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Created February 4, 2014 13:26
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Useful bashrc lines for Uppsala University computer systems.
# Other direct PATH settings
if [[ "$MAGNUS_PATH_ADDED" != "yes" ]]; then
export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}:/usr/hacks/bin:/usr/hacks/games"
export MANPATH="${MANPATH}:/usr/hacks/man"
# Non-interactive shells does not have a prompt so we can end the
# configuration here.
# Do not modify PATH:s beyond this line
[ -z "${PS1}" ] && return
export PAGER=less
export MANPAGER=less
export PS1="^[[1;31m\h \W>^[[m "
# Variant without colors
#export PS1="\h \W> "
set +o ignoreeof
stty erase ^?
export TERM=xterm-color
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