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Created October 25, 2017 23:03
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"name": "heist",
"parameters": {
"target": [
"magic item",
"person (rescue/capture)",
"piece of art",
"reverse heist: plant an object",
"nothing in particular--just steal a lot"
"catch": [
"masterwork lock",
"rival party"
"motivation": [
"thwart evil",
"powerful item",
"impress benefactor"
"benefactor motivation": [
"public; the target is on display, out in the open, like in a museum",
"secret; the target is being kept somewhere well hidden",
"magical; the target is in a pocket dimension, another plane, or in a dragon's dream",
"religious; the target is in a church, cultist hangout, or some other location of religious significance",
"inhospitable; the target is on a dangerous plane, in blizzard-wracked mountains, the underdark, or somewhere else where no one wants to go",
"important; the target is in a government building, dragon's hoard, or somewhere else that is doubly protected because the location itself is important"
"owner description": [
"naive; doesn't know what the object is or if it's dangerous",
"a thief, adventurer, or pirate",
"an outsider",
"a friend from the party's past"
"party advantage": [
"secret passcode to circumvent some challenges",
"a magic item to help overcome defenses/obstacles",
"an infiltration device, like a Ring of Waterbreathing",
"a mole working from inside the defenses",
"a distraction to draw defenders/resources away",
"surprise; no else is dumb enough to attempt this heist"
"target weakness": [
"aquatic; the target's location can be infiltrated by swimming or diving",
"arial; the target's location can be infiltration by flying or dropping in",
"magical; the target isn't protected against teleportation, or the defendors can be defeated with illusions",
"low quality guards; intimidation, bribes, or deception can defeat most of the defendors",
"a party/event; an invitation or costume can get the party close",
"the target location shares a wall/compound with a less well defended location (an office attached to a bank, a museum over a tunnel/cave system)"
"defender's method": [
"add party to the exhibits",
"kick party out",
"try to buy out the party's loyalty",
"destroy the exhibit before it can be stolen"
"unknown": [
"trick; the target isn't what the owner or the party thinks it is",
"desired by a powerful enemy; the heist upsets something much worse than the previous owner",
"fake; the target is a dud",
"the target wanted to be put on display/captured/heisted",
"the target is extremely dangerous",
"the target can't be taken by itself; the party will need to steal more than they bargained for"
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mammothbane commented Oct 25, 2017

this is a set of possible parameters for a d&d heist provided by /u/Applejaxc on reddit. it is meant for use with my simple table generator script.

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