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Last active July 13, 2021 13:26
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Topological sort using depth first search
// Time: O(number of vertices)
// Space: O(number of vertices)
// Using the params for course scheduler:
const findOrder = (numCourses, prerequisites) => {
// Make graph adjacency list if needed:
const graph = new Map();
prerequisites.forEach(([course, prerequisite]) => {
if (!graph.has(course)) graph.set(course, []);
if (!graph.has(prerequisite)) graph.set(prerequisite, []);
for (let i = 0; i < numCourses; i += 1) {
if (!graph.has(i)) graph.set(i, []);
const visited = new Set();
const order = [];
let isCyclic = false;
const depthFirstSearch = (node, branchMemo) => {
// Keep track of the current branch so you don't get stuck
// in a cycle
graph.get(node).forEach((neighbor) => {
if (!isCyclic) {
if (branchMemo.has(neighbor)) {
isCyclic = true;
if (!visited.has(neighbor)) depthFirstSearch(neighbor, branchMemo);
// add to order in reverse order because DFS hits leaf nodes first
// iterate over each graph node only if not cyclic
graph.forEach((value, node) => {
if (!isCyclic) {
if (!visited.has(node)) depthFirstSearch(node, new Set());
return isCyclic ? [] : order;
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