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Last active April 27, 2020 11:12
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Amazon Linux 2 / Apache automated install w/SSL (test certificates)
#! /bin/ksh
# `al2-setup-apache` -- install Apache httpd on Amazon Linux 2 with SSL enabled
# This snippet allows to quickly setup Apache httpd on Amazon Linux 2 with SSL enabled. It will automatically create a test
# certificate and install `mod_ssl`. Obviously this is not for production systems.
# This is a KornShell script, so you should make sure you have `ksh` installed as this is not the case by default on
# Amazon Linux 2 -- KornShell is POSIX, but Linux isn't; spot the contradiction.
# If things fail consider:
# - systemctl status httpd.service
# - journalctl -xe
# - apachectl configtest
# - apachectl status
export LC_ALL=C
typeset ansi=yes # If non-null outputs will colourised
typeset progname=${0##*/} # This script's basename
typeset ssl_conf='/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' # The default file installed by `mod_ssl`
typeset tls_root=/etc/pki/tls #
typeset cert_key=$tls_root/private/localhost.key #
typeset cert_crt=$tls_root/certs/localhost.crt #
function fatal {
print -u2 "${ansi:+\E[2m}$progname${ansi:+\E[0m} ${ansi:+\E[31m}fatal${ansi:+\E[0m} $@"
exit 1
function trace {
print -u2 "${ansi:+\E[2m}$progname${ansi:+\E[0m} ${ansi:+\E[35m}trace${ansi:+\E[0m} $@"
# Make sure pre-requisite TLS certificates makefile is available
[[ -f $tls_root/certs/Makefile ]] ||
fatal 'Missing TLS certification Makefile'
# Best practice is to ensure your (base) packages are up to date
sudo yum update -q -y
# If Apache httpd is not installed, install it
if yum list installed -q httpd > /dev/null;
then trace 'Apache httpd package installed'
else trace 'Installing package Apache httpd'
sudo yum install -q -y httpd ||
fatal 'Failed to install Apache httpd package.'; fi
# Confirm that Apache httpd is running
if [[ $(sudo systemctl is-enabled httpd) == disabled ]]
then sudo systemctl start httpd && sudo systemctl enable httpd ||
fatal 'Failed to start Apache httpd service.'; fi
# Now make sure that we have the `mod_ssl` package installed
if yum list installed -q mod_ssl > /dev/null
then trace 'Apache httpd SSL module installed'
else trace 'Installing Apache mod_ssl pacakge'
sudo yum install -q -y mod_ssl ||
fatal 'Failed to install Apache mod_ssl package.'; fi
# Make sure the `mod_ssl` installed the default configuration file
[[ -f $ssl_conf ]] ||
fatal 'Failed to locate to default Apache httpd SSL configuration file: '$ssl_conf
# Generate our dummy (i.e. for development purposes only) certificate
(cd $tls_root/certs && make --quiet testcert) ||
fatal 'Failed to generate dummy certifcate'
# Make sure the certificate has been created as expected
typeset file; for file in $cert_key $cert_crt; do
[[ -f $file ]] || fatal "Invalid certificate (failed to locate file: $file)"
typeset keyword=SSLCertificateFile; [[ $file == *.key ]] && keyword=${keyword%File}KeyFile
grep "^$keyword $file" $ssl_conf >/dev/null && continue
fatal "Please ensure Apache SSL configuration file ${ssl_conf##*/} contains the following statement:\n\t$keyword $file"
# We're done
sudo systemctl restart httpd
trace 'Apache HTTPd installed with SSL enabled (development certificate)'
# __END__
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