,[Var]} | {var_tar,VarTar} | {erts,Dir} | src_tests | exref | {exref,[App]} | silent | {outdir,Dir} | | no_warn_sasl | warnings_as_errors
  •  Dir = string()
  •  IncDir = src | include | atom()
  •  Var = {VarName,PreFix}
  •   VarName = Prefix = string()
  •  VarTar = include | ownfile | omit
  •  Machine = atom()
  •  App = atom()
  • Result = ok | error | {ok,Module,Warnings} | {error,Module,Error}
  •  Module = atom()
  •  Warning = Error = term()

Creates a release package file Name.tar.gz. This file must be uncompressed and unpacked on the target system using release_handler before the new release can be installed.

The release resource file Name.rel is read to determine which applications are included in the release. Then the relevant application resource files are read to determine the version and modules of each application (keys vsn and modules, see kernel/app).

By default, the release package file is located in the same directory as Name.rel. That is, in the current working directory unless Name contains a path. If option {outdir,Dir} is specified, it is located in Dir instead.

If SASL is not included as an application in the .rel file, a warning is issued because such a release cannot be used in an upgrade. To turn off this warning, add option no_warn_sasl.

By default, the release package contains the directories lib/App-Vsn/ebin and lib/App-Vsn/priv for each included application. If more directories are to be included, option dirs is specified, for example, {dirs,[src,examples]}.

All these files are searched for in the current path. If option {path,[Dir]} is specified, this path is appended to the current path. Wildcard ***** is expanded to all matching directories. Example: "lib/*/ebin".

Option variables can be used to specify an installation directory other than lib for some of the applications. If variable {VarName,Prefix} is specified and an application is found in directory Prefix/Rest/App[-Vsn]/ebin, this application is packed into a separate VarName.tar.gz file as Rest/App-Vsn/ebin.

Example: If option {variables,[{"TEST","lib"}]} is specified and is located in lib/myapp-1/ebin, application myapp is included in TEST.tar.gz:

% tar tf TEST.tar

Option {var_tar,VarTar} can be used to specify if and where a separate package is to be stored. In this option VarTar is one of the following:

  • include
  • Each separate (variable) package is included in the main ReleaseName.tar.gz file. This is the default.
  • ownfile
  • Each separate (variable) package is generated as a separate file in the same directory as the ReleaseName.tar.gz file.
  • omit
  • No separate (variable) packages are generated. Applications that are found underneath a variable directory are ignored.

A directory releases is also included in the release package, containing Name.rel and a subdirectory RelVsn. RelVsn is the release version as specified in Name.rel.

releases/RelVsn contains the boot script Name.boot renamed to start.boot and, if found, the files relup and sys.config or sys.config.src. These files are searched for in the same directory as Name.rel, in the current working directory, and in any directories specified using option path. In the case of sys.config it is not included if sys.config.src is found.

If the release package is to contain a new Erlang runtime system, the bin directory of the specified runtime system {erts,Dir} is copied to erts-ErtsVsn/bin.

All checks with function make_script/1 are performed before the release package is created. Options src_tests and exref are also valid here.

The return value and the handling of errors and warnings are the same as described for make_script/1.

script2boot(File) -> ok | error

Generates a binary version of a boot script.

  • File = string()

The Erlang runtime system requires that the contents of the script used to boot the system is a binary Erlang term. This function transforms the File.script boot script to a binary term, which is stored in the File.boot file.

A boot script generated using make_script/1 is already transformed to the binary form.

See Also

kernel/app, appup, erts/erl, rel, release_handler, relup, script


Application upgrade file

The application upgrade file defines how an application is upgraded or downgraded in a running system.

This file is used by the functions in systools when generating a release upgrade file relup.

File Syntax

The application upgrade file is to be called Application.appup, where Application is the application name. The file is to be located in the ebin directory for the application.

