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How to replace default charset used by wslite responses
@Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite', version='1.1.2'),
import wslite.http.HTTP
String restEndpoint = "http://someurl"
String someId = "123"
def client = new RESTClient(restEndpoint)
def myResponse = getWithDefaultCharsetUTF8 {
client.get(path:"/someresource/$someId", accept: ContentType.XML)
def getWithDefaultCharsetUTF8(closure){
def c = closure.clone()
c.delegate = this
HTTP.metaClass.'static'.getDEFAULT_CHARSET = { -> 'UTF-8' }
def response = c()
HTTP.metaClass.'static'.getDEFAULT_CHARSET = { -> 'ISO-8859-1' }
return response
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