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Created August 12, 2024 07:54
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Life Essay-随笔
🌲 An exploration of life's philosophy, personal growth, and self-actualization.
🌼 关于生活哲学、个人成长与自我实现的随笔/读书笔记。



















你不需要 TA 做什么,仅仅是 TA 的存在本身就已经给了你巨大的能量,让你在和世界的对抗中感觉有了坚强的后盾。

你不会去评判 TA 的懒散和躺平,反而你需要 TA 的那份安逸来帮你缓解焦虑。

你不会去批评 TA 惹祸精一样的闲不住,打碎了花瓶弄翻了桌子都是第一时间关心 TA 受伤了没,然后赶紧去打扫现场。

你接受 TA 的任何方面,哪怕是上完厕所不埋沙子就大摇大摆一屁股坐你新衣服上。


你不会要求 TA 按照你的想法去做改变,不会要求 TA 要做到如何如何你才会爱 TA,不会在 TA 要跑要跳要睡要闹的时候去干涉。

更不会对 TA 说,你看我有多么多么爱你,所以你要如何如何。

仅仅是 TA 的存在本身,就已经让你感觉幸运无比。

你只会默默准备好吃的、好喝的,默默帮 TA 清理猫砂,帮 TA 打扫战场,帮 TA 准备好玩具、衣服和驱虫药。



What Does It Feel Like to Be Loved?

Have you ever owned a cat?

Felines are solitary animals, high up in the food chain hierarchy.

Solitary creatures by nature have no social needs, meaning they do not require emotional feedback such as approval, encouragement, or affirmation from their peers. They are entirely self-sufficient and do not seek emotional value from the outside world.

They can naturally act according to their own will, doing whatever they please.

If they want to lie down, they can lie there for hours without moving, shifting position with the sun.

Once they've had enough rest, they get up and find something to play with, be it a vase on the table or a screw and beetle on the ground. Anything can be their toy, and they can play joyfully with any object for a long time.

When they're hungry, they seek food; when thirsty, they seek water.

Only when it decides it has played enough and wants a comfortable place to sleep does it come to its owner, nuzzle a couple of times, and find a soft spot on the thigh or belly to lie down and sleep.

Those who have owned cats know, do you need the cat to do anything according to your will?

There's no need at all.

Just its presence is enough to soothe all sorts of emotions.

After a tiring day at work, you come home and your mood instantly improves when you see the cat.

If you come home with grievances and emotions, seeing the cat leaves only happiness behind.

Tired and in pain, hold the cat, pet it, cuddle, and sleep, and your mood gets better.

That's it.

This is love and being loved.

Love and Being Loved

You don't need them to do anything; their mere existence already gives you tremendous energy, making you feel strong and supported in your confrontations with the world.

You won't judge their laziness and lying around; instead, you need their tranquility to help alleviate your anxiety.

You won't criticize them for being a troublemaker who can't stay still. If they break a vase or tip over a table, your first concern is whether they are hurt, and then you quickly clean up the scene.

You accept all aspects of them, even if they don't bury the sand after using the toilet and sit on your new clothes with a sway.

Even if they jump on your bed and sit on your face at dawn while you're sleeping soundly, you are willing to accept it.

You won't ask them to change according to your thoughts, you won't demand that they have to do such and such for you to love them, and you won't interfere when they want to run, jump, sleep, or make noise.

You won't even say to them, "Look at how much I love you, so you should do this or that."

Just their presence already makes you feel incredibly lucky.

You only silently prepare delicious food and drinks, silently help them clean the litter box, clean up the battlefield, and prepare their toys, clothes, and deworming medicine.

This is love.

From the other's perspective, this is being loved.

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