The .appup file contains one single Erlang term, which defines the instructions used to upgrade or downgrade the application. The file has the following syntax:

  [{UpFromVsn, Instructions}, ...],
  [{DownToVsn, Instructions}, ...]}.
  • Vsn = string()
  • Current application version.
  • UpFromVsn = string() | binary()
  • An earlier application version to upgrade from. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a specific version number. If it is a binary, it is interpreted as a regular expression that can match multiple version numbers.
  • DownToVsn = string() | binary()
  • An earlier application version to downgrade to. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a specific version number. If it is a binary, it is interpreted as a regular expression that can match multiple version numbers.
  • Instructions
  • A list of release upgrade instructions, see [Release Upgrade Instructions](#Release Upgrade Instructions). It is recommended to use high-level instructions only. These are automatically translated to low-level instructions by systools when creating the relup file.

To avoid duplication of upgrade instructions, it is allowed to use regular expressions to specify UpFromVsn and DownToVsn. To be considered a regular expression, the version identifier must be specified as a binary. For example, the following match all versions 2.1.x, where x is any number:


Notice that the regular expression must match the complete version string, so this example works for, for example, 2.1.1, but not for

Release Upgrade Instructions

Release upgrade instructions are interpreted by the release handler when an upgrade or downgrade is made. For more information about release handling, see OTP Design Principles in System Documentation.

A process is said to use a module Mod if Mod is listed in the Modules part of the child specification used to start the process, see stdlib/supervisor. In the case of stdlib/gen_event, an event manager process is said to use Mod if Mod is an installed event handler.

High-Level Instructions

{update, Mod}
{update, Mod, supervisor}
{update, Mod, Change}
{update, Mod, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Change, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
{update, Mod, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
{update, Mod, ModType, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  ModType = static | dynamic
  Timeout = int()>0 | default | infinity
  Change = soft | {advanced,Extra}
    Extra = term()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge
  DepMods = [Mod]

Synchronized code replacement of processes using module Mod.

All those processes are suspended using stdlib/sys#suspend/1, the new module version is loaded, and then the processes are resumed using stdlib/sys#resume/1.

  • Change
  • Defaults to soft and defines the type of code change. If it is set to {advanced,Extra}, implemented processes using stdlib/gen_server, stdlib/gen_fsm, stdlib/gen_statem, or stdlib/gen_event transform their internal state by calling the callback function code_change. Special processes call the callback function system_code_change/4. In both cases, the term Extra is passed as an argument to the callback function.
  • PrePurge
  • Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with processes executing old code before loading the new module version. If the value is brutal_purge, the processes are killed. If the value is soft_purge, release_handler#install_release/1 returns {error,{old_processes,Mod}}.
  • PostPurge
  • Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with processes that are executing old code when the new module version has been loaded. If the value is brutal_purge, the code is purged when the release is made permanent and the processes are killed. If the value is soft_purge, the release handler purges the old code when no remaining processes execute the code.
  • DepMods
  • Defaults to [] and defines other modules that Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions for suspending processes using Mod come before instructions for suspending processes using modules in DepMods when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading. In case of circular dependencies, the order of the instructions in the appup file is kept.
  • Timeout
  • Defines the time-out when suspending processes. If no value or default is specified, the default value for stdlib/sys#suspend/1 is used.
  • ModType
  • Defaults to dynamic. It specifies if the code is "dynamic", that is, if a process using the module spontaneously switches to new code, or if it is "static". When doing an advanced update and upgrade, the new version of a dynamic module is loaded before the process is asked to change code. When downgrading, the process is asked to change code before loading the new version. For static modules, the new version is loaded before the process is asked to change code, both in the case of upgrading and downgrading. Callback modules are dynamic.

update with argument supervisor is used when changing the start specification of a supervisor.

{load_module, Mod}
{load_module, Mod, DepMods}
{load_module, Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge
  DepMods = [Mod]

Simple code replacement of the module Mod.

