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Created October 31, 2017 01:02
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namespace App\Controllers\Site\Ads;
use Silex\Application;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Silex\Api\ControllerProviderInterface;
class AdsControllerProvider implements ControllerProviderInterface {
public function connect(Application $app) {
// creates a new controller based on the default route
$controller = $app['controllers_factory'];
# list adversements
$controller->get('/{type}/{page}/', '\App\Controllers\Site\Ads\Ads::list')
->convert('page', function($page){
if ($page === '0') {
$page = '1';
return $page;
->assert('page', '\d+'); // only digit
$controller->get('/{type}/', function($type) use ($app) {
return $app->redirect(SITE_URL.'anuncios/'.$type.'/1/', 302);
# load a post
$controller->get('/{type}/v/{code}/', '\App\Controllers\Site\Ads\Ads::load')
->convert('code', function($code, $app){
if (empty($code)) {
return $app->redirect(SITE_URL.'anuncios/'.$type.'/1/', 302);
return $code;
->assert('code', '([a-zA-Z0-9]){6,6}'); // only not digit
return $controller;
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