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Created October 31, 2019 14:03
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Decode strings in Ghidra from sample 11864ec73e6226f52a1e6e4074b33e89
from ghidra.program.model.listing import CodeUnit
decrypt_func = 0x004039a0
def decode(offset):
count = 0
res = b''
b = getByte(toAddr(offset))
while b != 0x0:
if b == 0x20:
res += ' '
elif count & 3 == 0:
res += chr(b - 0x3)
res += chr(b + 0x4)
except ValueError:
count += 2
b = getByte(toAddr(offset+count))
return res
def seek_back(inst):
while True:
prev = getInstructionBefore(inst)
#print "Searching %s" % prev.toString()
if "PUSH" in prev.toString():
inst = prev
return prev
refs = getReferencesTo(toAddr(decrypt_func))
for r in refs:
callee = r.getFromAddress()
inst = getInstructionAt(callee)
push_instr = seek_back(inst)
#push_instr = getInstructionBefore(inst)
if "PUSH" in push_instr.toString():
offset = push_instr.toString().split(' ')[-1]
comment = decode(int(offset,16))
print 'Adding comment %s to %s' % (comment, inst.getAddress())
cu = currentProgram.getListing().getCodeUnitAt(inst.getAddress())
cu.setComment(CodeUnit.PRE_COMMENT, comment)
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