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Last active February 25, 2023 15:59
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Helper functions to make logging easier.
package logcat
import android.util.Log
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
public inline fun Any.logcat(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String?,
message: () -> String,
) {
internalRunIfLoggable(priority, tag) { innerTag -> internalLog(priority, innerTag, message()) }
public inline fun Any.logcat(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String?,
error: () -> Throwable,
) {
internalRunIfLoggable(priority, tag) { innerTag -> internalLog(priority, innerTag, error()) }
public inline fun <T> Any.logcat(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String?,
result: () -> Result<T>,
) {
internalRunIfLoggable(priority, tag) { innerTag ->
internalLog(priority, innerTag, internalLogResult(result()))
public inline fun <T> Result<T>.logcat(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String?,
): Result<T> = also { logcat(priority, tag, result = { this }) }
internal fun Any.internalRunIfLoggable(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String?,
block: (tag: String) -> Unit,
) {
if (LogClient.isLoggable(priority)) block(tag ?: internalOuterClassSimpleName())
internal fun internalLog(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String,
message: String,
) {
when (priority) {
LogPriority.VERBOSE -> Log.v(tag, message)
LogPriority.DEBUG -> Log.d(tag, message)
LogPriority.INFO -> Log.i(tag, message)
LogPriority.WARN -> Log.w(tag, message)
LogPriority.ERROR -> Log.e(tag, message)
LogPriority.ASSERT ->, message)
internal fun internalLog(
priority: LogPriority,
tag: String,
error: Throwable,
) {
internalLog(priority, tag, internalLogException(error))
internal fun Any.internalOuterClassSimpleName(): String {
val javaClass =
val fullClassName =
val outerClassName = fullClassName.substringBefore('$')
val simplerOuterClassName = outerClassName.substringAfterLast('.')
return if (simplerOuterClassName.isEmpty()) {
} else {
* Utility to turn a [Throwable] into a loggable string.
* The implementation is based on Timber.getStackTraceString(). It's different
* from [android.util.Log.getStackTraceString] in the following ways:
* - No silent swallowing of UnknownHostException.
* - The buffer size is 256 bytes instead of the default 16 bytes.
internal fun internalLogException(error: Throwable): String {
val stringWriter = StringWriter(256)
val printWriter = PrintWriter(stringWriter, false)
return stringWriter.toString()
internal fun <T> internalLogResult(result: Result<T>): String {
val classToString = result.toString()
val exception = result.exceptionOrNull()
return if (exception != null) {
val exceptionToString = internalLogException(exception)
} else {
package logcat
public object LogClient {
private var isInitialized: Boolean = false
internal var isEnabled: Boolean = false
internal var minPriority: LogPriority = LogPriority.DEBUG
public fun initialize(
enabled: Boolean,
minPriority: LogPriority,
) {
require(!isInitialized) { "LogClient.initialize should be called only once." }
isInitialized = true
this.isEnabled = enabled
this.minPriority = minPriority
internal fun isLoggable(priority: LogPriority): Boolean {
return isEnabled && priority.level >= minPriority.level
package logcat
public enum class LogPriority(@PublishedApi internal val level: Int) {
VERBOSE(level = 2),
DEBUG(level = 3),
INFO(level = 4),
WARN(level = 5),
ERROR(level = 6),
ASSERT(level = 7);
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