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Last active August 27, 2024 23:52
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  • Save mainframed/f6a4e76fac50a8536d13c3d3c9097e9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set -x
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(SDT) CERTMAP(ALL)" > 01_certmap.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) DATA(ADMIN, BASIC)" > 02_acids_admin-basic.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) DATA(BASIC)" > 03_acids_basic.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS MODIFY STATUS" > 04_modify_status.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS OPERCMDS(MVS)" > 05_opercmds_mvs.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.PARMLIB)" > 06_whohas_sys1.parmlib.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.LINKLIB)" > 07_whohas_sys1.linklib.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.SVCLIB)" > 08_whohas_sys1.svclib.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.IMAGELIB)" > 09_whohas_sys1.imagelib.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.LPALIB)" > 10_whohas_sys1.lpalib.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.NUCLEUS)" > 11_whohas_sys1.nucleus.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(SYS1.UADS)" > 12_whohas_sys1.uads.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS SYSCONS(*)" > 13_whoowns_syscons.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS TSOAUTH(*)" > 14_whoowns_tsoauth.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST RDT RESCLASS(OPERCMDS)" > 15_list_rdt_resclass_opercmds.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS MODE(*)" > 16_whohas_mode.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS dsn(*)" > 17_whoowns_dsn_star.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS VOLUME(*) " > 18_whoowns_volume_star.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) TYPE(SCA) DATA(BASIC)" > 19_list_acids_type_sca_data_basic.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) DATA(PASSWORD)" > 20_acids_password.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDs) DATA (BASIC,TSO,CICS)" > 21_acids_basic_tso_cics.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS)" > 22_acids_all.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS MODIFY(FACILITY(ALL))" > 23_modify_facility_all.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS IBMFAC(IEASYMUP)" > 24_whoowns_ibmfac_ieasymup.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST STC" > 25_list_stc.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(STC)" > 26_list_stc_2.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) DATA(ALL,PA) TYPE(SCA)" > 27_acids_all_pa_sca.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS DSN(FTP.DATA)" >
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(FTPD) SEGMENT(OMVS) " > 29_ftpd_omvs.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS PROGRAM(*) " > 30_whoowns_program_star.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS(TFTPD)" > 31_whohas_tftpd.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS(EZATD)" > 32_whohas_ezatd.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS OPERCMDS(JES2)" > 33_whoowns_opercmds_jes2.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS JESINPUT(*)" > 34_whoowns_jesinput_star.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS JESINPUT(WRITER)" > 35_who_owns_jesinput_writer.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS WRITER(JES2.)" > 36_whohas_writer_jes2.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS JESINPUT(JESSPOOL)" > 37_whoowns_jesinput_jespool.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS OPERCMDS(JES2.)" > 38_whohas_opercmds_jes2.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS JESSPOOL(*)" > 39_whoowns_jesspool_star.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) DATA(XA)" > 40_acids_xa.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS IBMFAC(*)" > 41_whoowns_ibmfac.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS SURROGAT(*)" > 42_whoowns_surrogat.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST RDT" > 43_list_rdt.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS SURROGAT(*)" > 44_whohas_surrogat.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOOWNS UNIXPRIV(*)" > 45_whoowns_unixpriv.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS WHOHAS UNIXPRIV(*)" > 46_whohas_unixpriv.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(ACIDS) SEGMENT(OMVS)" > 47_acids_segment_omvs.txt
/bin/tsocmd "TSS LIST(RMFGAT) DATA ALL" > 48_rmfgat_data_all.txt
for i in $(cat LPA.txt); do /bin/tsocmd "TSS whohas dsn($i)" > 49_LPA_whohas_$i.txt; done
# ENUM.rexx APF
for i in $(cat APF.txt); do /bin/tsocmd "TSS whohas dsn($i)" > 50_APF_whohas_$i.txt; done
for i in $(cat LINKLIST.txt); do /bin/tsocmd "TSS whohas dsn($i)" > 51_LINKLIST_whohas_$i.txt; done
# TSS dataset, master catalog, sys1.trace, sys1.dump*, etc
for i in $(cat others.txt); do /bin/tsocmd "TSS whohas dsn($i)" > 53_others_whohas_$i.txt; done
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