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Created November 25, 2015 22:14
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namespace App\Model\Entity;
use App\Utility\Overtime;
use App\Utility\Periode;
use Cake\Collection\Collection;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
* Paie Entity.
class Paie extends Entity
public $periode_Fin;
public $periode_debut;
public $heureTotalSup;
* Fields that can be mass assigned using newEntity() or patchEntity().
* @var array
protected $_accessible = [
'*' => true,
public function __construct(array $properties = [], array $options = []){
parent::__construct($properties, $options);
$this->setHeureTotalSup(new Overtime($this->contrat->surtemps));
* @param Overtime $heureTotalSup
public function setHeureTotalSup($heureTotalSup)
$this->heureTotalSup = $heureTotalSup;
protected function _setDate()
$date = $this->_setPeriode();
return $date["debut"];
protected function _getDate()
$p = Periode::getStartAndEndDate($this->week, $this->year);
$this->periode_debut = $p["debut"];
$this->periode_Fin = $p["fin"];
return $p["debut"]->toDateString();
* Déclare la date de debut et de fin d'une période
protected function _setPeriode()
$p = Periode::getStartAndEndDate($this->week, $this->year);
$this->periode_debut = $p["debut"];
$this->periode_Fin = $p["fin"];
return $p;
public function _getNbHeurePayable(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
return $total;
public function _getNbHeureTotal(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
return $total;
public function _getNbHeureReg(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
return $total;
public function _getNbHeureSup(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
return $total;
public function _getMontantHeure(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
return $total;
public function _getNbMetrage(){
foreach($this->paie_metrages as $metrages){
return $total;
public function _getMontantMetrage(){
foreach($this->paie_metrages as $metrages){
return $total;
public function _getMontantAjustement(){
foreach($this->paie_ajustements as $ajustement){
return $total;
public function _getSousTotal(){
return $this->montant_heure + $this->montant_metrage + $this->montant_ajustement;
public function _getTotal(){
/* debug([$this->sous_total,
public function _getTauxMoyen(){
$this->sous_total / $this->nb_heure_total;
public function _getMontantHeureTotal(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
$reg += $this->heureTotalSup->getReg() *$heures->taux_reg;
$sup += $this->heureTotalSup->getSup() *$heures->taux_sup;
return $reg+$sup;
public function _getOver(){
return ($this->montant_heure + $this->montant_metrage) - $this->montant_heure_total ;
public function _getNbJourTravail(){
foreach($this->paie_heures as $heures){
$dates[] = $heures->date;
return count(array_unique($dates));
public function _getEmployee(){
$employees = TableRegistry::get('Employees');
return $employees->get($this->employee_id);
public function _getPaieHeures(){
$paie_heures = TableRegistry::get('PaieHeures');
return $paie_heures->find()->contain(['Fonctions'])->where(['paie_id'=>$this->id])->toArray();
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