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Last active September 18, 2024 14:24
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PDF rendering with pdf.js, from Python
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 geisserml <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This is an experimental pdf.js interface using shared memory.
# Unfortunately, shm-typed-array does not support Windows, so this is not exactly portable.
# For an older version by the same author that uses pipe-based data transfer via JSPyBridge's .blobValueOf(), see the link below:
# Py-Depends: pillow, javascript (JSPyBridge), posix_ipc
# Js-Depends: pdfjs-dist, canvas, shm-typed-array
# You can use `python -m pip install`, and `python -m javascript --install`
# NOTE This currently assumes you have a custom pdf.js build in the same directory as this file, because require("pdfjs-dist") appears broken on the author's nodejs 20. See upstream build instructions. Commit 8b50836d is confirmed to work. Patch the require() calls if you want otherwise.
import time
starttm = time.time()
import mmap
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
# third-party
import PIL.Image
import javascript
import posix_ipc
THIS_DIR = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
# NOTE canvas must be the build pdfjs is linked against, otherwise it'll fail with type error
pdfjs = javascript.require( str(THIS_DIR / Path("pdf.js/build/generic/build/pdf.js")) )
libcanvas = javascript.require( str(THIS_DIR / Path("pdf.js/node_modules/canvas")) )
libshm = javascript.require("shm-typed-array")
print(f"Imports took {time.time() - starttm}s"); del starttm
def render_pdf(input, outdir, scale):
pdf = pdfjs.getDocument(input).promise
n_pages = pdf.numPages
n_digits = len(str(n_pages))
starttm = time.time()
sizes = []
for i in range(n_pages):
page = pdf.getPage(i+1)
viewport = page.getViewport({"scale": scale})
w, h = int(viewport.width), int(viewport.height)
sizes.append( (w, h) )
max_alloc = max(w*h for w, h in sizes) * 4
print(f"Shared memory size in bytes: {max_alloc} (took {time.time() - starttm}s to determine)"); del starttm
memkey = "/pypdfjs_render_shm"
js_shm = libshm.create(max_alloc, "Buffer", memkey)
assert js_shm is not None, "Shared memory of this name already exists, go to /dev/shm and remove it."
py_shm_handle = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(memkey)
py_shm = mmap.mmap(py_shm_handle.fd, py_shm_handle.size)
for i in range(n_pages):
page = pdf.getPage(i+1)
viewport = page.getViewport({"scale": scale})
w, h = sizes[i]
canvas = libcanvas.createCanvas(w, h)
context = canvas.getContext("2d")
page.render({"canvasContext": context, "viewport": viewport}).promise
# the author is not aware of a way to create a canvas backed by an external buffer, so this copies
js_buffer = canvas.toBuffer("raw")
starttm = time.time()
print(f"Data transfer took {time.time() - starttm}s")
pil_image = PIL.Image.frombuffer("RGBX", (w, h), py_shm, "raw", "BGRX", 0, 1) / f"out_{i:0{n_digits}d}.jpg")
# Need to use native (non-js) functions to reliably destroy shared memory. Bridge seems to break in case of KeyboardInterrupt.
assert not Path("/dev/shm" + memkey).exists()
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Render a PDF file with Mozilla pdf.js via JsPyBridge.\n" +
"Known issues: - URL support is buggy; - certain PDFs may hit memory limits.",
path_type = lambda p: Path(p).expanduser().resolve()
input_type = lambda p: p if p.startswith("http") else str(path_type(p))
"input", type=input_type,
help="Input file path or URL.",
parser.add_argument("--outdir", "-o", type=path_type, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--scale", type=float, default=4)
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.outdir.exists():
args.outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
render_pdf(args.input, args.outdir, scale=args.scale)
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mara004 commented Nov 30, 2023

Historical note: the author created extremeheat/JSPyBridge#103 (blobValueOf()) on behalf of this use case.

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mara004 commented Sep 11, 2024

To put this in performance relation: This script takes ~2min to render the CinelerraGG user manual (~690p) at scale 4 (~300dpi).
pypdfium2 (in linear mode) manages this ~45s. And in parallel (with 4 processes) it's ~20s.

However, I'm not sure to which part this may be due to pdf.js itself, or due to bridging complications. I suspect the latter still has a significant impact.

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mara004 commented Sep 11, 2024

The shared memory situation on the JS side is displeasing, to say the least.
Maybe would be a more portable alternative to shm-typed-array ...
On the other hand, it doesn't provide a memory view that reflects changes, only a stream read/write interface.

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