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Last active August 23, 2024 10:19
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Generate captcha image

Captcha image generator

def create_captcha_image() -> List[Union[BytesIO, str]]:
def rand_color_one():
return random.randint(64, 255), random.randint(64, 255), random.randint(64, 255)
def rand_color_two():
return random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127)
def rand_str():
result = [
random.choice([chr(_) for _ in range(1570, 1595)]),
random.choice([chr(_) for _ in range(1570, 1595)]),
random.choice([chr(_) for _ in range(1777, 1786)]),
random.choice([chr(_) for _ in range(1777, 1786)]),
# random.choice([chr(_) for _ in range(97, 123)]),
# random.choice([str(_) for _ in range(0, 10)]),
return result
width = 512
height = 512
image ='RGB', (width, height), (255, 255, 255))
font = ImageFont.truetype(r'Sahel.ttf', 100)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
draw.point((x, y), fill=rand_color_one())
text = rand_str()
draw.text((30, 170), text[0], rand_color_two(), font=font, align='center')
draw.text((150, 170), text[1], rand_color_two(), font=font, align='center')
draw.text((270, 170), text[2], rand_color_two(), font=font, align='center')
draw.text((390, 170), text[3], rand_color_two(), font=font, align='center')
output = BytesIO(), format='jpeg')
return [output, ' '.join(text), ' '.join(rand_str()), ' '.join(rand_str()), ' '.join(rand_str())]
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