For a description of PrePurge and PostPurge, see update above.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions for loading these modules come before the instruction for loading Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{add_module, Mod}
{add_module, Mod, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()
  DepMods = [Mod]

Loads a new module Mod.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions related to these modules come before the instruction for loading Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{delete_module, Mod}
{delete_module, Mod, DepMods}
  Mod = atom()

Deletes a module Mod using the low-level instructions remove and purge.

DepMods defaults to [] and defines which other modules Mod is dependent on. In the relup file, instructions related to these modules come before the instruction for removing Mod when upgrading, and conversely when downgrading.

{add_application, Application}
{add_application, Application, Type}
  Application = atom()
  Type = permanent | transient | temporary | load | none

Adding an application means that the modules defined by the modules key in the .app file are loaded using add_module.

Type defaults to permanent and specifies the start type of the application. If Type = permanent | transient | temporary, the application is loaded and started in the corresponding way, see kernel/application. If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded.

{remove_application, Application}
  Application = atom()

Removing an application means that the application is stopped, the modules are unloaded using delete_module, and then the application specification is unloaded from the application controller.

{restart_application, Application}
  Application = atom()

Restarting an application means that the application is stopped and then started again, similar to using the instructions remove_application and add_application in sequence. Note that, even if the application has been started before the release upgrade is performed, restart_application may only load it rather than start it, depending on the application's start type: If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded.

Low-Level Instructions

{load_object_code, {App, Vsn, [Mod]}}
  App = Mod = atom()
  Vsn = string()

Reads each Mod from directory App-Vsn/ebin as a binary. It does not load the modules. The instruction is to be placed first in the script to read all new code from the file to make the suspend-load-resume cycle less time-consuming.


If a crash occurs after this instruction, the system cannot recover and is restarted from the old release version. The instruction must only occur once in a script. It is to be placed after all load_object_code instructions.

{load, {Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge}}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge

Before this instruction occurs, Mod must have been loaded using load_object_code. This instruction loads the module. PrePurge is ignored. For a description of PostPurge, see the high-level instruction update earlier.

{remove, {Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge}}
  Mod = atom()
  PrePurge = PostPurge = soft_purge | brutal_purge

Makes the current version of Mod old. PrePurge is ignored. For a description of PostPurge, see the high-level instruction update earlier.

{purge, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Purges each module Mod, that is, removes the old code. Notice that any process executing purged code is killed.

{suspend, [Mod | {Mod, Timeout}]}
  Mod = atom()
  Timeout = int()>0 | default | infinity

Tries to suspend all processes using a module Mod. If a process does not respond, it is ignored. This can cause the process to die, either because it crashes when it spontaneously switches to new code, or as a result of a purge operation. If no Timeout is specified or default is specified, the default value for stdlib/sys#suspend/1 is used.

{resume, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Resumes all suspended processes using a module Mod.

{code_change, [{Mod, Extra}]}
{code_change, Mode, [{Mod, Extra}]}
  Mod = atom()
  Mode = up | down
  Extra = term()

Mode defaults to up and specifies if it is an upgrade or downgrade. This instruction sends a code_change system message to all processes using a module Mod by calling function stdlib/sys#change_code/4, passing term Extra as argument.

{stop, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Stops all processes using a module Mod by calling stdlib/supervisor#terminate_child/2. This instruction is useful when the simplest way to change code is to stop and restart the processes that run the code.

{start, [Mod]}
  Mod = atom()

Starts all stopped processes using a module Mod by calling stdlib/supervisor#restart_child/2.

{sync_nodes, Id, [Node]}
{sync_nodes, Id, {M, F, A}}
  Id = term()
  Node = node()
  M = F = atom()
  A = [term()]

apply(M, F, A) must return a list of nodes.

This instruction synchronizes the release installation with other nodes. Each Node must evaluate this command with the same Id. The local node waits for all other nodes to evaluate the instruction before execution continues. If a node goes down, it is considered to be an unrecoverable error, and the local node is restarted from the old release. There is no time-out for this instruction, which means that it can hang forever.

