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Last active June 12, 2016 11:43
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Trying out szabbas Animation library.

Today, I want to see things move or change on screen without any interaction. The easiest thing I can think of, would be to fill the circles with color, cycling through "white, grey, green, red".

Reading the docs

As I am always trying to look for the most simple thing that could work, my eyes stick on run and immediately and sample. I really would like to see a small sample at this point, when I scroll way down, I see one that I at first deem to complicated, because it's in the context of continue or andMap.

The sample there is really cool tho:

y : Animation Float
y =
    Animation.interval pi
    |> cos

Looks like something runs up to pi and maps it to cos too. I am just wondering, how to start the animation and how to consume the current value.

The Slider-example is where I find and understand the Start-Msg which seems to just create an animation and store it in the model.

Then, a second Msg called Animate Time will be called, and must be kept running with dt model.animation(?)

At the same time, I could get the value of the animation with Animation.sample model.animation and use that to set another value (Color in this case)

Let's try this out

Well, now Circle is a shape on a Symbol, I'll save my animation there for now:

type alias Model =
    { shape : Shape
    , color : Color
    , size : Vec2
    , pos : Vec2
    , animation: Animation Color

and a new Msg

| Animate Time

this changes init

init : Shape -> Color -> Vec2 -> Vec2 -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init shape color size pos =
    noFx <| Model shape color size pos animation

with animation being:

animation : Animation Color
animation =
    (2 * Time.second)
        |> Animation.interval
            (\t ->
                if (t < 0.5) then

the new update-handler:

   Animate dt ->
                { model
                    | animation = dt model.animation
                    , color = Animation.sample model.animation

This would probably do the trick, but I need to setup one more thing:


This is done in Symbol.elm:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    if Animation.isDone model.animation then
        AnimationFrame.diffs Animate

(that's not really documented anywhere but in the samples)

But that leads me to the point where I need to learn more about structuring and combining subscriptions, which is probably a good thing to know BEFORE wanting to do animations.

My case: examples\Basic.elm has the Program and a field diagram: Diagram. The Diagram.Model contains a List Symbol. Each one of the needs to subscribe to AnimationFrame.diffs.

With almost no help from szabba, i get this:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
        ( Dict.values <| (\k v -> (Modify k) <| Symbol.subscriptions v ) model.symbols

which compiles. now it should start working magically. elm-reactor? nope.

I would continue now by adding some Debug.log statements.

Which, when I do, I see a bunch is going on. Turns out, I needed to implement a missing update handler:

Modify id msg -> noFx model does not really do much....

After I changed that, everything worked like a charm!!!

Thanks, Szabba!

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