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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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  • Save marfalkov/10851529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marfalkov/10851529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function() {
var $;
$ = jQuery;
$.bootstrapGrowl = function(message, options) {
var $alert, css, offsetAmount;
options = $.extend({}, $.bootstrapGrowl.default_options, options);
$alert = $("<div>");
$alert.attr("class", "bootstrap-growl alert");
if (options.type) {
$alert.addClass("alert-" + options.type);
if (options.allow_dismiss) {
$alert.append("<span class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">&times;</span>");
if (options.top_offset) {
options.offset = {
from: "top",
amount: options.top_offset
offsetAmount = options.offset.amount;
$(".bootstrap-growl").each(function() {
return offsetAmount = Math.max(offsetAmount, parseInt($(this).css(options.offset.from)) + $(this).outerHeight() + options.stackup_spacing);
css = {
"position": (options.ele === "body" ? "fixed" : "absolute"),
"margin": 0,
"z-index": "9999",
"display": "none"
css[options.offset.from] = offsetAmount + "px";
if (options.width !== "auto") {
$alert.css("width", options.width + "px");
switch (options.align) {
case "center":
"left": "50%",
"margin-left": "-" + ($alert.outerWidth() / 2) + "px"
case "left":
$alert.css("left", "20px");
$alert.css("right", "20px");
if (options.delay > 0) {
$alert.delay(options.delay).fadeOut(function() {
//return $(this).alert("close");
return $alert;
$.bootstrapGrowl.default_options = {
ele: "body",
type: "info",
offset: {
from: "top",
amount: 20
align: "right",
width: 250,
delay: 4000,
allow_dismiss: true,
stackup_spacing: 10
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