{apply, {M, F, A}}
  M = F = atom()
  A = [term()]

Evaluates apply(M, F, A).

If the instruction appears before instruction point_of_no_return, a failure is caught. release_handler#install_release/1 then returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}, unless {error,Error} is thrown or returned. Then it returns {error,Error}.

If the instruction appears after instruction point_of_no_return and the function call fails, the system is restarted.


This instruction is used when the application ERTS, Kernel, STDLIB, or SASL is upgraded. It shuts down the current emulator and starts a new one. All processes are terminated gracefully, and the new version of ERTS, Kernel, STDLIB, and SASL are used when the emulator restarts. Only one restart_new_emulator instruction is allowed in the relup file, and it must be placed first. systools#make_relup/3 ensures this when the relup file is generated. The rest of the instructions in the relup file is executed after the restart as a part of the boot script.

An info report is written when the upgrade is completed. To programmatically determine if the upgrade is complete, call release_handler#which_releases/0 and check if the expected release has status current.

The new release must still be made permanent after the upgrade is completed, otherwise the old emulator is started if there is an emulator restart.

As stated earlier, instruction restart_new_emulator causes the emulator to be restarted with new versions of ERTS>, Kernel, STDLIB, and SASL. However, all other applications do at startup run their old versions in this new emulator. This is usually no problem, but every now and then incompatible changes occur to the core applications, which can cause trouble in this setting. Such incompatible changes (when functions are removed) are normally preceded by a deprecation over two major releases. To ensure that your application is not crashed by an incompatible change, always remove any call to deprecated functions as soon as possible.


This instruction is similar to restart_new_emulator, except it must be placed at the end of the relup file. It is not related to an upgrade of the emulator or the core applications, but can be used by any application when a complete reboot of the system is required.

When generating the relup file, systools#make_relup/3 ensures that there is only one restart_emulator instruction and that it is the last instruction in the relup file.

See Also

release_handler, relup, stdlib/supervisor, systools


Release resource file

The release resource file specifies which applications are included in a release (system) based on Erlang/OTP.

This file is used by the functions in systools when generating start scripts (.script, .boot) and release upgrade files (relup).

File Syntax

The release resource file is to be called Name.rel.

The .rel file contains one single Erlang term, which is called a release specification. The file has the following syntax:

{release, {RelName,Vsn}, {erts, EVsn},
  [{Application, AppVsn} |
   {Application, AppVsn, Type} |
   {Application, AppVsn, IncApps} |
   {Application, AppVsn, Type, IncApps}]}.
  • RelName = string()
  • Release name.
  • Vsn = string()
  • Release version.
  • EVsn = string()
  • ERTS version the release is intended for.
  • Application = atom()
  • Name of an application included in the release.
  • AppVsn = string()
  • Version of an application included in the release.
  • Type = permanent | transient | temporary | load | none
  • Start type of an application included in the release. If Type = permanent | transient | temporary, the application is loaded and started in the corresponding way, see kernel/application. If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded. Defaults to permanent
  • IncApps = [atom()]
  • A list of applications that are included by an application included in the release. The list must be a subset of the included applications specified in the application resource file ( and overrides this value. Defaults to the same value as in the application resource file.

The list of applications must contain the Kernel and STDLIB applications.

See Also

kernel/application, relup, systools


Release upgrade file

The release upgrade file describes how a release is upgraded in a running system.

This file is automatically generated by systools#make_relup/3, using a release resource file (.rel), application resource files (.app), and application upgrade files (.appup) as input.

File Syntax

In a target system, the release upgrade file is to be located in directory $ROOT/releases/Vsn.

