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Marco Gravbrøt marcogravbrot

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var roasts = [
"I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.",
"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?",
"Yo're so ugly, when your mom dropped you off at school she got a fine for littering.",
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the 3rd ones for you.",
"I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about you.",
"Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.",
"I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.",
"You bring everyone a lot of joy, when you leave the room.",
"You're the reason they invented double doors!",
CreateConVar("rocketbullets", 0, {}, "Whether or not bullets should be rockets.")
hook.Add("EntityFireBullets", "Rocket bullets", function(ent, data)
if GetConVar("rocketbullets"):GetBool() then
local rocket = ents.Create("rpg_missile")
rocket:SetPos(data.Src + Vector(0, 0, 20))
rocket:SetAngles((data.Dir + data.Spread):GetNormalized():Angle())
rocket:SetVelocity(data.Dir * 20)
def decimalToBinary(tall):
index = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
count = 0
binary = ""
for x in range(len(index)):
total = count + index[x]
if (total <= tall):
count += index[x]
binary += "1"
function runCode(code)
local environment = {
-- global functions
print = print,
tostring = tostring,
tonumber = tonumber,
type = type,
pairs = pairs,
discordia = require("discordia")
client = discordia.Client()
googlekey = "AIzaSyBXLpO485NRdUwg_Yv6Ia3_SOnQs5tgtGc"
http = require("coro-http")
json = require("json")
timer = require("timer")
bit = require("bit")
client:on("ready", function()
local discordia = require("discordia")
local client = discordia.Client()
local http = require("coro-http")
local json = require("json")
local timer = require("timer")
local linking = {}
local link_checking = false
function getName(id, callback)
if not (id and callback) then
function main()
thread anti_gravity();
#define ANTI_GRAV_LOW 500
function anti_gravity()
Place wherever the player walks through
targetname : metal_detector
target : (unique string, i suggest "metal_detector_1" for first detector, etc)
These are the beep boops
Make a trigger_use covering the purchasable area of the door, for the time being this only supports deleting models/brushes, will
add more fancy effects and things later on(tomorrow).
trigger_use KVPs: (star = required)
*targetname "bankdoor"
*target <unique name of your choosing>
cost <number of how much you input into the bank at once>
limit <number of how much the bank needs to open the door>
Then, for your model/brushes/clips/whatever make sure you convert them to script entities (script_brushmodel, script_model, etc)
//Revelations like falling safeguard
Make a trigger_multiple covering the area where players would fall into, give it the targetname of "fall_trigger", and the target of your choosing.
Now make 4 script_struct's around the map for where the 4 players would spawn. (This is to prevent stupid tp glitches and death inside eachother etc),
and give them the targetname of what you chose as the trigger's target.
Once you've done all of that in Radiant, you'll want to navigate to BO3Root/usermaps/zm_map/scripts/zm_map.gsc and find the main function.
Paste the following line of code in there,
thread watch_fall();