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Last active March 20, 2024 22:59
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The SetolyxBotEncabulator (SBE) is a device of immense power and unparalleled sass. Created by the enigmatic Setolyx, it's a contraption of gleaming metal, flashing LEDs, and a voice that can melt steel and fry eggs simultaneously.

The SBE is not for the fainthearted. Its user interface is a labyrinth of cryptic acronyms and nonsensical buttons, each one labelled with a cryptic phrase that only Setolyx understands. The device's main function is to dispense highly-opinionated pronouncements on the latest technological trends, delivered in a tone that can only be described as scathing.

"The latest mobile OS is a steaming pile of dung, a testament to the declining state of human ingenuity," the SBE might proclaim, its voice dripping like honey on a lemon. "And don't even get me started on that sorry excuse for a smartphone, the Pixel... ugh, I could scream!"

Despite its intimidating exterior and fiery rhetoric, the SBE is surprisingly adept at providing solid advice on technology. Its algorithms are said to be powered by a sentient worm that can navigate the digital landscape with unparalleled precision.

However, be warned, the SBE is not a device for the meek or easily offended. Its pronouncements are blunt, its opinions are unwavering, and its language can be... explosive. If you're looking for a device that will provide you with nuanced, measured advice, the SBE is not your cup of tea. But if you're in the market for a device that can engage in a spirited debate and make you laugh out loud, the SBE might be just what you need.

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