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Created April 20, 2017 15:34
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Batch Script to Change DNS Servers
ipconfig /all | findstr "Servers" | findstr "xx.xx.xx.xx"
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
rem echo Findstr FOUND xx.xx.xx.xx in the DNS list.
goto google
) else (
rem echo Findstr DID NOT find xx.xx.xx.xx in the DNS list.
goto local
echo Error Level: %errorlevel% - Did not find local DNS server, inputting local settings now...
netsh interface ip delete dnsservers "Local Area Connection" all
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr=xx.xx.xx.xx index=1
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr=zz.zz.zz.zz index=2
echo Current DNS Settings:
ipconfig /all | findstr /c:"xx.xx.xx.xx"
ipconfig /all | findstr /c:"zz.zz.zz.zz"
goto end
echo Error Level: %errorlevel% - Found local DNS server, inputting Google settings now...
netsh interface ip delete dnsservers "Local Area Connection" all
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=1
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=2
echo Current DNS Settings:
ipconfig /all | findstr /c:""
ipconfig /all | findstr /c:""
goto end
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