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Created August 28, 2024 13:49
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ginkgo run -r -vv --skip ".*" --json-report e2e.json ./e2e
ruby -rjson -e 'j=JSON.parse("e2e.json")); j.each { |s| [main][upstream]
puts "# " + s["SuiteDescription"];
puts s["SpecReports"].collect { |r|
l = r["ContainerHierarchyLabels"].flatten.join(", "); l = " <sup>(#{l})</sup>" unless l.empty?;
"* __" + r["ContainerHierarchyTexts"][0] + "__: " + r["ContainerHierarchyTexts"][1..-1].join(" ") + l
puts "\n---" };' >; open
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