The relup file contains one single Erlang term, which defines the instructions used to upgrade the release. The file has the following syntax:

  [{UpFromVsn, Descr, Instructions}, ...],
  [{DownToVsn, Descr, Instructions}, ...]}.
  • Vsn = string()
  • Current release version.
  • UpFromVsn = string()
  • Earlier version of the release to upgrade from.
  • Descr = term()
  • A user-defined parameter passed from the function systools#make_relup/3. It is used in the return value of release_handler#install_release/1.
  • Instructions
  • A list of low-level release upgrade instructions, see appup. It consists of the release upgrade instructions from the respective application upgrade files (high-level instructions are translated to low-level instructions), in the same order as in the start script.
  • DownToVsn = string()
  • Earlier version of the release to downgrade to.

See Also

kernel/app, appup, rel, release_handler, systools


Boot script

The boot script describes how the Erlang runtime system is started. It contains instructions on which code to load and which processes and applications to start.

Command erl -boot Name starts the system with a boot file called Name.boot, which is generated from the Name.script file, using systools#script2boot/1.

The .script file is generated by systools from a .rel file and from .app files.

File Syntax

The boot script is stored in a file with extension .script. The file has the following syntax:

{script, {Name, Vsn},
  {progress, loading},
  {preLoaded, [Mod1, Mod2, ...]},
  {path, [Dir1,"$ROOT/Dir",...]}.
  {primLoad, [Mod1, Mod2, ...]},
  {progress, loaded},
  {kernelProcess, Name, {Mod, Func, Args}},
  {apply, {Mod, Func, Args}},
  {progress, started}]}.
  • Name = string()
  • Defines the system name.
  • Vsn = string()
  • Defines the system version.
  • {progress, Term}
  • Sets the "progress" of the initialization program. The erts/init#get_status/0 function returns the current value of the progress, which is {InternalStatus,Term}.
  • {path, [Dir]}
  • Dir is a string. This argument sets the load path of the system to [Dir]. The load path used to load modules is obtained from the initial load path, which is given in the script file, together with any path flags that were supplied in the command-line arguments. The command-line arguments modify the path as follows: * -pa Dir1 Dir2 ... DirN adds the directories DirN, DirN-1, ..., Dir2, Dir1 to the front of the initial load path. * -pz Dir1 Dir2 ... DirN adds the directories Dir1, Dir2, ..., DirN to the end of the initial load path. * -path Dir1 Dir2 ... DirN defines a set of directories Dir1, Dir2, ..., DirN, which replace the search path given in the script file. Directory names in the path are interpreted as follows: * Directory names starting with / are assumed to be absolute path names. * Directory names not starting with / are assumed to be relative the current working directory. * The special $ROOT variable can only be used in the script, not as a command-line argument. The given directory is relative the Erlang installation directory.
  • {primLoad, [Mod]}
  • Loads the modules [Mod] from the directories specified in Path. The script interpreter fetches the appropriate module by calling erts/erl_prim_loader#get_file/1. A fatal error that terminates the system occurs if the module cannot be located.
  • {kernel_load_completed}
  • Indicates that all modules that must be loaded before any processes are started are loaded. In interactive mode, all {primLoad,[Mod]} commands interpreted after this command are ignored, and these modules are loaded on demand. In embedded mode, kernel_load_completed is ignored, and all modules are loaded during system start.
  • {kernelProcess, Name, {Mod, Func, Args}}
  • Starts the "kernel process" Name by evaluating apply(Mod, Func, Args). The start function is to return {ok, Pid} or ignore. The init process monitors the behavior of Pid and terminates the system if Pid dies. Kernel processes are key components of the runtime system. Users do not normally add new kernel processes.
  • {apply, {Mod, Func, Args}}
  • The init process evaluates apply(Mod, Func, Args). The system terminates if this results in an error. The boot procedure hangs if this function never returns.

In an interactive system, the code loader provides demand-driven code loading, but in an embedded system the code loader loads all code immediately. The same version of kernel/code is used in both cases. The code server calls erts/init#get_argument/1 to determine if it is to run in demand mode or non-demand driven mode.

See Also


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