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Forked from storoj/Notify.swift
Created July 24, 2023 08:10
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import notify
import Combine
enum Notify {}
extension Notify {
struct Status: Error {
let rawValue: UInt32
init(_ rawValue: UInt32) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
func ok() throws {
guard rawValue == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK else { throw self }
extension Notify {
struct Token {
typealias State = UInt64
typealias RawValue = Int32
var rawValue: RawValue = NOTIFY_TOKEN_INVALID
init(_ rawValue: RawValue) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
init(dispatch name: String, queue: DispatchQueue = .main, handler: @escaping notify_handler_t) throws {
try Status(notify_register_dispatch(name, &rawValue, queue, handler)).ok()
init(check name: String) throws {
try Status(notify_register_check(name, &rawValue)).ok()
func state() throws -> State {
var state: State = 0
try Status(notify_get_state(rawValue, &state)).ok()
return state
func cancel() throws {
try Status(notify_cancel(rawValue)).ok()
extension Notify {
class Listener {
private class Helper {
let name: String
var token: Token?
let publisher = PassthroughSubject<UInt64, Status>()
init(name: String) { = name
func subscribe() {
do {
token = try Token(dispatch: name) { [publisher] token in
do {
publisher.send(try Token(token).state())
} catch {
publisher.send(completion: .failure(error as! Status))
} catch {
publisher.send(completion: .failure(error as! Status))
func cancel() {
try? token?.cancel()
func value() throws -> UInt64 {
try Token(check: name).state()
private let helper: Helper
init(name: String) {
helper = Helper(name: name)
func value() throws -> UInt64 {
try helper.value()
lazy var publisher: AnyPublisher<UInt64, Status> = {
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { [helper] sub in
}, receiveCancel: helper.cancel)
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