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Created December 1, 2023 17:34
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AoC 2023 - Day 1
(ns maleghast.aoc2023.day1
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[ :as io])
(defn first-and-last
(str (first vec-of-nums-as-strings) (last vec-of-nums-as-strings)))
(defn numbers-as-text-to-digits
"Convert text expressions of numbers 1-9 into string digits"
{"oneight" "18"
"threeeight" "38"
"fiveight" "58"
"nineight" "98"
"twone" "21"
"eightwo" "82"
"eighthree" "83"
"sevenine" "79"
"one" "1"
"two" "2"
"three" "3"
"four" "4"
"five" "5"
"six" "6"
"seven" "7"
"eight" "8"
"nine" "9"}))
(defn get-coordinates-from-input-line
"Get a vector of individual ints from a string of mixed letters and numbers"
(->> input-string
(filter #(Character/isDigit %))
(apply str)
(#(str/split % #""))
(defn get-coordinates-from-input-line-improved
"Get a vector of individual ints from a string of mixed letters and numbers"
(->> input-string
(filter #(Character/isDigit %))
(apply str)
(#(str/split % #""))
(defn puzzle-1
"Callable entry point to the application."
(let [datastring (slurp (io/resource data-file))
prepared-data (str/split-lines datastring)]
(->> prepared-data
(map get-coordinates-from-input-line)
(reduce +))
(defn puzzle-2
"Callable entry point to the application."
(let [datastring (slurp (io/resource data-file))
prepared-data (str/split-lines datastring)]
(->> prepared-data
(map get-coordinates-from-input-line-improved)
(reduce +))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [soln1 (puzzle-1 "input.txt")
soln2 (puzzle-2 "input.txt")]
(println soln1)
(println soln2)))
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