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Created June 30, 2019 19:13
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1. You did not need a special knowledge to enjoy this book.
2. We see the stars that ... billion years ago. (大意为我们能看到几十亿年前的星星。动词待补充。)
3. Scientists were unsure when the early man left Africa.
4. The northern campus car park is located behind the library.
5. As a union member, we can influence the changes of the university. (不确定是否有student,加粗单词可以确定)
6. Neuroscience is compounded/is a compound of completely separate parts.
7. More graduate training is needed after university is finished.
8. The horizontal line on the graph indicates there was no periodical change/there was no change in the period.
9. Our facilities include five libraries in the university.
10. Purity is one feature that makes gold expensive.
11. He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time.
12. Even simple techniques need to be practiced to become better.
13. Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials. (不确定那个形容词是什么,但确定所有名词都是复数)
14. Studying history can help you better understand the present.
15. Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.
16. Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building.
1. The article reflects a number of very interesting experiments. 【老题重现】(前半句语速很快小心听动词)
2. The aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough evaluation.【确认】
3. The teacher asked the group to commence the task. 【确认】
4. The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history. 【千真万确是单数】
5. Employment figures are expected to be improved in the next few years. 【确认】
6. Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects. 【确认】
7. The massive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable argument. 【确认】
8. That means they have so many struggling overlaps. (有同学确认听到overlaps)(大魔王之中的大魔王,语速快到阿妈都不认得)
9. Control systems in manufacturing provide a high level of accuracy. 【确定介词是of,不是in】
10. It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources. (老题重现)
11. They were/had/have been struggling last year to make their service pay. (有同学说感觉清晰听到了been)
12. We hold visiting tours throughout the year for students. (修正:以前是hours,但应该改为tours)
13. The application process may take longer than it’s expected. 【确认有it’s】
14. The evaluation forms will be reviewed by university personnel.
15. The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing. 【确认全句】
16. You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.
17. Those seeking formal extension should contact their faculty for information.
18. Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing. 【确认】
19. Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill. 【确认】
20. We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us. 【确认】
21. Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or opposite. 【确认】
22. She used to be the editor of the student newspaper. 【确认是the】
23. Many graduates of journalism can get jobs in the communications field.
24. Food cannot be eaten in the main library.
25. University departments carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty. 【确认monitor是动词原形,没有过去式】
26. The commissioner will portion the funds among all the sovereignties. 【全句确认】
27. The artists tied to conservative politicians earned their own roles of/as critics. 【争议很大,语速很快,注意听】
28. The synopsis contains the most important information.【确认】
29. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.
30. Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations. 【确认】
1. The paper challenged many previously accepted theories. 【确认,没有new这个词】
2. When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.【确认】
3. Tribes vied (竞争较量) with each other to build up monolithic statues. 【确认是vied】
4. Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts. 【确认】
5. You will need to purchase an academic gown for the commencement. 【确认是for】
6. Speed is defined as how quickly an object or a person moves. (补充红字)
7. You can contact all your tutors by email.
8. The chemistry building is located near the entrance to the campus.
9. The city’s/cities/cities’ founders created a set of rules that became law. 【确认能听到city+s音,三个都写上】
10. Most of these students have not considered this issue before. (有同学听到了these students)
11. Our professor is hosting the business development conference. 【确认】
12. Biology involves the study of life of/at all levels. (待确认)
13. Food has become a political issue in the world.
14. Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort.
15. Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
16. All medical students must clean their hands before entering this/the room.
17. Your statistical information depends on your raw data.
18. Certain organisms can reproduce using just one parent. (某些生物只需要一个亲代就可繁殖)
19. Protective clothing must always be worn all the time.
20. Being bilingual is not necessarily being having the ability of understanding two languages. (待确认)
21. Sound waves are unable to travel through vacuum. [声波在真空中无法传播]
22. Make sure you choose a course which provides you with good career opportunities. (确认which,疑似有you with good)
23. Undergraduates have a wide range of cultural modules to choose from. (待确认)
24. We/We’ll no longer respond to any reference material requests. (待确认)
25. One function of body fat is to keep the internal organs warm.
26. Social media is criticized of causing internet addiction. (补全了上期版本)
27. Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
28. The researchers are disappointed that their materials are proved to be inconclusive.
29. International exchanges formed the important part of our study program.
30. The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.【确认】
1. Scientists were unsure when the first men left Africa. 【确认first men】
2. It is necessary to dress formally for the graduation ceremony. 【确认graduation】
3. Renovation works have been undertaken throughout/through the building.
4. The bus for London will leave 10 minutes later than planned. 【确认全句,介词是for】
5. A series of lectures showed economics have been recorded.
6. Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
7. There is a significant difference between theory and practice of education.
8. The printers automatically print two sides of each page. (待确认)
9. Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.
10. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.
11. Agoodresearchdeliverspracticalbenefitsforrealpeople.
12. While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed. 【确认】
13. The same issues featured both explanations of the problem. 【确认】
14. The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion reference to approach. 【全句确认】
15. The toughest part of postgraduate education is funding. 【确认】
16. Assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadline. 【确认department】
17. Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.(老机经重出江湖)
18. The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.
19. Most of these features were part of the previous system. 【确认是were】
20. The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.【确认】
21. We can’t consider any increase in our prices at this stage. 【确认是can't】
22. Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.【确认】
23. Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional practice. 【确认professional】
24. Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists. 【确认now】
25. Students have the options to live in college residences or apartments. 【确定option是复数,确定to live in】
26. Supply and demand is one of the fundamental concepts in economics.
27. Make sure you’ve saved all files before turning off the computer.
28. People with an active lifestyle are less likely to die early or have major illness.
29. There is a widely perception that the engineering is for boys. 【确认】
30. More graduate training is often needed after the university study is finished.
1. Some vocational courses of institution are funded by private enterprises. (of 不太合情理,现场请注意辨析)
2. This book can be borrowed for a maximum of one week.
3. This essay will argue technology does more good than harm. (待确认)
4. Time and distance are used to calculate speed.
5. You should provide examples to support your ideas and arguments.
6. Please write down the name of the author and the year of the publication.
7. The meeting for first year economic students is on Tuesday.
8. Distance learning allows you to develop a career around your commitments. (待确认)
9. Growing population has posed a challenge to many governments.
10. Free/Three campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students.(有同学说听到的第一个词像是Three,请仔细辨析)
11. Dealing with the growing population is a challenge for many governments.
12. They developed a unique approach to training their employees. (approach作名词时后面必须接to doing)
13. Unusual weather patterns are making farming more difficult today.
14. Every student has regular meeting with his or her personal tutor.
15. The new chemistry professor will deliver his first lecture tomorrow. 【确认全句】
16. All of your assignments should be submitted by next Tuesday.
17. The balance in diet and exercise makes a good health. (仅能确定大意,不确定具体措辞)
18. The history lecture has been moved to the lecture theatre.
19. Key business partners are often intertwined in expense accounts.
20. Native speakers are exempt from the language tests in their own language. 【确认全部细节】
21. Undergraduate students may pursue their specific interests within specific programs (programmes).【确认有两个specific】
22. Behind the group, there is a flat cart drawn by mules.
23. Scientists are always asking the government for more money.
24. I thought it was through the small meeting room. 【确认没有within】
25. The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.
26. The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone. (long-distance的连字符不算分;主谓单数)
27. The first assignment is due on the 14th of September. 【确认,可以写阿拉伯数字】
28. It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would react.
29. The theme of the instrumental work exhibited more of a demure compositional style.
30. Students’ concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form.
1. This morning’s lecture on economic policy has been canceled (美式拼写)/cancelled (英式拼写).
2. Review all your sources before drawing any conclusions.【确认是your】
3. The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.
4. If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available. 【确定】
1. Students should leave their bags on the table by the door.
2. Castle was designed to intimidate both local people and enemies.
3. Graphs and charts allowed data more easily to be understood.
4. Blue whale is the largest mammal ever lived.
5. The opening hours of the library is reducing during the summer.
6. A laptop computer has been found in the biology lab. 【确认】
7. His appointment to the Minister of Culture is seen as a demotion. 【确认】
8. Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing. (待完善)
9. The coffee machine (located) on the third floor is not working today. (待确认)
10. Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together.
11. You will learn how to rationally assess your arguments.
12. Journalism faces the crisis in the light of the digital revolution. (冠词等细节待确认)
13. The department is organizing a flight to London in July. (原机经5.1句子修正版)
14. The shipwreck of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested by historians. (artifacts美式;artefact英式)
15. It takes a long time to walk to university.
16. University staff provide advice on renting and accommodation.
17. Photography can be very useful to geography research.
18. Request for late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.
19. Slides and handouts can be downloaded after lectures. (待确认)
20. International exchanges form/formed the important part of our study program.
21. The transformation of media has changed the way information both used and studied.
22. Salt is produced from the sea water or extracted from the ground.
23. Career services provide tips on how to approach job interviews. (除了主谓单复数不确定,其他所有单词都确定)
24. The science we used featured both explanations of the problems. (变体)
25. The ... will not be received until the following weeks. (待确认)
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