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Amending fixup commits

Maximilian Antoni mantoni

Amending fixup commits
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tylermakin / Multipart MIME
Last active May 7, 2024 21:24
Multipart MIME Email Guide

Multipart MIME Email Guide

This is a guide on how to send a properly formatted multipart email. Multipart email strings are MIME encoded, raw text email templates. This method of structuring an email allows for multiple versions of the same email to support different email clients.

// Example Multipart Email:
Subject: Multipart Email Example
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="boundary-string"
const reg = new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g")
function qs (uri) {
const obj = {}
uri = uri.replace(/^.*\?/, '')
uri.replace(reg, map)
return obj
function map (a0, a1, a2, a3) {
obj[decodeURIComponent(a1)] = decodeURIComponent(a3)
thomasdarimont /
Last active January 31, 2023 17:27
Example for computing various running statistics with Lua in Redis backed by a hash

Running statistics with Redis and Lua

This is an example for computing running statistics with Lua backed by a hash in Redis. We support counting, average (with and without exponential smoothing), stddev, variance, min, max, sum of observed values. An example for approximating a running median can be found here:

Data structure

We use a hash for storing various statistic value under the key "stats_value" in redis. Note: If you need a specific alpha value for smoothing the average, then set the desired alpha -> e.g. alpha 0.7. If alpha is 0.0 then no smoothing is applied.

thomasdarimont /
Last active July 28, 2019 13:38
PoC for approximating the median of a Stream via stochastic averaging in Redis with Lua

Approximating the median of a Stream via stochastic averaging

Often it is useful to have access to the median value for fields of a data stream since they are more robust with respect to outliers. The median is defined as the value of a dataset such that, when sorted, 50% of the data is smaller than the value and 50% of the data is larger then the value. Ordinarily this is difficult to calculate on a stream because it requires the collection and sorting of all data.

The median of a data stream can be approximated with a technique called stochastic averaging. To approximate the median value of a data stream one could use the following approach:

Given the current estimate of the median M. If the next observed value in the stream is larger than M, increase the current estimate by r (= the learning rate). If it is smaller, decrease the estimate by r. When M is close to the median, it increases as often as it decreases, and therefore it stabilizes.

This approach was taken from the book "Real-time Analytics -

walkerjeffd /
Last active August 15, 2024 03:31
Instructions for setting up git server on Synology Diskstation

Configure Synology NAS as Git Server

Instructions for setting up a git server on a Synology NAS with Diskstation. Specifically, I am using a DS414 with DSM 5.0.

Set Up User and Folder

  • Create user gituser via Diskstation interface (with File Station and WebDAV privilages)
  • Add new shared folder called git (located at /volume1/git) with read/write access for gituser and admin. This folder will hold all the repos.
  • Install Git Server package via Diskstation
fgarcia / long_lines.vim
Created March 22, 2014 10:23
Highlight long lines (>80) and provide a toggle command
" Highlight long lines (>80)
autocmd BufEnter * highlight OverLength ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=#592929
autocmd BufEnter * match OverLength /\%81v.*/
autocmd BufEnter * let w:long_line_match = 1
fu! LongLineHighlightToggle()
highlight OverLength ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=#592929
if exists('w:long_line_match')
match OverLength //
juliangruber /
Last active March 24, 2021 02:00
lightweight node-websocketd


A lightweight node port of websocketd, originally written in go.


node-websocketd --port=8080 ./
creationix /
Last active December 16, 2015 21:10
Min Streams Interface Spec

Min Streams Interface Spec

This spec describes a minimal stream interface meant for protocol implementors. Modules written to the interfaces in this spec can be used by a wide variety of projects. The protocols will not need any extra dependencies themselves. It's just an interface to implement.

Simple Stream

A simple stream is just a function. It represents a pull-stream. It has the following signature:

// Implementing a stream.
creationix / test.js
Last active December 10, 2015 11:49
Example usage of runonce
var runOnce = require('uvrun').runOnce;
// Do something here, like make a server to keep the event loop busy
var TCP = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP;
var server = new TCP();
server.onconnection = function () {
server.bind("", 3000);
defunctzombie /
Last active July 15, 2024 04:13
browser field spec for package.json