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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save margnus1/d92c1b79008922589e23 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save margnus1/d92c1b79008922589e23 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My multiple-cursors init file. Main feature is the M-drag for interactive rectangle selection.
(require 'multiple-cursors)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-c C-S-c") 'mc/edit-lines)
;; CUA mode might make the first C-S-c into a C-c
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-S-c") 'mc/edit-lines)
(global-set-key (kbd "C->") 'mc/mark-next-symbol-like-this)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<") 'mc/mark-previous-symbol-like-this)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M->") 'mc/mark-next-like-this)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-<") 'mc/mark-previous-like-this)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-<") 'mc/mark-all-like-this)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S-<down>") 'mc/mark-next-lines)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S-<up>") 'mc/mark-previous-lines)
;; M-drag for mc rectangle selection
;; Without delete-selection-mode, but with CUA, only the selection on the line
;; with the point is deleted.
(delete-selection-mode t)
(defun mouse-drag-rectangle (start-event)
"Highlight a rectangular region of text as the the mouse is dragged over it.
This must be bound to a button-down mouse event."
(interactive "e")
(let* ((start-posn (event-start start-event))
(start-point (posn-point start-posn))
(start-window (posn-window start-posn))
(start-frame (window-frame start-window))
(bounds (window-edges start-window))
(top (nth 1 bounds))
(bottom (if (window-minibuffer-p start-window)
(nth 3 bounds)
;; Don't count the mode line.
(1- (nth 3 bounds))))
(click-count (1- (event-click-count start-event))))
(setq mouse-selection-click-count click-count)
(mouse-set-point start-event)
(let (end-event
(while (progn
(setq end-event (read-event)
end-posn (event-end end-event)
end-point (posn-point end-posn)
end-window (posn-window end-posn))
(or (mouse-movement-p end-event)
(eq (car-safe end-event) 'switch-frame)))
;; Ignore switch-frame events.
((eq (car-safe end-event) 'switch-frame)
;; Are we moving within the original window?
((and (eq end-window start-window)
(integer-or-marker-p end-point))
(goto-char end-point)
;; Are we moving on a different window on the same frame?
((and (windowp end-window)
(eq (window-frame end-window) start-frame))
(let ((mouse-row (+ (nth 1 (window-edges end-window))
(cdr (posn-col-row end-posn)))))
((< mouse-row top)
(mouse-scroll-subr (- mouse-row top)
nil start-point))
((and (not (eobp))
(>= mouse-row bottom))
(mouse-scroll-subr (1+ (- mouse-row bottom))
nil start-point)))))
(let ((mouse-y (cdr (cdr (mouse-position))))
(menu-bar-lines (or (cdr (assq 'menu-bar-lines
;; Are we on the menu bar?
(and (integerp mouse-y) (< mouse-y menu-bar-lines)
(mouse-scroll-subr (- mouse-y menu-bar-lines)
nil start-point)))))))
(and (eq (get (event-basic-type end-event) 'event-kind) 'mouse-click)
(eq end-window start-window)
(numberp end-point)
(if (= start-point end-point)
(setq deactivate-mark t)
(push-mark start-point t t)
(goto-char end-point)
;;(kill-ring-save start-point end-point)
(global-unset-key (kbd "M-<mouse-1>"))
(global-unset-key (kbd "M-<drag-mouse-1>"))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<down-mouse-1>") 'mouse-drag-rectangle)
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