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Last active January 4, 2018 19:02
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import unittest
def bn(draws=None, balls=None):
#error message for missing input
if draws == None or balls == None: return "Missing Input"
#error message for negative input
if draws < 0 or balls < 0: return "Input has to be a number >= 0"
#error message if draws > balls
if balls<draws: return "Input number for draws has to be <= input number for balls"
#defining the factorial function
def fact(num):
return 1 if num == 0 else num*fact(num-1)
#calculating the bn with fact
return fact(balls) / (fact(draws)*fact(balls-draws))
class TestingFunctionBio(unittest.TestCase):
def test_negativity(self):
self.assertEqual(bn(-1,0), 'Input has to be a number >= 0')
self.assertEqual(bn(12,-1), 'Input has to be a number >= 0')
def test_drawsSmallerThanBalls(self):
self.assertEqual(bn(4,1), 'Input number for draws has to be <= input number for balls')
def test_missingInput(self):
self.assertEqual(bn(), 'Missing Input')
self.assertEqual(bn(12), 'Missing Input')
def test_lotto(self):
self.assertEqual(bn(6,49), 13983816)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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