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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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webrtc logs
PC 1: Chromium Version 31.0.1650.63 Built on Debian 7.2, running on Debian 7.3 (238485)
PC 2: Chrome Version 33.0.1750.149, Mac OS X
PC 1 (manuel28):
Creating local peer: manuel28 bbrtc.js:51
Creating RTCPeerConnection. bbrtc.js:33
Listening for ICE candidates. bbrtc.js:33
Listening for `negotiationneeded` bbrtc.js:33
Listening for data channel bbrtc.js:33
Listening for remote stream bbrtc.js:33
RemoteRepo {base: LocalBase, remote_id: UTF8, conn: DataConnection, requests: Array[0], repo_get_ref: function…}
`negotiationneeded` triggered bbrtc.js:33
Created offer. bbrtc.js:33
Set localDescription: offer for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Socket open bbrtc.js:33
Local peer ready. bbrtc.js:54
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Received ICE candidates for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Setting remote description [object RTCSessionDescription] bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Set remoteDescription: ANSWER for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Data channel connection success bbrtc.js:33
Connection to remote peer opened: mac28 bbrtc.js:160
Added ICE candidate for: mac28 bbrtc.js:33
Added ICE candidate for: mac28
PC 2 (mac28):
Creating local peer: mac28 bbrtc.js:50
Creating RTCPeerConnection. bbrtc.js:32
Listening for ICE candidates. bbrtc.js:32
Listening for `negotiationneeded` bbrtc.js:32
Listening for data channel bbrtc.js:32
Listening for remote stream bbrtc.js:32
RemoteRepo {base: LocalBase, remote_id: UTF8, conn: DataConnection, requests: Array[0], repo_get_ref: function…}
`negotiationneeded` triggered bbrtc.js:32
Created offer. bbrtc.js:32
Set localDescription: offer for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Socket open bbrtc.js:32
Local peer ready. bbrtc.js:53
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Local peer error: Error: Could not connect to peer manuel28 bbrtc.js:59
Local peer error: Error: Could not connect to peer manuel28 bbrtc.js:59
Creating RTCPeerConnection. bbrtc.js:32
Listening for ICE candidates. bbrtc.js:32
Listening for `negotiationneeded` bbrtc.js:32
Listening for data channel bbrtc.js:32
Listening for remote stream bbrtc.js:32
Setting remote description [object RTCSessionDescription] bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Set remoteDescription: OFFER for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Created answer. bbrtc.js:32
Set localDescription: answer for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Added ICE candidate for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28 bbrtc.js:32
Received ICE candidates for: manuel28
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