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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Find the closest matches between predicted set and the truth set

This problem aims to find the accuracy of an appliance detection algorithm


We are given whole home energy data and a truth set of appliances defined by their wattage in Kilo Watts (kW)


A home has a fridge (200W), an electric vehicle (1500W) and a dryer (5000W) -->

truth set  [ 0.2, 5.0, 1.5 ]

After this data is analyzed a "detected" appliance set is created -->

detected set [ 0.19, 1.46, 1.12 ]

Find the True Positives (Detected correctly), False Positives (Detected incorrectly) and False Negatives (Did not detect)

A detected appliance is considered correct if it is within 10% of the truth.

In the above example

True Positives = [ 0.2 (0.19), 1.5 (1.46) ]   ---> Detected Fridge and Electric Vehicle Correctly
False Positives = [  _ (1.12) ]               ---> Detected a 1.12 kW appliance that was not present
False Negatives = [ 5.0 (_) ]                 ---> Failed to detect a 5.0 kW dryer
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