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Last active April 24, 2022 12:11
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Generate seed data for Auth0 and MongoDB.
// Usage (from `server` directory):
// $ node -r dotenv/config -r esm src/scripts/seedData.js <PASSWORD>
import faker from "faker";
import gravatarUrl from "gravatar-url";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import auth0 from "../config/auth0";
import initMongoose from "../config/mongoose";
import Post from "../models/Post";
import Profile from "../models/Profile";
import Reply from "../models/Reply";
// Initialize Mongoose
// Set a randomness seed to retrieve consistent results from faker.js
// Check for password argument
const password = process.argv[2];
if (!password) {
throw new Error("You must provide a password argument.");
// Declare author and moderator role permissions
const authorPermissions = [
const moderatorPermissions = [
* Delete all existing Auth0 users
async function deleteAuth0Data() {
const users = await auth0.getUsers({ per_page: 100, page: 0 });
for (const user of users) {
await auth0.deleteUser({ id: user.user_id });
return "Auth0 data deleted...";
* Drop all existing documents from MongoDB collections
async function deleteMongoData() {
await Post.deleteMany({}).exec();
await Profile.deleteMany({}).exec();
await Reply.deleteMany({}).exec();
return "Mongo documents deleted...";
* Generate raw data to use for accounts, profiles, and content
function generateRawData() {
const fakerData = Array.from({ length: 5 }, () => {
// Create user data
const card = faker.helpers.contextualCard();
const { name, email, username } = card;
const avatar = gravatarUrl(email, { default: "mm" });
const description = faker.lorem.sentence();
// Create content
const posts = Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => {
return faker.lorem.sentence();
const replies = Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => {
return faker.lorem.sentence();
const user = {
email: email.toLowerCase(),
fullName: name,
username: username.toLowerCase()
return user;
return fakerData;
* Create Auth0 accounts from generated data
async function createAuth0Accounts(rawData) {
let accounts = [];
// Create 5 user accounts
for (const user of rawData) {
const account = await auth0.createUser({
app_metadata: {
groups: [],
roles: ["author"],
permissions: authorPermissions
connection: "Username-Password-Authentication",
password: user.password
// Upgrade first user account to a moderator role
{ id: accounts[0].user_id },
app_metadata: {
groups: [],
roles: ["moderator"],
permissions: authorPermissions.concat(moderatorPermissions)
return accounts;
* Create profile from generated raw data and Auth0 accounts
async function createProfiles(rawData, accounts) {
let profiles = [];
for (const user of rawData) {
// Use generated raw data and accounts data to create the profile object
const { avatar, description, email, fullName, username } = user;
// Get the `accountId` by matching the Auth0 account and raw user object on email
const { user_id } = accounts.find(account => email ===;
const profile = {
accountId: user_id,
// Create the new profile document
const newProfile = new Profile(profile);
const savedProfile = await;
return profiles;
* Create posts based on generated raw data and user profiles
async function createPosts(rawData, profiles) {
let posts = [];
// Loop through the profile documents
for (const profile of profiles) {
const { _id, username } = profile;
// Get posts that belong to the user (based on username)
const { posts: postsContent } = rawData.find(
user => username === user.username
// Loop over array of posts to create new documents for each post
for (let content of postsContent) {
const newPost = new Post({ authorProfileId: _id, text: content });
const savedPost = await;
// Block the user's eighth post
const [postToBlock] = await Post.find({ authorProfileId: _id })
await Post.updateOne({ _id: postToBlock._id }, { $set: { blocked: true } });
return posts;
* Create replies based on generated raw data, user profiles, and posts
async function createReplies(rawData, profiles, posts) {
let replies = [];
// Loop through the profile documents
for (const profile of profiles) {
const { _id, username } = profile;
// Get replies that belong to the user (based on username)
const { replies: repliesContent } = rawData.find(
user => username === user.username
// Loop over array of replies
for (let content of repliesContent) {
// Randomly assign a parent post to each reply
// Ensure the parent post wasn't written by the reply author
let postAuthorProfileId = _id;
let postId;
while (postAuthorProfileId === _id) {
const randomPost = faker.random.arrayElement(posts);
postAuthorProfileId = randomPost.authorProfileId;
postId = randomPost._id;
// Create new documents for each reply
const newReply = new Reply({
authorProfileId: _id,
text: content
const savedReply = await;
// Block the user's eighth reply
const [replyToBlock] = await Reply.find({ authorProfileId: _id })
await Reply.updateOne(
{ _id: replyToBlock._id },
{ $set: { blocked: true } }
return replies;
* Update profiles to follow other user profiles
async function followOtherUsers(profiles) {
let updatedProfiles = [];
// Loop through the profile documents
for (const profile of profiles) {
const { _id } = profile;
// Create an array with current user profile removed
const otherProfiles = profiles.filter(pro => pro._id !== _id);
// Shuffle the profiles, get the first three items, then create an array of their IDs
const profileIdsToFollow = faker.helpers
.slice(0, 3)
.map(pro => pro._id);
// Update the profile document
const updatedProfile = await Profile.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id },
{ $addToSet: { following: profileIdsToFollow } },
{ new: true }
return updatedProfiles;
* Populate Auth0 and MongoDB databases with data
async function populateAuth0AndMongo() {
const rawData = generateRawData();
const accounts = await createAuth0Accounts(rawData);
const profiles = await createProfiles(rawData, accounts);
const posts = await createPosts(rawData, profiles);
await createReplies(rawData, profiles, posts);
await followOtherUsers(profiles);
return "User and content data created...";
* Run all functions to clean and set-up data
async function seedData() {
try {
const auth0Result = await deleteAuth0Data();
const mongoResult = await deleteMongoData();
const populateResult = await populateAuth0AndMongo();
console.log("All done!");
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error: ${error}`);
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