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Database Refresh Post Step For Item Field Value Updates With Environment Selector
$options = @{
$props = @{
Parameters = @(
@{Name="selectedOption"; Title="Choose an environment"; Options=$options}
Title = "Environment selector"
Description = "Restore values for which environment?"
Width = 300
Height = 300
ShowHints = $false
$result = Read-Variable @props
if($result -ne "ok")
Write-Host "Selected environment: $($selectedOption)"
Write-Host ""
$isDev = $selectedOption -eq "DEV"
$Restorable = @(
if ($isDev)
{"dev value"}
{"stage value"};
if ($isDev)
{"dev value"}
{"stage value"};
foreach ($restore in $Restorable){
$item = Get-Item -Path $restore.fPath -language en
Write-Host "Updating item: $($item.ID) $($restore.fPath)"
Write-Host "Updating field: $($restore.field)"
Write-Host "--"
Write-Host "From:"
Write-Host "$($item[$($restore.field)])"
Write-Host ""
$item["$($restore.field)"] = "$($restore.updatedVal)"
$item.Editing.EndEdit() | Out-Null
Write-Host "To:"
Write-Host "$($item[$($restore.field)])"
Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
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